; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, novembre 14, 2017

Daily 2 Cents: Victim of Alien Surgery -- Remains of Buddha Found? -- Psychics' Prediction...'Chaos Ahead'

Victim of Alien Surgery

Orlando, Florida - 2002-05-02: I was asleep. The next thing I remember is laying on a table and blurry people standing around and my womb being scraped. This occurred twice in a month. My eggs were harvested as well. I did not believe what happened but I told my friend anyway. This year I went to have a cyst removed and the doctor says I thought you never had surgery before. I said no never. He asked you sure? I said I think I would have known. He said there's a lot of scarring. Now I know my experience in 2002 was a reality. I.m scared and baffled - MUFON


Remains of Buddha Found?

In what could be an enormously significant finding for Buddhists around the world, archaeologists in China have unearthed an ancient ceramic box containing cremated human remains, which carries an inscription saying they belong to Buddha, also known as Siddhārtha Gautama.

Siddhartha Gautama, also known as the Buddha or “Enlightened One,” is probably one of the most influential individuals to come out of India through the founding of Buddhism. He is believed to have lived and taught mostly in the eastern part of ancient India sometime between the 6 th and 4 th centuries BC. According to the Mahaparinibbana Sutta of the Pali canon, at the age of 80, the Buddha announced that he would soon reach Parinirvana, or the final deathless state, and abandon his earthly body.

After his death, Buddha's cremation relics are said to have been divided amongst 8 royal families and his disciples. Legends say that, centuries later, they were enshrined by King Ashoka into 84,000 stupas. Many of the remains were supposedly taken to other countries. Read more at BREAKING: Remains of Buddha Found? 2,500-Year-Old Cremated Bones with Revealing Inscription Unearthed in China


Psychics' Prediction...'Chaos Ahead'

Identical twins who are said to have predicted the 9/11 terror attacks and spoken to several celebrities from beyond the grave have revealed their forecast for 2018.

Their forecast comes as 2017 has been marked by dozens of tragedies including earthquakes, hurricanes, shootings, and terror attacks.

The death toll from Sunday’s earthquake on Iraq-Iran border has risen to at least 450 people as rescuers continue to search through the rubble.

Now Terry and Linda Jamison, who have internationally been dubbed The Psychic Twins, have warned of a “chaotic couple of years ahead” starting in 2018.

According to the twins next year will also see devastating terror attacks “intensifying”.

The pair previously claimed to have foreseen the 9/11 terror attack and communicated with dead celebrities such as Princess Diana and Michael Jackson. Read more at Psychic twins ‘who predicted 9/11’ forecast CHAOTIC 2018 – but also Brexit boost


'Can you hear me?'

“The night my grandfather died, I woke up from a semi-conscious dream in a daze after hearing a voice asking 'Can he hear me? Can he hear me?' It sounded like a child, weird. Then another voice, 'He hears you.' Then another voice, 'He hears me!' It was really odd. As I lay there in the bed for a minute regaining full consciousness, the phone in the other room rings. I heard my mother saying 'Yes, okay, we'll be right there.' Then she came into my room immediately and said 'Wake up, Grandpop just died and I need you to drive your grandmother and I to the nursing home.' When we got there, my grandfather was laying in his bed, gripping a rosary. When my mother asked if the nursing home staff put it in his hands before he died, the young woman said "no, we found him like this.' Something about the whole experience still freaks me out to this day.”

Source: Youtube Comments, Jacob Fennell

JLB - Beyond Creepy


FREE KINDLE BOOK - 2 DAYS ONLY! Wednesday November 15th - Friday November 17th...go to the link provided and download 'Phantoms & Monsters: Mysterious Encounters' for FREE! This is a small 'thank you' before the release of 'Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids' Thanks & enjoy!



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