; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, octobre 16, 2017

Daily 2 Cents: When Grandma Called -- Female Ghost Chases Men From Village -- Mysterious Fires Plague Family

When Grandma Called

Felissa in California called in to tell of a weird experience she had:

“I have a nephew. He's 30 and he and I are very close. My mom passed away two years ago and she and I were not close at all. So she passed away and about three weeks later I was doing something important. I turned over my phone and I saw that I missed a call from her which was creepy enough. I was talking to my nephew and he said, 'Hey, guess what happened three weeks after grandma died?' I said, 'What?' He said, 'I turned off my phone and I missed a call from her,' and I said, 'You sure?' He goes, 'Yeah, my phone never rang but when I turned it over, it was there.'

We had the very same experience three weeks after she passed. (George Noory wanted to know if somebody was playing around with her phone) No, actually, her phone was stolen from the facility where she passed away and so the day that I realized they stole her phone, I turned it off, alright, so it shouldn't have been... nobody could use it then.”

Source: Coast To Coast AM - September 6, 2017

JLB - Beyond Creepy


Female Ghost Chases Men From Village

Men have fled an Indian village after people in the town feared a female ghost was attacking male residents.

It appears as though only women are now living in the tiny village of Kasiguda, in the Nirmal district of Telangana, after reports of the ghost.

Word of the reported ghost spread throughout the town of 60 residents after three people, including two brothers, were killed in the village within a three-month period.

People in the now-abandoned village claimed that a female ghost had strangled the men who were killed.

The village was once inhabited by stone workers, but now doors are locked and windows have been shuttered. Read more at
Men flee Indian village after 'female, man-hating ghost that only attacks males' forces them to abandon their homes


Mysterious Fires Plague Family

KOTA BARU: Six years ago, Zainab Sulaiman and her family claimed to have suffered from “paranormal activity”, including mysterious fires at their home in Kampung Penambang Mas near Pantai Cahaya Bulan.

The phenomena lasted for several months, resulting in the former petty trader and her family suffering huge losses, including the destruction of their wooden house and other valuable properties.

Though still unable to explain the things that were happening to her family, Zainab was glad when the occurrences stopped.

But the 80-year-old and her family are now suffering again, claiming that the paranormal activity began again last month.

Zainab claimed unexplained fires again occurred, damaging her house and another belonging to her sister.

“The latest incident happened on Friday. I was at our rental homestay with my daughter Ropeah Zakaria, 50, and her three children, aged between 17 and 21, when suddenly five unexplained mysterious fires started to burn our clothes and prayer mats.

“Worried the fire would spread to the whole house, we immediately took some water and splashed the fires,” she said.

Zainab said, since the incident, they are having sleepless nights worrying that the fire will occur while everyone was asleep.

“Since last month, we have called all sorts of religious experts and even bomoh to help us but the mischievous spirits continue to disturb my family,” she said.

Making the situation worse, she said, many neighbours seemed to be avoiding coming close to them and some even refused to rent their houses to her family.

“Since last month, we have to rent a homestay in the village because we could not find a house to rent. Many villagers refused to allow us to rent their homes as they are afraid of the mysterious fires might destroy the houses,” said Zainab. - Kelantan family claim 'mischievous spirits' plaguing them with 'mysterious fires'


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