Selfie w/ Elephant...Not Good
Yet another selfie horror, as a man was crushed to death by an elephant in Odisha's Sundargarh district on Saturday while trying to taking a selfie with the already infuriated animal.
According to a forest official, the man, identified as Ashok Bharti, 54, a resident of Cuttack but working with a private company in Sundargarh, was crushed to death in Mandiakudar area of Rourkela in the district. He was
"We were trying to drive away the tusker with the help of local people. But suddenly a person present there among locals, went nearer to the tusker and tried to take a photograph of the elephant on his mobile phone. He was also trying to take a selfie with the elephant when it turned on him," said the official.
Forest officials and locals rescued the critically injured Bharti and took him to Rourkela government hospital where doctors declared him dead.
"As per the provisions, we will provide compensation to the family of the deceased," said Assistant Conservator of Forest, Rourkela, JK Mohanty. - Man Tries To Take A Selfie With Elephant, It Goes Horribly Wrong As He Gets Crushed To Death In Odisha
'Smelling' Ghosts In My House
I recently received the following account:
Hi Lon...Last week my resident spirit/ghost made his usual visit. He smokes a cigar outside and then comes inside to reside in the living room. I've written about this in the past. He was the brother of the previous farm owner who had come to this home near the end of his life to die. The farm owners wife, who is still alive and a friend, told me about him.
This past week on two separate occasions visitors saw his apparition, something I've never seen. I just smell ghosts.
The first is a 34 y/o worker for the farm I'm on. He comes to me to learn to read. (Somehow the school system failed him.) He sits in a chair in the kitchen that has a narrow view of the living room and beyond. He asked if someone was in the house with me and I told him no. He then said he saw someone in the far room going to my bedroom area. I told him it was the resident ghost. He wasn't upset, and we continued on our reading quest.
Two days later one of my neighbors came by for dinner. He sat in the same chair as the farm-hand. He then asked if someone was in the house with me, again I told him no, and he told me he saw someone crossing the living room and heading to my bedroom area.
Odd that I can smell but not see the three ghosts in this house. (House is 200+ years old.)
Cheers, BF

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