Welcome to Arcane Radio, presented by Darker Days Network. This week, our friend & colleague, Pennsylvania UFO / anomalies investigator Stan Gordon joins us on Arcane Radio. Stan has been the leading authority on anomalous activity in the Keystone State for the past 50 years. Since the late 1960’s, Stan has lectured to the public on the UFO subject, as well as appearing on numerous radio shows and TV productions. He has written three 'casebooks', including his most recent 'Astonishing Encounters.' We'll surely have a lot to discuss. Don't miss this interesting show! Join us on Thursday September 28th - 10PM-12MID ET - go to www.arcaneradio.com and click the 'LISTEN' tab, then click the Arcane Radio arrow. The chat room is there as well...sign-up and be a part of the conversation!
Arcane Radio Facebook Event - Stan Gordon - Pennsylvania UFO / Anomalies Investigator
Round Tracks in the Snow
Cheryl in Clearmont, Missouri called in to tell of her weird experience:
“I just want to say, I'm 70 years old. I had an experience when I was 40. I came home one evening...it was in the dead of winter in 1984. This occurred in Bonner Springs, Kansas, a small town west of Kansas City, Kansas. We had snow on the ground for quite some time. It was bitter cold like around 0. My son was 16. He's a country boy. Him and his friend across the street had been out in the country and they were very excited because they found bear tracks. And I'm like, 'Oh really?' And the first thing I got was, older kids, snow and they made tracks. They wanted me to go and take them to see these tracks at 10 o'clock at night and it was bitter cold and I'm like, 'No. No.' Well, my son was so excited. He was just, 'Mom, you have to see. Mom, you have to see.' So I grabbed a little 35-mileometer camera, I had one picture left and I grabbed a big flashlight.
We drove 10 minutes outside of town in the boondocks. As we rounded the car by a farm field my son said, 'Instead of taking the road, stop and aim the car, your headlights, shine them across that field.' Well, I said, 'Okay, let's just think, I'm gonna walk across the field in the middle of the dark? No way.' So I aimed my lights across the field. We got out and my son said, 'Don't worry, it's just not very far, just, you know, like maybe, you know, 20 feet, you don't have to, we're not gonna go far.' So we started walking. My first thing, I stomp the snow. It was about 8 inches of snow on a hill and you couldn't even make a dent with your heel. I stomp and stomped. My first thing was, I thought, well, one thing about it, the boys didn't pick up snow and make these tracks but they're gonna show me. So, what we saw were these enormous tracks. They were round. My son has been a tracker since he was 5 years old. He's always tracked animals, studied books, well, the first thing he said was, 'Mom, these tracks are bipedal' and so we started looking. I couldn't jump from one track to the next and they were not shaped like a human foot but they were round. These tracks were round like a dinner plate and they were very very deep and there was nothing else that touched the snow. It was a total field and far far away was a tree line and they were heading for a farmer's field.”
Source: Coast to Coast Radio - July 25, 2014
JLB - Beyond Creepy
Russian Cannibal Couple Arrested...Killed 30
Blood-chilling photos on a cell phone found by a construction worker have led to the capture of a suspected cannibal couple in Russia, who according to local media ate over two dozen people after committing murders over a period spanning 20 years.
The allegations covered by various media outlets are nothing short of spine-chilling.
According to initial reports, the couple, from Russia’s Krasnodar Region, has allegedly been involved in the gruesome practice since 1999. It was also said that the couple was in fact responsible for the deaths of up to 30 people.
The gruesome details by the media even went far as to state that the duo – who lived in a military dormitory – not only engaged in the practice on their own, but also sought to “serve the men.”
The couple reportedly manufactured canned human meat for their own stockpile and to feed to the servicemen in the nearby military school, where the woman worked as a nurse.
Seven packs of body parts, 19 samples of human skin, and human remains pickled in jars were all found in the freezer and cellar of the Krasnodar house of horrors, according to Russian media reports.
Officials have so far not confirmed the allegations, although the details revealed by the authorities are shocking. Read more at Selfies with human remains: Russian ‘cannibal couple’ detained after gruesome find
The Man Who Willingly Disappeared With Aliens
Thirty-five years ago, Granger Taylor left a note saying he was boarding an alien spaceship for an interstellar journey. He was never seen again.
Today Robert Keller looks out of his office window, thinking about the last time he saw his best friend more than 30 years ago.
"Granger and I were inseparable for years... everywhere he went I was on his heels... Granger and I were like best friends."
On the evening of November 29, 1980, 32-year-old Granger Taylor left his parents a peculiar note before vanishing from their farm in Duncan, a small town on southern Vancouver Island.
The note read:
"Dear Mother and Father,
I have gone away to walk aboard an alien spaceship, as recurring dreams assured a 42-month interstellar voyage to explore the vast universe, then return. I am leaving behind all my possessions to you as I will no longer require the use of any. Please use the instructions in my will as a guide to help.
Love, Granger."
Read more at The Man Who Went to Space and Disappeared
Bat-like Flying Humanoid Sightings Continue to come from Chicago's Little Village
Near Death Experiences in Combat Veterans
HOAX: The Corrientes Humanoid
Unexplained Strange Howling Noises Terrify Scottish Island
Your Brain Sees Faces, Even When You Don't
Ghost Hunt Kit - Spirit Box - 822A & MEL EMF Meters - Recorder - Case & More
Scientific Paranormal Investigation: How to Solve Unexplained Mysteries
2017 Wifi Full Spectrum Camcorder, 1080P Full HD 30FPS Infrared Night Vision Paranormal Investigation Camcorder with Video Recorder 18X Digital Zoom - Ghost Hunting Camera (16GB SD Card Included)
Ghost Hunting Paranormal Equipment - Proximity Sensor Alarm REM Pod Like Device

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