; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, août 31, 2017

Grim Reaper & Dragon Manifestations

Drew in Texas called in to tell of his weird experiences:

“So when I was really young, I’d say 8 or 9 years old, I was at my house. I was getting ready to go to bed. For some reason, I decided I needed to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water or something. I left the room and turned the corner to go to the kitchen, probably 15 feet ahead of me. I saw, what I swear was the Grim Reaper – the very iconic, you know, the dark robe, the sickle, just standing there. It petrified me for a couple of seconds and then I ran up to my room and, me being the kid that I was, I told my mom what I saw. To her, she probably thought or dismissed it as something a tired kid had imagined. It was one of those really strange things that I saw that I still can't explain. (Lewis asks if he could see a skull beneath the robe) Really, it just looked like robes that were floating there. I didn't see a skull or anything coming through because it seemed like the cape at the top was draped over it. It was dark on the inside and it was as tall as the doorway, so I’d say it was 6 or 6'2 feet tall. Just very still and very ominous. It was so long ago that aside from an old fashioned cartoon, I can't imagine where I would have seen that.

Not too long after that, this was back in 1998 or 1999, the world wide web was still very wild and my friends and I, we were into Dungeons and Dragons and just the normal paranormal stuff that you're into when you're a kid. I was probably about 12 years old and my buddy and I we were searching on the net...Druidic spells. We came across this one where we could supposedly summon a dragon. So I had the bright idea where I wrote down the spell, the enchantment or whatever, and it was really late at night and I went into my bedroom, turned off all the lights and I did everything the instructions told me. I sat cross legged on the floor, closed my eyes and I began to hum. I was chanting to myself and I did it for maybe 15 or 20 minutes and then I opened my eyes and right in front of me, not even a foot, were these really deep bright yellow eyes that were staring back at me that looked like cat eyes. I jumped up and ran out of the room. I crossed that off my list as something I would never do again because it was just so scary and so real.”

Source: Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis – March 30, 2017

JLB - Beyond Creepy

NOTE: Seems to me that this guy has been realizing thought-form manifestations. I wonder if he or his family ever experienced poltergeist activity? Lon

The Slenderman Mysteries: An Internet Urban Legend Comes to Life

Magical Use of Thought Forms: A Proven System of Mental & Spiritual Empowerment

Creatures of Thought: The Creation of Living Thought-Forms And The Mastery of Your Reality

Earth Mind, Earth Memories: How Ghosts, Tulpas, Strange Lights and UFOs' Exist Inside the Mind and Memories of the Living Earth

Daily 2 Cents: Pennsylvania Police Officer Encounters 'Glowing Head' Humanoid -- 'Chicago Phantom'...Currently 40 Sightings in 2017 -- This is How Mankind Ends

Sketch Used With Permission of the Witness

Police Officer Encounters Strange Creature with Glowing Head in Pennsylvania- Late August, 2017

I received the following account from Pennsylvania UFO & anomaly researcher Stan Gordon:

On an evening in late August, 2017, a police officer riding down a road in a wooded location in a southwestern section of Westmoreland County, PA saw something that startled him. Ahead of him on the side of the road, the officer observed what appeared to be a ball of very dull white light low to the ground. He was familiar with the area and had never noticed any type of lighting in that location. As he moved closer and was about 50 yards from the round light, it suddenly rose up or stood up from the ground.

It was then that the witness observed something that he couldn’t process. The officer told me, “it was the weirdest thing I have ever seen.” The ball of light was actually the head of a very strange being that looked to be about 6 feet tall or larger. It was tall and almost skeleton thin. The officer was of the opinion that the creature when he first observed it, had been lying on its belly on the ground with its head facing toward the road. It then stood up facing the road. In that dark location, he saw the dull light from the glowing head illuminating the upper section of the body of the creature.

While the officer watched, the creature turned toward the right. The dull illumination from the head lit up the shoulder area. The creature then turned and faced him, then turned to the left and took off at an incredible speed away towards a location away from the road. As it moved off, the witness could see its arms swinging. The officer indicated that it took off at a speed that you could only call abnormal. “it was faster than anything I have ever seen. It was there, then it was gone.”  The witness assumed that the creature moved on two legs, however, he could not see the lower sections of the body in the dark.

The witness described what he saw as standing 6 feet or taller. The head was about 8-10 inches in diameter and shaped like a ball. He said the head was just a ball of light, possibly egg shaped but pretty round. The light emitted seemed to be just a dull white. The light illuminated the shoulders, the top of the chest and a section of the arms. The witness could not see the hands. The chest looked to be about 18 inches across. The waist appeared to be small, but the arms were abnormally long. The long limbs also looked skeletal with no muscle mass. The skin tone of the body appeared to be dull grayish-blue. The witness could not see any facial features.

The entire experience only lasted about 10 seconds. The officer was confused as to what he saw and about what could move so fast. He pulled up his vehicle to the location where the creature and been standing and turned on his vehicle spotlight. He looked around the area but saw no evidence on the ground. The officer, after the experience, continued to try to make sense out of what he had encountered but he could not figure it out. I was contacted soon after the incident and we later discussed the incident in detail.

Notes: While this is a very strange report, many very odd creature encounters have been reported for years from Pennsylvania and all across the country. There have been other reports somewhat similar, and there have been other cases reported where the creature involved had a glowing effect in the dark.

During the many years that I have been investigating such cases in Pennsylvania, I had the opportunity to interview state troopers and municipal police officers who also reported some very strange encounters. In most cases, they talked with me confidentially about what had taken place. Stan Gordon


'Chicago Phantom'...Currently 40 Sightings in 2017

Chicago Phantom / Owlman / Mothman / Man-Bat / Flying Humanoid Reports - Chicago Metro Area - Interactive Map


This is How Mankind Ends

A group of 50 Nobel Prize winners has spoken out to reveal the 10 greatest threats to mankind.

In a survey, the brainboxes revealed fears that nuclear war, environmental disaster and even Facebook pose a risk to the future of our species.

The experts who responded are known as laureates and represent one-quarter of the living Nobel prize winners in chemistry, physics, physiology, medicine and economics - making them arguably some of the cleverest people in the world.

Just over a third (34 per cent) said population rise or environmental degradation represented the gravest apocalypse risk.

In second place was nuclear war, followed by infectious disease and drug resistant bugs.

Artificial intelligence was also highlighted as a risk, as well as selfishness, inequality, terrorism and even Donald Trump.

Facebook and drugs were also named as threats, coming in at joint 10th place after both being identified by one respondent.

“Humans are very busy with the greatest climate change experiment since the ice ages," John Mather, a senior scientist in cosmology at NASA, told Times Higher Education, which carried out the survey. Read more at Apocalypse predictions from Nobel Prize winners reveal the 10 greatest threats to humanity – from nuclear war to Donald Trump or Facebook



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Make a small donation to Phantoms & Monsters, and be eligible to receive signed copies of 'Phantoms & Monsters: Mysterious Encounters' and 'Phantoms & Monsters: Unexplained Encounters.' 2 sets are available. As well, you'll be placed on a special mailing list to receive a free signed copy of my next book...due to be released before the new year. Free shipping is included.

To become eligible, simply forward a donation of $5 by using one of the donation buttons on the blog or newsletter, or go to Paypal.com and use my email lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com as the payee.

This offer will end on Thursday September 7th at 10 PM ET...the date of Arcane Radio's premiere presentation on WCJV Digital Broadcasting

Thanks for your support of the Phantoms & Monsters newsletter, blog and research...and for listening to Arcane Radio! The recipients will be randomly selected during the radio show.



'Huge Flying Shadow' Seen by Bird Watcher in Western Suburb of Chicago

Worm Creature is Seen in Taiwan and a Shell ‘Monster’ in Wales

Chinese Skeletons Found in Ancient Peruvian Pyramid

Prehistoric fossils suggest modern dogs evolved from a single population of wolves

Nessie heads for bumper year with six monster sightings in eight months

Parasite Rex: Inside the Bizarre World of Nature's Most Dangerous Creatures

Cryptozoology A To Z: The Encyclopedia of Loch Monsters, Sasquatch, Chupacabras, and Other Authentic Mysteries of Nature

Savage Jungle: Lair Of The Orang Pendek

The Mythical Creatures Bible: The Definitive Guide to Legendary Beings

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'Phantoms and Monsters' was establish in September 2005 as part of PM Media
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mercredi, août 30, 2017

Bird Watcher Observes 'Huge Flying Shadow' Over Possum Hollow Woods

I received a telephone call on Tuesday August 29, 2017 at 5:15 PM ET from a woman 'NL' who is a resident of LaGrange Park, a western suburb of Chicago. The witness lives near Possum Hollow Woods, an area where she is an avid bird / raptor watcher.

She states that at approximately 3:45 PM CT on Tuesday August 29th, she was along N. LaGrange Rd. watching the skies above Possum Hollow Woods and Salt Creek. As she looked skyward, she observed what she described as a 'huge flying shadow' glide across the sky at approximately 100-150 ft above the trees. Since she a very familiar with the raptors in the area, this sighting shocked her. She later referred to the photograph from the Melrose Park sighting, stating that the shape was very similar.

As she continued to watch, she realized that this was an unknown flying being...and that the wings were broad and rounded in form. Then suddenly, the winged being dipped and descended into a vertical dive at a fantastic speed that the witness could hardly comprehend. As it dove into the trees, hundreds of small birds scattered into skies. She remained at the location for several more minutes, but the being didn't rise out of the woods.

The witness found my contact information and immediately called me...only 30-40 minutes after her sighting. She was very calm, and stated that she had a 'whimsical' reaction to the sighting, noting that it almost seemed that the winged being wanted her to see it and that it was 'giving her a message' that it knew that she was there watching it. She said that she was set to take a photo, just before the being went into the amazing dive into the woods.

Her description was that the body was 6 1/2 to 7 ft in height and that the wing span was 10-12 wide. The wings were rounded like that of an insect with no sharp edges, but were attached along the body. She did not observe any details of a head. She was emphatic that whatever it was, that it was 'definitely a living being.' The color was very dark or black. There was no sound.

Thanks to Emily Bartos of The Singular Fortean Society

NOTE: 'NL' intends to keep an eye out in the area of Possum Hollow Woods and the adjacent preserve locations. The witness and I talked twice after her initial call. She is very knowledgeable about Chicago's history and added some insight that may be valuable as we continue to investigate these sightings. A sketch is being worked on by the witness. Any updates will be included with this post. This sighting has been added to the Chicago Phantom / Owlman / Mothman / Man-Bat / Flying Humanoid Reports - Chicago Metro Area - Interactive Map

Have you had a sighting of a flying humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area or nearby? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Phantom', 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'Chicago Man-Bat.' Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated. You can call me directly at 410-241-5974 as well. Thanks...Lon Strickler #ChicagoPhantom

The Phantoms & Monsters 'Encounters' series - 5 books available

Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles & Other Winged Beasts


The Mothman Prophecies: A True Story

Return of the Prophecies of Mothman

Daily 2 Cents: The M6 and Paris 'Paranormal Crash' Update -- Bizarre 'Shadow Person' Encounter -- Who Killed Princess Diana?

The M6 and Paris 'Paranormal Crash' Update

This is a case that I have been keeping an eye on for over 7 years. I recently received the following information:


I've been turning up some interesting new evidence and this is helping in trying to unravel this mystery.

Firstly that domain name is strange in as much that is actually does nothing and appears to have no reason to exist, what's even stranger is this info:


I am looking into this at the moment as the street does exist in Manchester but there doesn't appear to be a link to Colin Luigi.

I've been doing some more digging and looked at the 1of26 Twitter feed again, but it appears to be all manner of dead ends so I'm not sure what to make of it. John Titor and Ronald Mallett are named in it though and both of these names are linked to time travel.

Titor appears to be a fictitious character from a few years ago however Mallett is the real deal - he's a top US physicist:


I've managed to clean up the sound on this interview and you can clearly hear the suspects name being confirmed as Steve Garner - he does that after 25 seconds.

It also confirms that Garner was in the morgue and it also confirms he was tampering with dead bodies - something that Mark Collins wrote about in one of his reports.


1 min 34 seconds - the policeman confirms that doctors have never seen that device before.


This is the first real evidence I have to confirm a potential suspects name to another piece of evidence and also to Mark Collins' reports.

As you can imagine I am now working on the other files to see if they turn anything up.

But to have confirmation that Mark Collins' appears to be right after all these years is a major breakthrough.

Thanks, Time For Answers

As well as the following email:

Hey Lon,

This is SG from the UK, a long time blog reader and enthusiast of your site! I hope you're doing well and can remember that we have corresponded before about the multiple vehicle freeway pile up some years back on the M6 motorway in England that had mysterious elements to it and also linked to a similarly weird vehicle crash in Paris, France. Later there was an investigation by Mark Collins, but the trail went cold. There were intriguing hints of time travel and ''other dimensional'' elements to the story as well.

Another investigator, calling himself ''Time For Answers'' emerged and I updated you about him. Now, about a year since I last heard from him, I received this email (posted above), which is self explanatory. I've listened to the new video, but my computer can't pick up any meaningful dialogue. Perhaps you can do better..

You will see at the end that he asked me to forward his email on to you. I don't know if you can make anything of it, or even have any continuing interest in this story, but I can't get this odd event out of my mind and still hope it may lead somewhere at sometime...like the Todd Sees case which is also endlessly fascinating.

All the best to you, SG


Here are my previous posts:

Security Footage Surfaces - The Paris 'Paranormal' Crash

New Information Surfaces on the Paris 'Paranormal' Crash

The M6 Crash and Paris Accident: Redux

'Fact or Fiction: The M6 & Paris Crashes'

Investigators Hunt For Key Witness In M6 Paranormal Crash


Bizarre 'Shadow Person' Encounter

“I remember years ago when I was a teenager, me and my mom were at a Peter Piper Pizza when I was having so much fun playing the arcade games there I lost track of time, Before I knew it the time was approaching almost 10 PM so we decided to leave but eat and drink as much as we could from our order before we left all together. The Peter Piper pizza was surrounded by other businesses and its position made our walk home that much further. Our walk home took about an hour or so and when he approached the security gate next to the office we easily were able to go inside since the key pad on the gate wasn't activated which offered no real protection to the people. After we made our way inside we still had a good 10 minute walk back our section toward our apartment we lived at, so we took our sweet time walking back following a long side walk that led us back directly to our apartment. On our way back we were in deep conversation and joking about our experience at Peter Piper's that we didn't realize that there was no sound around us. No crickets. Nothing.

When we finally made it back to our apartment we were still in deep conversation and I had my back toward the fence as my mom was looking for her apartment key in her pocket, when we heard a noise behind us. The lights from our as well as other apartments in our area barely reach the end of the fence around us, which barely reached the field next to it kids used to practice. In this case the lights from the apartment(s) only reached pass a certain point pass the long fence behind us when we heard the sound of the fence move. We immediately stopped talking and both looked behind us to see the apartment lights reach just far enough to make out to our horror a solid black figure on the other side of the fence. It wasn't a regular person but a physical shadow of that person. The light that was protruding thru the fence allowed us to see it clearly. It had no physical features either. A 'living' physical shadow without its physical body at night is a the best way to describe it. It put its hands on the fence and started shaking it while as it was trying to get us and at the same time its motioning had also somehow seemed robotic which terrified us and forced my mom to look or her keys even faster, which didn't help because it threw off her concentration of trying to unlock the door which made it even worse to the point that I was forced to stand there and wait until she finally opened the damn door already. We eventually made it into our apartment no thanks to my mom and for some reason I forgot all about that moment because I felt safe inside the apartment. We only had that happen to us that one time and that bad memory has haunted me ever since. I don't know where it came from or where it went to.”

Source: Youtube Comments, Brother Rob

JLB - Beyond Creepy


Who Killed Princess Diana?

The car crash that killed Princess Diana on on Aug, 31, 1997, was a tragedy that shocked the world. Multiple investigations ultimately attributed her “unlawful death” to the reckless driving of both her chauffeur, Henri Paul, who was ruled to be drunk at the time, and the paparazzi dangerously tailing her limousine.

But two decades later, conspiracy theories endure, with fingers pointing at everyone from the paparazzi and the royal family to the French police and Britain's MI6 foreign intelligence service for their supposed roles in the deaths of Diana and her then-boyfriend Dodi Fayed.

With Aug. 31, 2017, marking the 20-year anniversary of Diana’s death, revisit the unsubstantiated theories surrounding what happened in Paris’ Pont de L’Alma tunnel that night. Read more at Who killed Princess Diana? Conspiracy theories endure, twenty years later


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Make a small donation to Phantoms & Monsters, and be eligible to receive signed copies of 'Phantoms & Monsters: Mysterious Encounters' and 'Phantoms & Monsters: Unexplained Encounters.' 2 sets are available. As well, you'll be placed on a special mailing list to receive a free signed copy of my next book...due to be released before the new year. Free shipping is included.

To become eligible, simply forward a donation of $5 by using one of the donation buttons on the blog or newsletter, or go to Paypal.com and use my email lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com as the payee.

This offer will end on Thursday September 7th at 10 PM ET...the date of Arcane Radio's premiere presentation on WCJV Digital Broadcasting

Thanks for your support of the Phantoms & Monsters newsletter, blog and research...and for listening to Arcane Radio! The recipients will be randomly selected during the radio show.


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