I received the following information from Manuel Navarette of UFO Clearinghouse:
Hi, I saw that you were keeping a timeline of "batman" sightings in Chicago. My friend and I just saw something in Albany Park/Lincoln Square, about half an hour ago (7/29 - 10:30 PM CT), and I'm not sure who to report it to.
It was a huge black shape that appeared to be gliding high over the Wilson/Kimball area. We viewed it from my balcony about half a mile north of there. We observed it gliding for about 2 minutes before it was lost in the clouds, headed south. It looked somewhat like a bat and that's what I thought it was at first, but it was just too big! It was hard to tell exactly how big from that distance, but I would guess about an 8 foot wingspan.
We're pretty spooked by it. Let me know if you have any advice about who we should report this to.
NOTE: Manuel is attempting to secure a follow-up interview with the witness. It seems that this and the Montrose Beach incident are the most northerly sightings to date. Any updates will be included with this post. This sighting has been added to the Chicago Phantom / Owlman / Mothman / Man-Bat / Flying Humanoid Reports - Chicago Metro Area - Interactive Map
The Phantoms & Monsters 'Encounters' series - 5 books available
Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles & Other Winged Beasts
The Mothman Prophecies: A True Story
Return of the Prophecies of Mothman

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