USO Slips Out of New Jersey Reservoir
Cliff in Houston, Texas called in to tell of a UFO sighting he had in the early 1950s in New Jersey:
“When I was a kid. I'm 70 years of age. When I was about 10. 10 years of age. I lived in a very small town in New Jersey called Emerson. We had a reservoir next to it and you weren't allowed to go fishing there, but I always went fishing there. One night I went carp fishing which is real popular there. I got home a little bit late and I had forgot a bunch of my tackle so I went back to get it and when I went back to get it... this sounds like a big deal but it wasn't, my friend and I, a guy named Jimmy, we saw this UFO come out of the water. It came out of the water, but the unusual part was it did not disturb the water. It didn't make a ripple. There wasn't any bubbles. It wasn't anything and this thing was, probably, now remember, I'm a little kid, so I'm bad on size, I'd say it was probably 30 to 40 feet across. It came up and it left period. Amen. When it left, it blinked out. It just wasn't there anymore. So me and Jimmy looked at one other, "Did you see that? Yeah, wasn't that cool? Yeah." I was into that. I went home and I told my father. My father just looked at me and said, "I don't know what the hell you saw." That was the end of it. There was no verification process. There was no nothing to do about it. (Church asks him where it happened again). New Jersey. Emerson. Jersey. Bergen County. Right next to the Oradell Reservoir.
Well, the following day, four or five other people saw it but they saw it at a different time of day and they said it glowed blue and orange. When we saw it was just kind of, the glow, it wasn't a glow, it was just the moonlight reflecting off of it but it was as plain as day. It had no windows. It had no propulsion system. We just saw it come up out of the water and it's, like, holy crap, look at this and away it went. (Church asks if it looked like the standard silver metallic disk) Yes. It made no noise, no flashing lights, no nothing. When it left, it come out of the water and went up about 30 to 40 feet and, in a blink of an eye, it was gone. (Church asks what year) '54 or '55 somewhere around that time and bunch of other people saw it the following day. The sightings back then weren't really a big deal.”
Source: Fade To Black with Jimmy Church – July 20, 2017
JLB - Beyond Creepy
NOTE: The Oradell Reservoir, as well as the nearby Wanaque Reservoir, has a history of UFO sightings. Lon
Using Bigfoot For Publicity
Well, it looks like Lincoln County, Missouri is also using Bigfoot (or Momo) in order to garner publicity
Bizarre Anomaly Near Jacksonville, FL
This anomaly was captured on video from a Jacksonville, FL beach. The anomaly was accompanied by a bright UFO also. Any clues?
Anomaly seen from Jacksonville, FL. beach
Residents Claim Chupacabras Roaming Area
On a foggy morning more than a week ago, Cary Shuker’s cat raced inside his Riverside home, terrified of something outside.
“This thing was standing out there, looking at me” said Shuker, a private contractor who lives at the base of Box Springs Mountain, which divides Moreno Valley and Riverside. “It was the ugliest looking thing.”
Shuker said the hairless creature, glaring at him about 80 or 90 feet away, had a tail like a rat or a possum, with rippled pinkish skin, teeth jutting both up and down out of its jaws and was “at least two feet or more longer than the biggest coyote you’ve ever seen.”
“I yelled at it, in a big deep voice, ‘get out of here!’” Shuker said.
The creature turned and snarled at him, before stalking off. Before it vanished, it turned back toward Shuker, snarling and chattering one more time.
“It was cussing me out, basically. ... I stole its breakfast. It was hunting my cat,” Shuker said. “This wasn’t no coyote, by any means.” Read more at Residents say chupacabra stalks mountains of Riverside County
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