Man-Bat Encounter Near Milwaukee
I recently received the following account:
I was moving to the USA from Canada in 2005. After arriving in Milwaukee, where I lived for one year, my husband and I found a nice home near Eagle to buy. While moving, July 2006, about the 15th or 16th, my husband, myself, and two stepchildren were returning to Milwaukee to move some of our things. It was close to 9:30PM or so, a full moon. After being on Hwy 59, we were on Rd X. We suddenly see a man-bat creature, flying in front of our car. My husband to this day is so freaked out. One of the kids were asleep. The other is like their dad. I know what I saw. I begged my husband to stop, but he wouldn't. While he was scared, I was amazed. It was a man like bat, 6 or 7 feet tall. Leathery skin & rheumy eyes, but some blue. Flying sideways in front of our windshield. Looking right at us. I did not feel it was evil, I felt a sadness. It flew like in a side stroke. Although weird, I feel very lucky to have seen this, I think it is a good thing. I feel good to have told you this. Debs
Bizarre Tracks in the Snow
Norm in St. Louis, Missouri called in to tell of strange footprints he found near his house in the winter of 2016:
“Last winter, I'm not sure if your guest is familiar with this type of thing but, we had maybe six inches of snow here in St. Louis and I had a snow pattern. It started at the garage about thirty feet from the house, came to my back door and went towards my garden. I've got about a four-foot wire fence around the garden. In the garden it's maybe 20 foot by 20 foot and this pattern was rectangular. It didn't have claws or hooves, so it wasn't a rabbit. It wasn't a deer. And they were side by side but counter, in other words, like one was here and another one was about eight inches from it. Well, the rectangles were, I want to say a foot, foot and a half, long, maybe four to six inches wide, but as they came to the house. It's almost like they looked in the window at the back door, went towards the garden, hopped over the fence but it started like four foot from the fence, went into the garden. It was like three sets of prints there, then you didn't see prints. I'm talking like a fresh snow from that night. It went over the garden towards the neighbor's house east of me and it was like four or five more steps and then there was nothing.”
Source: Coast To Coast AM - June 23, 2017
JLB - Beyond Creepy
Neon Green UFO in the Desert
Tucson, AZ - 2017-06-30 - 8:10PM: It was evening and my daughter and I were coming home from the store. We decided to take a drive so we headed out to the Sonora Desert National Park. It was totally dark but I had my bright lights on as the road has very sharp turns and hills. We were only in the park area for a few minutes when we both noticed a strange neon green thing flying low about level with a large truck. At first I though it may have been a drone but it was pitch black out and in the middle of the desert! We didn't see how anyone could possibly be controlling a drone and saw no other lights. It moved in a very strange way. It was as if we were looking at a flying orb visible to the naked eye.
I was driving and couldn't stop.
About 10 feet after we passed this UFO type thing I looked to my left and out of nowhere was this huge neon green glowing balloon shape type thing! I slowed my car way down to catch a good look and it didn't move! It's was about 15 ft. up from the ground or so. The lining of it was totally neon and faded to a pale green toward the inside. The bottom part of this balloon shaped object was dark in color. Almost black. It was larger than a mans head. There was a slight breeze outside but this object did not move!!!
I kept driving as my daughter and I were both trying to figure out what the heck we had just seen!
We continued to drive and turned around all the way at the desert museum. We didn't see anything the rest of the drive until we had turned around and were back in that area.
We didn't see anything flying but instead we saw 2 more of the weird glowing neon green things. One on each side of the road but they were set back and low to the ground.
My daughter and I were pretty freaked out at this point and decided to drive by another time. So we did and they just sat still. Glowing neon green. I felt very nervous and anxious at the same time. I stepped on my gas and got the heck out of there! I tried to capture a clear picture but was unable to capture a clear one because it was so dark and I was driving. I will never forget that image of the green thing staring right at us on the side of the car! It was RIGHT BY US!
We drove to that area again this evening just to see if we might see it again but we saw nothing. We both had a very uncomfortable feeling while in that area - MUFON
Parents Seek Explanation For Dead Son's Missing Organs
The parents of a German teenager found dead at the foot of Dingli Cliffs last July want to know why their son’s body was returned to them with most organs missing.
Bernd and Suzanne Mansholt filed an application before the inquiring magistrate claiming that not all their son’s organs had been returned.
They said his heart, brain, neck organs, the lungs, liver, pancreas, adrenal glands, the right kidney, the bladder, the stomach and the small intestine were missing.
Mike Mansholt, a 17-year-old adventurer, arrived on holiday on July 8 and was found dead on July 26. He had been reported missing four days earlier after failing to return home after his holiday.
He had been found without his running shoes a few metres away from his rented bicycle. It was established that the damage to the bicycle was not compatible with a fall from a height. An autopsy had concluded that Mr Mansholt had been dead for between seven and eight days. The cause of death, however, was never established.
Both the post-mortems held in Malta and in Germany concluded that the teenager had no broken bones, all but excluding the possibility of a fall.
The parents said they realised the organs were missing when the corpse was taken to the Medical University of Hannover, where the second autopsy was conducted in the hope that it could shed some light on the cause of death.
The only organs found inside Mr Mansholt’s corpse were his left kidney, the diaphragm, the spleen and the large intestine, they said.
They told Magistrate Marseanne Farrugia, who conducted the magisterial inquiry into the teenager’s death, they were never given a copy of the report of the autopsy carried out at Mater Dei Hospital and neither were they privy to the findings.
They said that, due to the missing organs, the second autopsy could only reach “extremely limited” results and it could not be compared to the results of the first autopsy.
In their application, filed by lawyers Veronique Dalli and Dean Hili, the Mansholts said that in an e-mail exchange with the medico-legal expert appointed by the Maltese courts, Mario Scerri, they had been told that their son’s organs had been attacked by rodents and that the brain had liquefied.
However, they noted, the autopsy in Germany found nothing of the sort. There was no evidence of rodent bites, except for a bite on the neck and an abrasion on the forearm. Neither was there any evidence that the corpse had been invaded by rodents or animals, the parents pointed out.
They complained that although the corpse was certified as having been embalmed before the flight back to Germany, the second autopsy found no formalin, which was usually used for embalming.
They called on the court to order an investigation into how the organs went missing, why they had not been returned with the corpse and why it had been claimed that the body had been embalmed when it had not happened.
Mr Mansholt’s belongings, including his backpack, which, according to relatives, included his phone and a GoPro sports camera, have never been found. - Parents seek explanation for dead son's missing organs
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