OK folks...Small Town Monsters' production of The Mothman of Point Pleasant
The film description:
In November of 1966 a car full of kids encountered a creature unlike anything they’d ever seen before. In the weeks and months to follow, the monster (now known as The Mothman) was sighted again and again on country roads and around the state of West Virginia. As the sightings continued so did an increase in unusual activity.
At the center of this bizarre series of events was the town of Point Pleasant, WV. A small burb situated on the banks of the Ohio river with a lengthy history of what many might call bad luck. Over the next thirteen months Point Pleasant would undergo one of the strangest outbreaks of paranormal activity the world has ever seen. An outbreak that eventually ended in tragedy.
You can live-stream the video at Amazon - The Mothman of Point Pleasant
Greys 'are sweet and loving'
Ontario, Canada: They come and visit me regularly, little Greys. They are loving and in no way evil. I hold a cute baby one and am very close to him. I do not want any of them harmed. They are sweet and loving. I see one that is a bit taller called Dor and a pure white female called Olympia. I have known these guys for 25 years and are teaching me stuff. People do not need to fear them. They they are loving and kind. I love them very much and don't want anything to happen to them. They have helped my life. They are so cute and beautiful, no way scary - MUFON
NOTE: Very common theme I have heard from other experiencers. IMO, this is part of an indoctrination protocol...where the human is manipulated without realizing they are 'experimental subjects.' These beings are NOT our friends...and are part of a larger scheme. On the other hand, there is little that can be done if they are intent on continuing an intervention. Resistance is rarely effective...and can lead to undesirable consequences. Lon
'Chicago Phantom' Update
On Friday evening, I received a report from another investigator in Chicago who stated that a 'flying humanoid' was seen high in the sky in the vicinity of the United Center. I was not given any further details because the investigator wanted to conduct an interview first. I have made note of the incident on the interactive map. Hopefully I'll receive more information on this sighting.
Welcome to Arcane Radio. Since last week's show was postponed, this week Sean, Lon & Butch will be discussing 'Hollywood vs Cryptids, UFOs & the Paranormal'...as well as 'Chicago Phantom' updates. Please join us on Wednesday, June 28th - 10PM ET / 7PM PT - go to www.arcaneradio.com and click 'Listen Live' to listen & chat. Call in 570-478-0902
Facebook Event - Arcane Radio - 'Hollywood vs Cryptids, UFOs & the Paranormal'
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Man believed dead is alive — family buries wrong person after mistake by Orange County Coroner’s Office
Monsters of Texas
Wood Knocks Volume 1: A Journal of Sasquatch Research
The Black Eyed Children
Strange Intruders
Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah

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