; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, juin 27, 2017

Daily 2 Cents: FBI Hunting For Bigfoot -- Stephan Hawking Designing Interstellar Spacecraft -- Floating Skull in Bedroom

FBI Hunting For Bigfoot

Round Rock Police Chief Allen Banks has received a special message from the Federal Bureau of Investigation: the Hairy Man seen galavanting around the Round Rock trails is a “most wanted fugitive.”

According to the city’s Parks and Recreation Department, which has been keeping residents abreast of recent Bigfoot sightings, Round Rock’s top police official got an email from the FBI stating it has added Bigfoot to the “Ten Most Wanted Fugitives” List.

The Bureau is offering a reward of up to $500,000 for information leading directly to the arrest of the giant, hair-covered being, according to the Parks and Rec Department.

Bigfoot was last seen on the Brushy Creek Regional Trail and made “loud, demonic-like howl sounds,” according to the FBI most wanted poster. Read more at FBI to Round Rock police: Bigfoot is ‘most wanted fugitive’


Stephan Hawking Designing Interstellar Spacecraft

The renowned physicist Stephen Hawking is working on a spacecraft that can travel at a fifth of the speed of light – meaning it could reach the nearest star and send back images of a suspected ‘Second Earth’ within 25 years – in a bid to save humanity.

In a speech at the Starmus Festival, Professor Hawking warned humans must soon colonise another planet if we are to survive.

One explanation for why Earth has not been contacted by an advanced civilisations from another part of the Universe is that every time ‘intelligent’ life evolves it annihilates itself with “war, disease and weapons of mass destruction”, he said.

And in addition to the chance that we will meet this fate, Professor Hawking said the planet had become too small for our burgeoning population with its “physical resources … being drained at an alarming rate”. Climate change, an asteroid strike or some other kind of cataclysmic cosmic event also pose significant threats. Read more at Stephen Hawking working on spacecraft that could reach ‘Second Earth’ in 20 years


Witness' simulation of sighting

Floating Skull in Bedroom

I recently received the following account:

Hello! I am a huge fan of your Phantoms and Monsters site and I'd like to submit a story from my childhood.

When I was a kid, I had a bunk bed even though my brother and I each had our own bedrooms (we each had our own bunk bed in fact). I always chose to sleep on top because I was often afraid of sleeping on the bottom bunk.

To this day, I have vivid memories of being put to bed and looking over the railings of the top bunk towards my computer desk and seeing what appeared to be a floating skull on one of the shelves. This skull was very small (2-3 inches in height, I'd guess), but it looked just like a human skull. It would fly in a tight figure pattern endlessly on the shelf on my computer desk, leaving a white fiery-looking trail behind it.

I don't know if this was just my imagination making me see things in the dark of my bedroom that weren't really there, but I have clear memories to this day (I'm currently 20) of this tiny floating skull endlessly doing figure eight patterns on my shelf all night long. Was I crazy as a child or what? Thoughts? TheAgent41!



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