Entities Living Behind Us!
Glendale, AZ - 2017-04-14: My cousin Garry and I have witnessed several instances with the entities living behind us.
The first few times we both witnessed a form of 2 glowing lights in our bedroom.
Then I witnessed an entity who looked female who was with a smaller form of herself, only the smaller female had blond hair and the bigger one had dark hair. I observed them sit down in their backyard and as I looked over the wall I watched the two disappear and reappear several times. This really blew my mind, both my cousin and I witnessed this same female, the bigger one, hover through the room towards the back door of their house. When she came outside we saw she had with her a huge wolf type entity with her. The wolf appeared to be gentle and well groomed. It's hair was neatly combed and it wore a tie and vest. I then said OMG.....we mean you no harm. My cousin and I went back inside our house and began to discuss what we had seen.
We've seen other strange events happen at this same location. - MUFON
PLEASE NOTE: MUFON is removing entity reports from the 'Live UFO Map.' This report was removed immediately after I found it. As well, another entity report was directed to a 404 page. Lon
Targeted by Supernatural Forces?
Boscawen, NH - November 2015: I felt an evil, negative, unstoppable Force had been placed on me and had no idea what that meant by who until after a year and a half later. I was targeted for destruction by this demonic being who has supernatural powers that he has used against me. This being sits back & watches his game play out that has caused satanic wrath's in my life and makes sure I am left all alone so I am tormented & tortured to the point it has left me all alone with no possessions, job or any of life's success. When it has taken, it then has tortured me by tapping me all over my body, giving me scabies & not allowing me to recover, itches me, turns the leaves in trees,, bushes, pictures around me, wallpaper & the food I eat into these characters of different faces and last night burnt my skin by scorching these type characters into my skin that caused burning, itching & swelling.
When I tried to use this supernatural app to locate it, I believe now it mess with it as the attacks came at me with visual of it happening. When I took a torch to defend myself, it had my mother wake up which is unheard of as she is an alcoholic, as she watches my experience with no exception of it's real meaning and now thinks I'm completely crazy. This being purposely leaves me alone in his destruction and every time I capture my experiences on film, it is sure to make it impossible for me to show anyone the horrific reality of what it is doing to me. It has laid a magical day of healing, songs I believed from an angel so I'm to believe there's some heavenly purpose I'm involved. Then, scenario after scenario that it has laid out where it used mind controlling of others, items for that scenario magically appearing, manipulating technology or anything & anyone it can use as it watches me on the wild goose chase to failure. As that scenario fails and causes me devastation that it so enjoys, another is laid out to manipulate & deceive me. Now, as all avenues of any logic of who & why is tried and proved wrong, there are no other scenarios so I figured it out and who it is and why its doing it. One by one, it targets the human race for it's evil game of destruction and will never leave that target until it's victory of being the master of the universe. It's arrogance, selfishness, sick demented evilness will do whatever it needs for however long until it's victim kills themselves and it feels it is victorious. Now that it knows I know, it has brought these new tortured & tormenting techniques as weapons for my destruction where no one believes the actual truth of it's existence and it's sick games he plays with us. I believe it's been doing this for a long time here as it protects it's existence at all costs so it can continue on like he has with no survivors. It needs to be stopped and I will now I have the best part of me left it cannot take in my strength, resilience, bravery and my ability of to stand for myself & all, I have now become it's unstoppable Force I placed on it to show the world of it's existence and that it is an evil demonic creature with supernatural powers used against us to destroy us one by one. - MUFON
Biscardi's Newest Bigfoot Bounty...Sigh
REDWOOD CITY, Calif. - A family is offering a $1 million reward to the person who can capture something they are desperately trying to find.
That amount of money seems to be a very big motivator online but some social media users aren't convinced the task is actually possible.
What is the family looking for? Bigfoot, obviously.
Bigfoot Project Investments, Inc. is offering the bounty to "anyone brave enough to deliver information leading to the capture or delivery of a bona fide Bigfoot." Read more at Group offering $1 million bounty for real Bigfoot
Lake Beast in Russia?
A mysterious object that looks eerily similar to the fabled Loch Ness Monster has been spotted in a Russian lake.
Pictures from the sighting appear to show a long neck with a head on the end – just like the stereotypical image of Nessie.
There is another object just behind the “neck” – which looks like the hump that features in many Loch Ness Monster photographs.
The bizarre “beast” is white – unlike the Loch Ness Monster, which is usually pictured with darker, green skin.
Onlookers claim it is the Russian Nessie. Read more at Loch Ness Monster spotted in RUSSIA: Mermaid or mutant sea monster?
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