This most recent report confirms the sighting of 2017-05-19 in downtown Chicago. This information was reported to Manuel Navarette at UFO Clearinghouse:
*This is the second such sighting in a week and also in the same general area. An interview with the witnesses is being arranged and all information will be posted on the site as soon as it is available.*
Chicago, IL - 5/19/2017 - approx. 2100 hours: I was out with my daughter and mother celebrating my daughter’s recent graduation and after dinner and some light shopping, we decided to go out and check out the newly opened Chicago river walk that had just opened after construction. We accessed the river walk via the entrance on Michigan avenue and walked east toward the lake, looking at the sights and enjoying the beautiful view.
As we passed under the Columbus Drive bridge, we heard this strange sound and my daughter said “Look at that!” As we looked up, we saw a large winged “person” flying just above the water and then pulling up and going OVER the bridge! It looked like a huge owl or even a bat, but completely black with the exception of the two large eyes that appeared red. I’m not sure if it was the actual color of its eyes or just the light reflecting off of them, either way it looked very spooky.
We watched it go over the bridge and then continue flying right above the water and out of sight. It didn’t seem to care of anyone else saw it, it just let flying above the water until it was out of sight. My daughter and me tried to get pictures of it, but by the time we took pictures. All we got were blurry images of mostly black. My daughter did sketch what she saw and I have included it in this email.
We have never seen anything like this before, it never flapped its wings while we were in sight. At first glance, it looked like a person in a wing suit, but I don’t think anyone would be suicidal enough to go for a stunt like that along the waterfront.
I have gone skydiving before and have seen demonstrations of wingsuits in the past. This lead me to rule out that this would be a person in one of those suits or anything similar as it would be a sure fire recipe for disaster.
This thing also had wings that did bit seem like the wings on a bat as the seemed to form one big wing from the back to the bottom of the legs and seemed more of a membrane than feathered wings like an owl.
There was no sound at all, just an audible whoosh as it flew over. It was up and over the bridge in a matter of seconds and then it was gone. We were a bit shaken up after this thing flew away, she didn’t know what it was that we had seen.
NOTE: I am being told that there may be photos out there. Manuel is attempting to get more interviews. This is the 8th sighting of an unknown flying entity in the Chicago metro area. An image of the area map is posted below. I put together an interactive map with the locations of these flying humanoid / cryptid entity sightings - Owlman / Mothman / Man-Bat Reports - Chicago Metro Area - Interactive Map. Stay tuned...Lon
Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles & Other Winged Beasts
The Mothman Prophecies: A True Story
Return of the Prophecies of Mothman

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