Photo of a 'Guardian Angel?'
Little Aasher Liles – who has Down Syndrome – took the remarkable shot by using his mum Kerri's mobile phone.
The apparition resembles the cartoon character Casper the Friendly Ghost.
It was only until Kerri took her phone and scrolled through her camera roll to discover the astonishing ghostly figure, which she believes is his "guardian angel".
She became convinced that the seven-year-old – who cannot speak – had taken this picture while they were on a flight back to Houston, US.
Photographer Kerri wrote on her Facebook page: "We were flying back to Houston from Washington and my seven-year-old, who's recently become obsessed with taking pictures with our cellphones, wanted to take some pictures out of the window after I had reached across him to take one myself. Read more at Boy, 7, captures incredible photo of 'guardian angel' floating outside plane
Touched by a Grey
“My dad claims long ago when I was just an infant he was visited in his bedroom. He said it started when he looked into the corner of the room. What looked to be a tall standing lamp. Then he noticed the bedroom door flapping open shut open shut so fast it was a blur. Immediately he was overwhelmed with fear when what was thought to be a tall standing lamp zipped over next to the bed. The description he gave me was a tall grey alien. He said he was paralyzed and could only move his head from side to side. The thing reached down and touched him on his stomach. Next thing he remembers is waking up in the morning with the skin on his stomach being tender and sore. Raising his shirt he noticed what looked like a horrible burn where it touched him and one directly parallel on his back. My mother also seen the burns. Dad told her what had happened and she went white as a sheet and hasn't spoke of it since. No bullshit we aren't alone by any means.”
Source: Youtube Comments, Nicholas Gunner
JLB - Beyond Creepy
Man Has No Reflection!
Women are convinced they witnessed a ghost after re-examining CCTV and making a terrifying discovery.
In the clip, two women are watching CCTV of shoppers inside a store when one tells the other “just keep watching”.
Moments later the footage takes a spooky turn.
It is believed the footage – filmed on security cameras in a shop in the US – is being examined after a shoplifting incident.
As the video plays one woman asks: “Do you think he’s the guy that stole it?”
Another responds: “No, no look. It’s crazy, watch.”
The man, in a black shirt and trousers, walks past a row of mirrors. Read more / video at Shoppers freak out when man walks past mirror – but has NO reflection
'Living Fossil' Caught in Iowa
DECORAH, Iowa (KWQC) – A rarely-seen ancient fish that can live to be 150 years old has turned up in Iowa.
Rob Griffith reeled in a lake sturgeon while fishing the Upper Iowa River near Decorah, Iowa on May 5, 2017.
National Geographic reports the lake sturgeon is sometimes called a “living fossil” because the species has been around 135 million years.
The fish, which can grow 6 feet long and weigh 200 pounds, is rarely seen today in Iowa and is listed as endangered.
Observers with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources were thrilled to see the remarkable photo of Griffith holding his catch.
“They must be returned to the water immediately unharmed if accidentally caught,” the Iowa DNR posted on its Facebook page. “While we want the fish returned quickly to the water, photos like these help us document the range of endangered species in Iowa's waters.
Lake sturgeon are on Iowa's endangered species list due to habitat degradation and dams limiting access to spawning areas. - Iowa man catches endangered prehistoric fish
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