Hyena-Like Canines Reported in Pennsylvania
I recently received the following account:
Wanted to inform you of a possible sighting my mother and I had about 6 months ago while in the process of moving to Waymart, PA in Wayne County. One night while we were driving back down to NJ we drove past what we at first thought was a Hyena. It was on all fours, looked like it weighed about 200 to 300 pounds, it had rather long brown/black fur especially around its shoulders were it stood up a couple of inches from the body, and had a sloping back, and it was on the opposite side of the road walking towards us. Now we only caught a glimpse of it and we were driving on Route 6 in Pike County traveling around 55 miles an hour so it wasn't like we had a lot of time to study it but it really freaked my mother out. I am much more skeptical so I wrote it off as a black bear with some type of birth defect or deformity but after hearing that others have reported something similar and in the same area I thought I should do the same. N
NOTE: this is the 2nd sighting I have received of a 'Hyena-like' canine. Stan Gordon mentioned to me that he received two different and similar sightings as well. The descriptions, including a very long snout, were somewhat similar to the legendary Shunka Warak'in (pictured above) but much larger and minus a long tail. All sightings were during late Fall 2016. Lon
The 'Electronic' Woman
“Ever smell brand new electronics when unboxing? Or catch a whiff of an electronic device that is on and has been taken apart? Like a circuit board smell? Years ago I was a teller at a bank. A strange woman came in and had odd mannerisms and body language. Being a teller, you encounter tons of different people so when one does not move like the others they stand out. Anyway, this woman made a deposit and she had a very heavy smell of electronics (almost to the point of burning circuit boards or components). Her clothes were perfectly clean and she was well dressed. Upon glancing at her while giving her the receipt for the transaction, it was shockingly apparent this might not be a human being. Her eye movements were just not like a regular person's. That's what gave it away the most. She ambled out of the branch and seemed to walk normally enough. Very strange.”
Source: Youtube Comments. synchro505
JLB - Beyond Creepy
Watched Aliens Place Object Into My Heart
Syracuse, NY - 2017-05-22: I was sitting at home when I took a nap, I woke up woozy and saw an orange room. I was then taken into a back room that was completely purple where I was tied down and forced to watch my body be cut open and a probe was placed inside of my heart. Then the aliens talked in a language I did not understand. The aliens were wearing masks and hip boots. When I came to I didn't remember anything until I had dreams of the events that occurred, although there was no physical evidence. - MUFON
Extremely Rare Albino Orangutan Found in Indonesia
A rare albino orangutan was rescued earlier this month from a village in Indonesia where it was kept in a cage.
The five-year-old orangutan, which was rescued from the Kapuas Hulu district in Borneo, has made quite a comeback, gaining up to 10 pounds in a couple of weeks.
The Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation is caring for the primate, according to the Telegraph. Orangutans are critically endangered, meaning they are one step away from extinction, and the foundation cares for close to 500 of them. The foundation reported that it had never cared for an albino orangutan at the rehabilitation center in its 25-year history. Read more at Extremely Rare Albino Orangutan Found in Indonesia
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