; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, avril 19, 2017

Texas Witness: 'Yeah, I seen it'

In a 2015 Youtube video, Windell Brockway told of his Bigfoot encounter in 1958:

“My name is Windell Brockway. I'm talking about a thing that happened to me in 1958. I was about one mile outside Union Valley, Texas. And me and my brother-in-law was down at Joel Atherton's hauling hay. We had a big truck to unload. We unloaded it and stacked it in the barn. Then we got ready to come home. We got in the car. It was an old car, an old Studebaker. We were driving down the road and there's an old house on the left-hand side and an old corral. And we went back and as we were going back, I looked over to the left and I seen this big white thing standing up yelling and it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. And my brother-in-law who was driving, he looked over at me and he said, 'Windell, did you see that?' I said, 'Yeah, I seen it.' I said, 'What was it?' He said, 'I don't know what it was, but it was something.' I said, 'Well, turn around, let's go back and look at it.'

So we went up about a half a mile and there was an old road and he pulled in there and we turned around and went back. I didn't have nothing other than old drink bottle on the floor, so I picked it up. He said, 'What are you gonna do with that?' I said, 'Man, that's a big thing, I don't know what it is.' I said, 'I think it's some kind of monster or something.' And we pulled back by there and that thing was still out there. And he's shaking his hands up and down and he's white; he had them long hairs on him, on his arms and body. My brother-in-law said, 'Do you see that?' I said, 'Yeah, I see it!' And we went on back down the road and we turned around in and went back and when we went back, it was gone. And we drove on past it, and went on into town.

I told my wife about it and my sister but they didn't believe me. But I seen it. James Fred Taylor was my brother-in-law. If he was still alive, he'd tell the same story. That was back in 1958. I'm glad to be telling the story about it. That's all of it.”

Source: From Youtuber Siberian Hitch from a video titled “Bigfoot story by old man - Siberian Hitch” published on 27 Aug 2015

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