; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, avril 07, 2017

Daily 2 Cents: Punched Tall Grey Beings in Mom's Room -- 'Mermaid' Snatches / Kills Two Boys -- 'Aliens use my body...'

Punched Tall Grey Beings in Mom's Room

Del Valle, TX on 2017-04-05: Woke up in the middle of the night with dogs barking and had a weird feeling. Went to my mom's room and saw 3 figures in the room. Ranged from 6'1 to 6'8 tall. 2 figures where split one standing over my mom and one was standing over my mom's friend. The third and tallest (Grey) figure came threw the window. My first reaction was to grab the nearest one and flipped him and punched it in the head. The other figure grabbed me in which I turned and swung at it and punched it in the head. As soon as I looked to the third figure it was floating back out the window and both my mom and her friend started to float up and I blacked out. Woke back up in bed sweating, heavy panting and fist were red and in pain. Woke up with dogs barking really violently outside. - MUFON


Vintage Tall-Tale Postcards from the 1910s

Find more at Larger Than Life: A Collection of 40 Strange and Funny Vintage Tall-Tale Postcards from the 1910s


'Aliens use my body...'

Former nurse Kerrie-Ann Thornton, 37, says her first alleged encounter with an extraterrestrial took place when a dark figure suddenly appeared from the back seat of her car as she was driving on a Sydney highway.

“From then on it kept happening,” she tells news.com.au.

“It made my life hell until I actually learned to communicate with them and then it settled down. “And eight years later here we are.”

Ms Thornton now dedicates her life to serving ‘the greys’ — a “peaceful alien species” she claims to have a contract with. As a self professed psychic medium and telepathic communicator, she says she also has contact with other alleged “alien races” including the Draconians, Reptilians, Annunaki and Illuminati. Ms Thornton, from Harrington Park, is one of thousands of people around the world who believe in the existence of these so-called extraterrestrial creatures which she claims talk directly to her.

She says the purpose of the communications is so the aliens can pass on messages about living and dead people and animals to “help us”. Read more at ‘Aliens use my body’: Sydney-based medium claims to communicate with extraterrestrials


'Mermaid' Snatches / Kills Two Boys

In a rather stranger than fiction case, which left people at Village Seven under Chief Nemangwe in Gokwe shocked, two boys died under unclear circumstances after they were reportedly snatched by a suspected mermaid at Pachemumvuri Dam.

It is reported that the mystical creature first pulled the boys, who were playing near the dam, under water only to resurface with them alive.

While adult witnesses, who had gathered at the scene when the boys first disappeared, were counselling the children on a rocky outcrop near the dam their hysterical parents appeared.

It is said the parents made the mistake of crying about the near death experiences of the boys and the mermaid grabbed the two minors again and disappeared under water. This time for good.

Traditionally, it is believed that when a person is taken by a mermaid people are not supposed to cry as doing so can lead to dire consequences, leading to the death of the victim. Police have since launched investigations into the case.

Acting Midlands Provincial police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Ethel Mukwende said investigations were in progress to ascertain what really transpired.

“I can confirm that we are investigating a case of sudden death by drowning which occurred at Village Seven under Chief Nemangwe on 19 February at around 12pm when two minors who were herding cattle drowned and their bodies were later retrieved by fellow villagers,” she said.

Before the incident, the creature had reportedly been seen on the banks of the dam several times. Confirming the shocking incident Chief Nemangwe whose jurisdiction the area falls under said a cleansing ceremony had since been conducted at the dam to calm the water spirits.

“It is reported that on the fateful day the two boys who were in Form One and Two at Ganye Secondary School were herding cattle when they saw the mermaid at the dam.

“According to a friend of the deceased boys, his companions jumped into the dam and tried to grab the mermaid because they believed it was just a big fish.

“But the mermaid pulled them down into the water,” said Chief Nemangwe.

The friend then ran home to alert the elders, who arrived at the dam to find the boys lying on a rock, alive.

“When their parents got to the dam they panicked believing their children had died and started crying.

“A whirlwind suddenly engulfed the place before the mermaid swiftly appeared from the water and grabbed the boys for the second time but this time their lifeless bodies resurfaced later,” said Chief Nemangwe.

According to the chief the latest victims were not the first to meet their demise at the dam under mysterious circumstances.

“Two other people that I am aware of were also killed at the same dam in similar circumstances. As a community we have since performed some rituals to calm down the water spirits. During the ceremony we slaughtered a beast and the meat was consumed without salt,” said Chief Nemangwe.

Work on the pumps at Sengwa 2/Gwehava Dam in Gokwe once stopped after terrified workers complained of machines breaking down under mysterious circumstances, and blamed mermaids. The work later resumed after traditional healers brewed beer and carried out some rites to appease the water spirits.

A mermaid is a legendary aquatic creature with the upper body of a female human and the tail of a fish. Mermaids appear in the folklore of many cultures worldwide, including the Near East, Europe, Africa and Asia. - A daring Gokwe mermaid snatches two boys and shows them off before killing them


Hey folks...would you like to become a research colleague? If so, I am gathering thoughts and analysis from my readers & friends on the subject of 'alien beings.' Personal encounters & abductions are particularly needed. Your information will be attributed to you (if you wish) in an article and possibly as a part of an upcoming book. These are the questions I would like to ask for your opinion:

- If you believe non-terrestrial beings exist, what do you think they are?
- Where do they come from?
- How do they get here?
- Are alien abductions a reality?
- Why are these abductions occurring?
- Have you ever had an encounter? Could you detail the incident?
- Do you know other people who claim that they have had an encounter? Could you detail what you were told?
- To what extent is the government suppressing information from the public?
- Please feel free to offer any further information that is pertinent

Please forward your thoughts to this email address lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com w/ the subject 'Alien Research'

Thanks for your time and assistance...Lon



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