Dave Schrader's Flying 'Manta Ray' Anomaly Sighting
At the urging of a caller, Dave Schrader agreed to talk about the strange flying creature he saw while staying at James Gilliland's ranch in Trout Lake, Washington:
“I went out to James Gilliland's ranch in Trout Lake, Washington. You can find information at eceti.org and while I was out there I had seen these lights in the sky, many different lights in the sky, doing all sorts of different things; some flashing, some moving in rapid speeds and then turning at breakneck speeds but the most profound experience I had was, at one point, we had all been watching Mount Adams, I think was the name of the volcano over there, and we were standing there watching this and I figured, what are we missing behind us? So I walked out into the field and turned around. So I was looking behind everybody else, who were looking behind me. More eyes on the skies, right? So I go there and I'm looking when behind this grove of pine trees comes this internally glowing blue back, I don't know, it looked like a stingray without the tail, the way it fluttered. And it emanated a blue light from within. It didn't glow. It didn't look like it was lighting up the sky. It was just a self-contained light and it just fluttered through the sky behind one set of trees to behind another set of trees. And then it was gone. And it was so eerie, silent eerie, but it looked like a bad 1980s movie video effect. So I was running towards it and throwing rocks between the trees half expecting to hear the sound of screen or something he had back there that he was projecting things on but there was nothing.”
Source: Beyond The Darkness – March 13, 2017
JLB - Beyond Creepy
Pope Francis...Use Exorcists When Needed
Vatican City (AFP) - Pope Francis on Friday advised priests who hear troubled confessions from parishioners to not hesitate to call on the services of an exorcist.
A good confessor has to be very discerning, particularly when he has to deal with "real spiritual disorders," the 80-year-old pontiff told priests at a Vatican training seminar on the art of hearing believers recount their sins.
Disorders could have their roots in all manner of circumstances, including supernatural ones, he suggested.
In such circumstances the confessor "must not hesitate to refer to exorcists... chosen with great care and prudence."
It is not the first time the pope has talked about exorcising demons from a believer's person, and he generally refers more frequently than his predecessors to the devil, characterising him as a physical presence in this world.
Francis has described jihadists who stabbed a French priest to death as satanic and the acts of priests who sexually abuse children as akin to participating in a satanic mass.
Vatican universities also regularly hold training courses for would-be exorcists despite the practice being frowned upon by some Church intellectuals.
Francis also presided on Friday over a celebration of penitence in St Peter's cathedral, during which he confessed himself before hearing confessions of several of the faithful.
Galesburg UFOs 50 Years Ago
Have you ever looked into the night sky and seen something you can't explain? A twinkling light or a moving shape, or perhaps a line of lights moving through the clouds? Have you ever seen this in the skies over Galesburg?
Unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, have long captivated the imaginations of people of all ages and social classes. While sightings have been recorded for centuries, interest and sightings saw an uptick in the 1940s, most famously in 1947, when an alleged UFO crashed near Roswell, New Mexico. Sightings continued through the '50s and '60s, with some being explained, while others never were.
Fifty years ago, in March 1967, Galesburg was added to the list of UFO sightings. On March 9, Frank Courson, a 39-year-old Knox County deputy sheriff, watched two unidentified objects for more than an hour. At 12:30 a.m., he watched with three men from County Road 10 behind the Deep Rock Service Station southeast of Galesburg. The men used binoculars to watch as one of the objects moved from above the Gunther Construction Co. radio tower southeast of Gates Rubber Co. toward Monmouth. The second similar object was seen about 1:15 a.m. Read more at UFOs spotted 50 years ago in Galesburg
This week we welcome our friend Dark Waters to Arcane Radio. Dark Waters, as he is known by his YouTube listeners and subscribers is a master story teller, following the traditions of the greatest oral narrators. Dark Water's combination of southern vernacular and true encounters create a unique gumbo of realistic yet entertaining content. His down-to-earth mannerism and personality has lead him to appearances on Coast To Coast AM, Darkness Radio, and many other paranormal talk shows. Dark Waters has become a fan favorite in the horror and paranormal world. This should be a great show! Join us on Wednesday, March 22nd - 10PM ET / 7PM PT - go to www.arcaneradio.com and click 'Listen Live' to listen & chat
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