; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, mars 06, 2017

Daily 2 Cents: Phantom Headlights and Roaring Engine Cause Panic -- Black Cube-Shaped Portal Appears -- Armed Clowns Scare Kids

Phantom Headlights and Roaring Engine Cause Panic

Jason Cannon wrote in to tell of his bizarre encounter:

“I have lived my entire life in a small rural town in Missouri. During my twenties my best friend Jeremy, who was a couple years younger than me and didn't have a driver's license, lived seven miles out of town on a country highway. For recreational activities, I was his only source of transportation. One night after dropping him off, I was driving home in a Ford Escort when headlights came on behind me. At first I thought, no big deal, it's just another car. But this car was moving so fast, it was almost flying. As it moved closer, I could hear how loud the engine was and how wide the headlights were apart. It seemed like some type of old muscle car and it kept gaining on me. Then I started to panic. I knew it was going to hit me. My pulse was pounding and at that moment when it was going to make impact, I grabbed the wheel as tightly as I could and tried to brace for the collision. Immediately the car's headlights blinked out and the noise from the engine was gone.

I know that road like the back of my hand. There are no turn-offs and no where that car could have gone. After researching the road, there have been several fatal crashes both before and since my experience. It makes me wonder if these people had the same experience I had and didn’t react well or if it was one of the initial wrecks spawning an apparition.”

Source: Beyond The Darkness – February 27, 2017

JLB - Beyond Creepy


Black Cube-Shaped Portal Appears

A bizarre and sinister-looking perfect black cube has terrified residents of a Texas town after it appeared in the skies above White Sands - the USA’s most secret military installation.

The terrifying black cube was snapped over El Paso on the Texas border just a few miles from White Sands – the infamous US military testing site where the world’s first Atomic bomb was detonated.

Almost all the experimental weapons research carried out ay White Sands is highly classified. The results of the cutting edge research only become public decades later.

The famous Roswell UFO site where aliens are reported to have crash-landed on earth is also just a few miles away from El Paso over the border into New Mexico. Read more at Weaponised black hole? Texas town terrorized - portal opens over secret Army research base


Armed Clowns Scare Kids

WEST MIFFLIN (KDKA) — Extra police are patrolling West Mifflin tonight after two men with weapons, dressed as clowns, frightened a group of children.

Police from West Mifflin and the City of Pittsburgh went searching for the men, as soon as the father of three of the children called 911. The search didn’t turn up any evidence.

It was a typical Saturday afternoon for the kids on Lauder Street, playing hide and go seek in the woods, until around 4:15 p.m.

That’s when the kids say two men dressed like scary clowns and carrying weapons seemed to come out of nowhere.

“They were chasing us,” said 8-year-old Dylan Milkowski, of West Mifflin.

“My kid came running in the house screaming that there were two guys chasing him,” said Michael Milkowski, of West Mifflin.

At first, Milkowski didn’t believe what his kids were screaming about.

“I said to my kids ‘are you lying or something’ and they were like ‘no we’re being really serious.’ I looked over and they showed me where they were and there’s two guys running up a hillside,” said Milkowski.

Milkowski said he started yelling at the men.

“I just said ‘hey what are you doing over here’ and they just kept running and everything,” said Milkowski.

He told KDKA he saw the men heading toward a nearby heap of slag.

“They had clown outfits on. They had clown masks. They had pipes and they had shotguns,” said Dylan Milkowski. According to Michael Milkowski, one of the men was carrying a shotgun and the other was carrying a pipe.

Milkowski called 911 and police came and combed the area for two hours, but there was no sign of the men. The kids were shaken up, but still managed to get back outside and play with their parents close by.


New Houston Homeowners Find Human Remains in Wall

No one knew what happened to 61-year-old Mary Cerruti.

The lawn of her west Heights bungalow grew wild. A window broke. Mail piled up. The signs of her disappearance troubled neighbors, who had rallied behind her as a hold-out against a massive new apartment complex that had gobbled up much of the surrounding property.

They contacted police in 2015. One neighbor hired a private investigator. As theories swirled about her fate, a bank that fall was cleared to foreclose on her home. Police issued a missing person's report three days later.

Neighbors noticed when the for sale sign went up in her yard. Still they wondered: Where was Mary? Only when the new residents started moving in this weekend did a startling possible clue surface. Read more at Bones found in wall of Heights home of woman who disappeared in 2015



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