; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, mars 24, 2017

Daily 2 Cents: Creepy Bi-Location Experience -- Mom, Daughter Die In Separate Accidents 30 Minutes Apart -- Pennsylvania Town 'For Sale'

Creepy Bi-Location Experience

Jeff in Toronto, Canada called in to tell about a weird experience he had:

“I've had an experience. I've spoken to many people and nobody has been able to give me an answer. I'm 55 currently. When I was 16 years old on a Sunday afternoon watching the San Francisco 49ers play the Miami Dolphins, you know the length of the game. I was sitting in my chair, not drinking. No drugs. Nothing. All of a sudden, I'm not there. I'm in a gutted bar. The glass was shattered, a big long window. There was a round table in the middle of the bar. There were two other people in the bar, like leather, skinhead type people. My back was towards the opening of the window. Next thing you know, I'm shot in my neck and lower back. I remember my body going down. I remember looking at my hands because I'm facing that way and I'm thinking, Jeff, you've got to move your head or you're dead and I couldn't move it.

The two people came over the body, me, looking at me, they walked away and all of a sudden it went 'voom' and now it's the third quarter of the game. I was soaking wet sweating, my neck is hurting me, I was terrified. I did not fall asleep and I will never forget. It is still with me and I'm 55 now. (Noory asks if he fell asleep) No, I was 16 watching Joe Montana. There is no way I fell asleep. It's impossible that I fell asleep and to this day, I can tell you, the pain in my neck. In Canada we don't know about guns and all that, they were small bullets I can say in the back of my neck. Like I said, I'm looking at my hands... As soon as those two people. I'll never... All I know is it went voom and now it's the third quarter. It was an hour or an hour and a half of time. I just remember looking at my hands. George, it looked like the glass of the window was already broken. There was a round table. I will never forget it, the big round table was on its side. So it was hanging, like the round part was on the ground and then the bar was long. No barkeep. It was almost like The Walking Dead or something in time. There was no people around and the two people, skinheads, with the Mohawks and whatnot, a man and a woman, a blonde haired woman and a... (Noory talks over him asking if they shot him) No they didn't shoot me. My back was towards the opening of the window. The gunshots came from outside. They got down. Then they came over and looked at me and I'm laying there thinking, could you move your head, move your head, so no they... the shots came from outside the bar.”

Source: Coast to Coast - March 17, 2017

JLB - Beyond Creepy


Mom, Daughter Die In Separate Accidents 30 Minutes Apart

An Alabama woman and her young daughter died in separate traffic accidents within 30 minutes of each other on Tuesday afternoon.

DeKalb County Coroner Tom Wilson said the victims had been identified as 39-year-old Julie Yates Patterson and her 8-year-old daughter, Elizabeth “Libby” Patterson. The accidents occurred approximately 7 miles apart, Wilson said.

“The mother’s car was involved in a head-on collision with another vehicle and then about a half hour later, the daughter was crossing the road when she was struck by a car,” Wilson told The Huffington Post.

Wilson said both crashes occurred on Alabama State Route 117, which is near the family’s Valley Head home. Valley Head is a small town located about 70 miles southeast of Huntsville. Read more at Mom, Daughter Die In Separate Accidents 30 Minutes Apart


Pennsylvania Town 'For Sale'

Got $1.5 million to spare? If so, tiny Reduction, a one-time company town built to house workers at a long-vanished garbage-processing plant in western Pennsylvania, could be yours for the asking.

The aptly named town is home to 60 residents, down from 400 in its heyday. They live in 19 tidy brick houses, paying rent to the Stawovy family, proprietors of the unincorporated village for the past 70 years. The asking price includes a one-room schoolhouse that was long ago converted into a duplex residence.

The plant, built by American Reduction Co on a wide bend of the Youghiogheny River, shut down in 1936 after processing waste from the city of Pittsburgh since the early 20th century.

Workers would render animal carcasses, and separate metal from household waste for resale.

“This was the original recycling plant,” said David Stawovy, 67, who owns Reduction with his three siblings.

In 1948, David's father, John, owned an adjoining farm and was thinking about buying one of the larger homes in Reduction for his growing family. At one time, he would have had 28 from which to choose.

"My mother and dad wanted their own place," David Stawovy said, "and the man said: 'Why don’t you buy them all?'”

The senior Stawovy ended up doing just that, paying $10,000 for the place, lock, stock and barrel. It was a decision he never regretted, or at least never admitted regretting, his son said.

“He never complained. He made a living on it,” said the younger Stawovy.

All that is left of the processing plant is the foundation, Stawovy said. Once the town dump contained a treasure trove of collectible bottles, but it was wiped clean years ago.

Stawovy said his advancing age and the nursing home care his parents needed before their recent deaths led the family to put Reduction up for sale. He needs to sell so his siblings can cash out their shares of the inheritance.

“We’d like to travel,” he said. “We don’t need the aggravation.” - Town of Reduction, population 60, up for sale in Pennsylvania


Stop Ditching Aquarium Fish!

ST. GEORGE – Wildlife officials in Cedar City received a surprise Wednesday morning when someone brought in a large fish they found along the shore of a city fishing pond. Soon identified as a pacu, a popular aquarium fish, officials took to social media to warn people against ditching their fish in outdoor ponds and rivers.

A pacu, a popular aquarium fish and placid cousin to the temperamental and fanged piranha, was found on the shore of a city fishing pond in Cedar City and taken to wildlife officials. They believe the fish was illegally ditched at the pond and advise the public not drop their pet fish in Utah waters, as they have the potential to cause great harm to native species and ecosystems, Cedar City, Utah, March 22, 2017 | Photo courtesy of the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, St. George News “This pacu was found dead on the shore at the Lake at the Hills in Cedar City today,” wildlife officials posted on the Facebook page for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Southern Utah region. The post came complete with photos of the expired fish.

“The pacu is a popular aquarium fish and was probably recently released by its owner after outgrowing its tank. Native to the Amazon, the pacu didn’t survive long in the cold water,” officials wrote on Facebook.

The pacu is a more placid cousin to the piranha and lacks its nasty, pointy-fanged teeth. A pacu’s teeth are more flat and human-like and used to chomp fruit that falls into the water from overhanging trees, rather than tear out chunks of meat.

“We don’t see this very often,” said Phil Tuttle, DWR’s outreach manager for Southern Utah. Read more at Big pacu found at city pond; ditching fish creates problems



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