; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, mars 03, 2017

Daily 2 Cents: A Case of Bi-Location? -- UFO Sightings Over Columbia, PA -- Woman 'accidentally cremated while still alive'

A Case of Bi-Location?

A Youtuber named TheSWolfe commented about a weird experience they had in their youth:

“I had a cat when I was a kid that would sometimes catch/kill mice, but not always eat them. So on occasion, I'd stumble upon dead mice while playing in the yard. While burying one of Teaser's victims in the backyard late one morning, I looked up to see my father standing just inside our yard at the far end of the trailer from where I was kneeling. He was facing me, with his back to our fence, and the gravel road beyond, where mom and dad parked their cars. His wasn't there, but I didn't notice this till later. An entire trailer's length apart, we didn't speak. I wasn't even sure if he'd seen me, as I was sitting in the grass behind the back corner of the trailer. He just stood there, in his work clothes, staring out in my direction, onto the little lot we called home. It was broad daylight, but he was still somehow backlit with a diffuse, glowing brightness I couldn't explain.

I watched him for a few more minutes, then continued officiating my mouse funeral. When I finally got around to looking back up, he had gone. When I made my way inside, I was surprised to not see him there. I inquired with my mom as to his whereabouts. She thought I was joking at first, then wondered if something was wrong with me when I persisted, even after her telling me he was at work...where he always was this time of weekday. I wondered if maybe he had come home for lunch. She said no, he wasn't home and asked me why. I told her nothing really, I'd just thought I'd seen him outside earlier, but I must have been mistaken and let it go. But I really had seen him, or something that looked just like him, and I never forgot. Both my parents have long since passed, my father with lung cancer. But he didn't die till many years after this happened, so I cannot think of what the connection, if any, might be.”

Source: Youtube comments.

JLB - Beyond Creepy


Bioprinter Creates Fully-Functioning Human Skin

A prototype for a 3D printer capable of producing human skin has been presented by Spanish scientists. The fully-functional skin could be used for medical procedures including transplants, as well as chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic testing.

Researchers from the Center for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research and the Charles III University of Madrid collaborated with the BioDan group, publishing their work in the electronic edition of the Biofabrication science journal.

Bioprinted artificial skin, "can be transplanted to patients or used in business settings to test chemical products, cosmetics or pharmaceutical products in quantities and with timetables and prices that are compatible with these uses," according to Professor José Luis Jorcano, from UC3M’s Bioengineering and Aerospace Engineering department.

Replicating the structure of human skin, complete with epidermis and dermis, the development marks the first bioprinted human organ to potentially be available on the marketplace.

According to the abstract, "We have analysed the structure and function of the printed skin using histological and immunohistochemical methods, both in 3D in vitro cultures and after long-term transplantation to immunodeficient mice. In both cases, the generated skin was very similar to human skin…"

What separates bioprinting from other forms of 3D printing is the use of 'bioinks' containing human plasma, licensed by BioDan and patented by Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT), instead of colored inks contained in cartridges. According to researcher Juan Francisco del Cañizo from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, "Knowing how to mix the biological components, in what conditions to work with them so that the cells don’t deteriorate, and how to correctly deposit the product is critical to the system."

For transplants and medical treatment, the tissues can be reproduced using the patient’s own cells, while a stock of cells can be used for industrial testing. According to the scientists,"We use only human cells and components to produce skin that is bioactive and can generate its own human collagen, thereby avoiding the use of the animal collagen that is found in other methods." - Bioprinter Makes Fully-Functioning Human Skin


UFO Sightings Over Columbia, PA (Lancaster Co., PA)

Columbia, PA - 3/2/2017: I was at home waiting for my wife to come home from a get together with friends. She called me and frantically told me she saw a ufo in the sky. She was very panicked, she then told me to look outside the window of my house, because she was pulling in the driveway and knew I'd be able to see the ufo she was seeing. I ran over to the window and looked outside. I saw lights moving in northwest direction. I quickly ran outside and saw my wife pulling in the driveway and I looked behind our house and I still could see the ufo. The visibility did not last long as it traveled behind the tree line behind route 30. When I first saw the object I was extremely excited and filled with many different emotions. I knew it wasn't a plane or helicopter, I thought maybe a drone but then realized it couldn't be that because of the size it may have been. After the event took place I was a little nervous and didn't know what to do and felt I wouldn't be able to go to sleep last night. For most of my life I had been intrigued and always curious about aliens and ufo's. Before last night I had always wanted to see something like this in real life and not just on a Youtube video. I posted on Facebook about what had happened. a friend of mine got in contact with me and said his wife had seen an object the week before that was triangular and she was very freaked out by this. I called my wife at work and told her and she then proceeded to tell me as she was coming home from the gym the night before that she had seen another object that was triangular and thought maybe it was a plane. This very well could have been a separate sighting, our experience last night involved lights that I would describe as four that were rotating around two lights that were pulsating. The ufo was fast and turned quickly. - MUFON

NOTE: These sightings are of interest because of the proximity of the location we are currently investigating in Lancaster county. UFO activity (triangular and orb shaped craft) has increased throughout the region...which includes sightings in neighboring York & Berks counties, a well as Baltimore and Harford counties in northern Maryland. Lon


Woman 'accidentally cremated while still alive'

A 24-year-old woman from India who was cremated on a funeral pyre may have been alive when the cremation took place, according to local reports.

Student Rachna Sisodia had been declared dead at Sharda hospital in Greater Noida, in northern India's Uttar Pradesh state, on February 25. The cause of her death was given as a lung infection.

Her body was released to her husband Devesh Chaudhary, 23, who drove it to a funeral pyre location two hours away, where he and some companions began the cremation.

According to the Times of India, police then arrived on the scene and pulled the woman from the fire, believing she was still alive.

A subsequent post-mortem later concluded that Rachna had died from "shock caused by being burnt alive," after post-mortem found ash was found in her respiratory tract. Read more at Woman 'accidentally cremated while still alive'



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