; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, mars 08, 2017

Daily 2 Cents: Black-Eyed Man on the Bus -- The Phantom Hoodie Man of I-70 Ohio -- South Florida Python Hunters Wanted

Black-Eyed Man on the Bus

I was riding the bus back home after work, it was about 1 am. I’m a security guard and often work odd hours. So I’m sitting there, and this guy gets on...sits across from me. He was wearing a suit, had a briefcase, regular looking middle-aged guy. What struck me about him at first was that he was chewing a cigar, not smoking it...you can’t smoke on the bus. So I was just looking at him while he stared out the window and chewed his cigar. All of a sudden he turned and looked at me. His eyes were pitch black, just as you described. My heart started beating like crazy...I was starting to panic and I had no idea why. Then he grinned at me, and his teeth were all covered in tobacco bits and brown juice, the cigar clamped between them. I almost screamed, but instead I had the presence of mind to just get up and take the seat right behind the driver. I calmed down a bit after that, but I kept an eye on the guy. He ended up chatting with some woman that got on, and they were still talking when I got off. I later convinced myself he was just trolling me, having fun with a pair of contacts...now I wonder - Anonymous - Reddit


The Phantom Hoodie Man of I-70 Ohio

Do phantom “hoodie men” haunt the highways of Ohio? Recently I met Chris Fortofer at an event in Dayton, where I talked about the Phantom Running Man of I-675, a hoodie figure with no face, hands, or feet that ran alongside a car on the highway late one night. Chris had his own encounter with a similar figure on another road.

Chris Fortofer has been a subcontract driver for the United States Postal Service for the past seven years. He drives a semi-truck from Dayton, Ohio to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and back four nights a week hauling mail. He usually arrives in Pittsburgh around 10 PM and gets back to Dayton around 3:30 AM. He uses I-70 through Ohio.

Art by Chris Fortofer. The Greek letters sigma and pi most closely resembled what Chris saw and are not intended to represent an actual fraternity.

For seven years, nothing unusual has happened on the drive. That changed in May 2015, when Chris encountered a phantom hoodie man standing on the side of the freeway—and acting quite strangely.

The incident occurred on an otherwise pleasant Sunday morning, about 1 AM. Traffic was light, and there was no unusual weather—it had been a cloudy night. Read more at The Phantom Hoodie Man of I-70 Ohio...while there, sign-up for Rosemary Ellen Guiley's newsletter


South Florida Python Hunters Wanted

South Florida water managers may amp up the state’s failing war against the Burmese python with a new weapon: a paid python posse.

On Thursday, the South Florida Water Management District will consider a proposal to hire hunters, paying them by the hour, plus a bonus for every snake killed, as part of a two-month, $175,000 pilot project. Hunters would patrol only district land in Miami-Dade County, which includes the vast water conservation area where remote tree islands offer hiding places perfectly suited for the well-camouflaged snakes.

The district declined to provide more details until after the presentation is made to the governing board.

Controlling the pythons has vexed biologists and wildlife officers who have been outgunned by the slithery invaders, which can lay clutches of up to 50 eggs at a time. The snakes started turning up in the marshes, either dumped by unhappy owners or escapees from breeding facilities, in the 1980s, and by about 2000 were firmly established. In September, state wildlife officers confirmed that pythons had also spread to the Keys after they found hatchlings for the first time. Read more at Wanted: South Florida python hunters for hire


Murder Suspect Said He's A Werewolf

Days before he stabbed his mother to death at her home in the Fairhaven neighborhood, a Bellingham murder suspect was treated at a hospital for drug-induced psychosis, a prosecutor said in court Monday.

Sheaen Emmette Smith, 29, placed a nonsensical 911 call about werewolves and vampires around 2 p.m. Sunday from his mother’s duplex in the 1500 block of McKenzie Avenue across from a Fairhaven fire station, according to the Bellingham Police Department. Officers responded to find Smith’s mother, Aurora Lee Buol-Smith, dead on the ground floor.

Buol-Smith suffered multiple stab wounds, and she had defensive wounds on her hands, Bellingham police Lt. Danette Beckley said. Buol-Smith was 57.

Police found Smith in an upstairs bedroom. He told officers he stabbed his mother, and went on to give “numerous” delusional reasons for why he did it, police said. He claimed he was a werewolf, and his mother was a vampire – the same things he had told the emergency dispatcher, Beckley said.

Hours into their investigation, police tweeted that the son had a “sexual motivation” for the killing, based on statements Smith made to police. However, it’s not clear if those statements were grounded in fact or in a deluded state of mind, Beckley said Monday. Police are awaiting the results of an autopsy before saying if a sexual assault occurred.

Smith drew a picture for police to show where he left the knife, and investigators recovered the suspected murder weapon inside the house. Smith was arrested on suspicion of second-degree murder while armed with a deadly weapon.

At his first court appearance Smith, a man with a full beard and curly brown hair below his shoulders, answered questions in a calm, quiet voice. Superior Court Commissioner Alfred Heydrich silently read a prosecutor’s summary of the crime before finding probable cause to hold Smith in jail.

Smith had been treated and released at St. Joseph hospital for acute psychosis related to methamphetamine use in the days before the stabbing, Chief Criminal Deputy Prosecutor Eric Richey said in court Monday.

“The defendant admitted to police that he’s been using a lot of meth recently, which is the reason for the voices in his head,” Richey said, in an argument that Smith posed a flight risk and a danger to the community.

Heydrich set bail at $1 million. Smith’s deputy public defender, Starck Follis, said that if the defendant posted bond, he planned to stay at his mother’s duplex — a notion that Heydrich found inappropriate, because it’s still a crime scene. Heydrich told Smith he would have to find another place to live, in the event that he comes up with $1 million. Yellow crime scene tape was gone from the duplex Monday.

Smith, a mechanical contractor, has no prior felonies on his record. He had been convicted of a misdemeanor assault on his wife at the McKenzie Avenue duplex in 2010. Smith moved back in with his mother after a breakup, the prosecutor said in court.

Buol-Smith had been a licensed practical nurse since the early 1990s. An autopsy is scheduled for Tuesday.- Bellingham murder suspect made delusional comments after stabbing mom to death, police say



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