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samedi, février 25, 2017

Weekend 2 Cents: Multiple Alien Encounters / MIB -- Max Spiers' Death Investigation -- Arcane Radio...Brett Butler - Psychic, UFO Enthusiast, Actress & Comedian

Multiple Alien Encounters / MIB

Ely, Minnesota - 7/14/1978: My family was camping on an island in Lake Kabetogama, in northern Minnesota. There was a severe thunder storm with lightning strikes very close and frequent. I called for help using a walkie talkie. Reached a human service person (forest service?) who could provide no assistance due to the storm severity, remoteness of the site, and late night hour. I think lightening hit our tent. I had burned hair near the base of my neck. Sometime during the night 4-5 small bluish somewhat apparition-like beings with large black eyes entered the tent. They did "rectal probes" on me and my family (4 people total). They explained this was a medical exam. I'm not sure where the dog was at this time.

Four trees were cut down and placed around the perimeter of the tent. A 6 foot approximately-burn/bake circle was left on the ground with a fresh, crisp looking edge. (different than a fire ring). The tree cuts were very smooth, no saw dust.

Sometime that morning I saw a large (8-10 feet tall) pink colored apparition-like man, no clothes but no body details visible. I recall this presence was reassuring and comforting.

Some other encounters followed for a year or so. Beings visited and talked to me in our family home. I once was pulled into the air from our deck. My parents grabbed me and I grabbed a tree. It felt like something was "sucking" me into the air. I heard someone say I would be dropped from a great height and crushed on a tree. Previous to this I had communicated to hostile-feeling beings that they could land on a cloud, they may have died attempting to do this. It seemed like a revenge type of threat was happening. My impression was that these were different entities, reptile-like people, large, male. 3-4 appeared in the house where I gave them a tour and they ate some food and beer. They disappeared suddenly. One appeared sick, with scales peeling or "fluffed" out. He seemed to recover a bit from eating 'Tang' drink mix. I kept one skin "scale" from these beings but this was removed from the house by men in black suits. I seemed to have further "telepathic" type communication with some beings for a time. They could appear and leave instantly. - MUFON


Max Spiers' Death Investigation

A science fiction writer will be quizzed by police on suspicion of killing a British conspiracy theorist who died suddenly on her sofa.

Max Spiers, 39, sought to expose government cover-ups and investigated UFO sightings — after, his mum says, he saw "the darker side" as a child.

The dad-of-two, from Canterbury, Kent, visited Poland to speak at a conference before he died at partner Monika Duval's home 24 hours later in July 2016.

He vomited two litres of a black fluid before he died, his inquest heard in December.

Now prosecutors have opened an investigation into involuntary manslaughter and want to speak to his girlfriend, who was present at the time of Mr Spiers's death. Read more at Police to quiz girlfriend over British UFO conspiracy theorist's mystery death after he vomited two litres of black fluid


This week we welcome our friend...actress, comedian and psychic Brett Butler to Arcane Radio. Brett has been entertaining the world for years with her hilarious stand-up comedy and acting on her hit sit-com 'Grace Under Fire' More recently, she had a recurring role on FX Network's 'Anger Management,' as well as multiple appearances on HBO's 'The Leftovers' and ABC's 'How To Get Away With Murder.' Brett is also an accomplish psychic medium and currently conducts spiritual readings through her website at ...where she assists in touching her client's lives with those from the other side. Don't miss this show! Join us on Wednesday March 1st - 10PM ET / 7PM PT - go to and click 'Listen Live' to listen & chat.

Got to the Facebook event page - Brett Butler - Psychic, UFO Enthusiast, Actress & Comedian


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