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lundi, février 06, 2017

The New 'Superheroes'...Keeping the Public Safe From Bigfoot

Hey folks...I decided to watch the 'Killing Bigfoot' special & 1st episode, despite my reservations. I'm going to be as objective as possible.

We are told that the hunter's initiative is to procure a Bigfoot body in order to satisfy science...but in the meantime they state that there is also a need to protect the public from these deadly marauders. One of the witnesses told the group that "it looked like a Neanderthal." In fact, I used the same description of the hominid in my 1981 encounter. If that is the case, wouldn't the cold-blooded killing of a Bigfoot be classified as a homicide? Isn't the vigilante murder of an undesirable (Mmm...remember 'lynchings?') a capital crime? What gives the GCBRC the right kill anything, let alone a member of the 'Great Apes' (a group the includes humans). They are not law enforcement and have not been deputized. It is not a war zone...there is not a declared war against hairy hominids.

First of all, the show (like most other paranormal/cryptid related shows) is an absurdity. They are NEVER going to kill a Bigfoot on the program. It's the same with 'Finding Bigfoot' simply is not going to happen. Besides, all those hunters in the same woods at the same time is a deterrent. Since Bigfoot stay clear of trail cams, what makes anyone think that they will get close enough for anyone to get a shot off? In fact, most of the 1st episode was focused on 'devil monkeys' in the trees throwing trees limbs at the guys on the ground dressed in ghillie suits.

The re-creations (and they are re-creations) were not believable and the scripting was cheesy. It wasn't 'Mountain Monsters' dreadful, but it was lousy nonetheless. The premise of the show is already disgusting, but at least make it palatable. I am glad that the 'no-kill' advocates, including John Kirk, were given some opportunity to raise issues. Because I believe killing a Bigfoot is not essential or moral, I won't be watching in the future. I hope the outcry from the public is recognized by Destination America and its sponsors. Lon

Bigfoot Observer's Field Manual: A practical and easy-to-follow step-by-step guide to your very own face-to-face encounter with a legend

Bigfoot Casebook updated: Sightings And Encounters from 1818 to 2004

Bigfoot!: The True Story of Apes in America

Bigfoot Sasquatch: Evidence

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