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jeudi, février 16, 2017

Eyes in the Dark

I recently received the following account:


I have been reading your articles for a couple years and keep telling myself I should relate something that happened to me back in 2010 and see if anyone else has had something like it happen to them.

I live out in farm country in southern Ohio, about 10 miles north of Chillicothe. I have 5 acres and always at least 3 dogs, usually Black Labs or the like.

One evening I was looking for my dogs out back, they love to roam the fields looking for whatever dogs look for. I called and heard them in some bushes a hundred yards or so away. I shined my LED flashlight out their direction and saw them come running toward me. Nothing unusual, not running like they were alarmed, just the usual trotting toward me. They joined me on my porch and plopped down doing the usual paw licking.

As I ran my light around the back yard just looking (it was dark and I don’t like outside light...I like to look at the stars) I observed two round objects approx. 2 feet in diameter and about 6 to 8 inches apart. These objects were about 12 feet off the ground and probably a few hundred feet behind my house. There was nothing visible supporting them. Just those two objects that really made me feel like I was looking at large eyes, nothing else but darkness. I am a very logical person and have worked in engineering/scientific jobs all my life and this was just fascinating to me. I sensed nothing evil or dangerous and frankly if the dogs aren’t alarmed, neither am I.

I observed that whatever these things were, they did not emit light, only reflected it. My first experiment turned out to have the most profound result. I picked up a shot gun I have by my back door, aimed it at the “eyes” and said, “perhaps I’ll just blow you away!” The eyes immediately went dark...or shut. I thought, my God, it understands English! I put the gun down and said, “I promise, I won’t harm you.” They popped back open. I stood there reflecting several different types of flashlights (LED, incandescent, blue, yellow, etc.) to prove to myself that these eyes were not emitting light and discovered that the different color light I shined on them didn’t always reflect the same color.

This went on for about 15 minutes and I should point out that these “eyes” never blinked, except in the beginning when I made my threat with the gun. After this, the eyes seemed to slowly turn from facing me to 90 degrees to my right and never losing their aspect ratio with each other or relationship to the ground, and vanished.

I live alone except my dogs, so it was pretty depressing not to have had a camera or a witness. However, a few nights later a friend of mine brought his girlfriend out and as they were climbing my driveway (900 feet at 25 degree incline!), his headlights shone on the “eyes” at the top of the drive way and his girlfriend screamed bloody murder and scared the hell out of did the eyes when he saw them. She has always been convinced it was a demon and never came out to my house again.

I believe I have come across evil in my life and this just didn’t feel that way. I really felt that whatever this was, it was as curious about me as I was of it and let me do all my lighting experiments for 15 minutes before becoming bored with me. To this day, when I come home at night I still shine my lights around the fence and trees to see if I can see it again. If anyone out there has experienced anything like this, I’d love to hear about the way, I have heard the theories about it being a bear or some other creature, but every creature I know of have eyes that MUST blink and having any animal stay dead still with non-blinking eyes for 15 minutes is a stretch!

Thanks for your consideration, DPS

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