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lundi, février 06, 2017

Daily 2 Cents: UFO / Missing Time in the Dark Woods -- Meteorite Flashes Over Lake Michigan -- Athletes Haunted by 'Sex Ghost'

UFO / Missing Time in the Dark Woods

Jefferson, Indiana - 1985-11-17: While deer hunting not far from an military base in the 80s.. which our hunting group had hunted this same woods for over 10 years ..Our group consisted of myself, my father,his friend and my brother..After years of not harvesting a deer ..Me ,my brother and my dad's friend decided to poach a deer at night.. after my father went to sleep --- ( my father was very strict about hunting laws )

After opening weekend everyone else always heads back to their home town and we always stayed the whole week giving us the woods to hunt... so with my father sound asleep the 3 of us head into woods down the gravel fire break road.. moon light was descent that night.. we get 1 mile into the woods ...Its about the half way point...We sat down on a large log beside a small pond as we did this ...Is when we all notice a bright light in the sky down the road ( about 1 mile ), it looked like a big search light ..Like the kind they use at stores for sales.. but it moved different than those.. and was tree top height at best...It was coming towards us down the road and coming fast..My brother thought i was crazy .He was the only one thought it was a sale light, me and davey knew something was wrong .. we thought it was the cops so we heading back.. after arguing for 15 seconds trying to get my brother to leave with us ...We took off in a very fast pace .. just as leaving i looked back at my brother to tell him to come on and get up before we go to jail.. at that time i could see this light closing in on us very very fast!!! dave and i broke to a full run back to camp as my brother sat on that tree ... he had a shot gun ..I had the spot light...As davey and me were running back i started to look over my right shoulder and to my right and right beside me is bright white ball of light ..But no light was coming from it. it was just like it was a ball of that had a thin bright blue line around it... it was 3-4 foot across.. i then looked to my left to see if davey was seeing it ...I could see there was one on his left and it was the same as mine. it made no noise ..Its fall time ,all leaves are on the ground , trees are bear...I did notice that when it passed in front of a tree ..That it magnify it many times ..I would say it would make a ant look like it was the size of a cat ..I could see the bark of the tree perfect . this ball light was within 5 foot of me and moving the same speed as we were running for about 300 yards. about 100 yards from camp it disappear.. after catching our breath.. we wondering what to do.. get my dad up and get in trouble or go back in after my brother.. so we grab our shot guns and bigger spot lights and headed back in.. after getting about 50 yards in we notice nothing was making any sounds ..It was dead silent not even a cricket .. we shine are spot lights in all directions while in a loud whisper .... rodney its ok come out ..Doing this repeatedly all the way back to where my brother should have been.. he was not there..So we keep going to the end of road. we turn around repeated calling out to rodney the whole way back to camp. he was not there.. so we when back again , this time yelling ..So loud it was echoing off the ridges.. after going to the end of the road and back and still no rodney.. remember he had no light!! by now 2 hours have passed by now ... not wanting to wake my dad up .. that's big trouble!! we did the whole thing one more time.. so now we have walked pass where we left my brother 6 times...After getting back to camp i had to face my father and get him up..So i did ..After telling him what had happen he told davey to go to town to the police department for help .. as davey headed for the car .. rodney comes walking out of the woods as if nothing is wrong .. I'm yelled asking where in the hell he had been .. he says he sat there and finish his cigarette and then got up and walked to camp ..That should only taking him 30 to 45 min.. i told him we had been looking for him nearly 3 hours..He thought we were kidding.. he then looked at his wrist watch and said its only 9:15 ... we show him all three of our watches saying 11:50 .. to the day he died he thought we played a joke on him .. and on the day that he died .. one of the last things we talked about was that night . he wanted to know if we were playing a joke on him or if he was abducted that night.. that was the last time we ever went back there to hunt.. the four of us never talked about it for years ...My brother was never the same after that night and neither was i . still to this day i still scared to go into woods night.. there's many details i'm leaving out of this story... just to much to type..Sorry. - MUFON CMS


Meteorite Flashes Over Lake Michigan

This is the moment a mysterious green flash appeared in the early hours of the morning, baffling nearby residents.

The bright light appeared in the sky suddenly before appearing to fall down towards the ground.

It was seen over Lake Michigan in the early hours of Monday morning and there were several sightings reported between 1:30 and 3am.

Video also appeared from residents across Wisconsin who had caught the moment on camera.

The puzzling light has yet to be given an official explanation. Read more at Mystery green flash of light appears in sky as hundreds of baffled residents report strange incident


British Athletes Claim ‘Sex Ghost’ Is Haunting Their Reality Show

Well, that’s one way to scare up publicity.

Two British athletes starring on a reality show are claiming that a sex ghost seems to be haunting their hotel rooms.

British paralympian Kadeena Cox and retired rugby star Gareth Thomas are two of the celebrities competing on “The Jump,” a British show where famous people compete in various snow sports ― a “Ski Jump With The Stars,” if you will.

The season’s first episode aired Sunday on the Channel 4 network. But the show is scaring up more attention for what’s happening in the celebs’ hotel rooms.

During the episode, the 25-year-old Cox reportedly asked for a new room after allegedly being sexually violated by a ghost.

Another competing celebrity, Emma Parker-Bowles, the Duchess of Corwall’s niece, said on the show that Cox “was penetrated” by some sort of paranormal entity.

Thomas, 42, concurred.

“She had a ghost going in and out of her. She had a sleep thing,” he said, according to the Sun. “She wishes it were a person… It was going in and out of her body.”

The feeling was apparently so real to her, she asked for a room change, as did Thomas.

“I wanted to move [to] different floors because when I’m hearing these ghost stories I was at the very, very end [of the corridor] and I got scared,” he said, according to the Express.

Cox and Thomas are just the latest semi-famous people who’ve claimed to have had ghost sex. Last year, Bobby Brown promoted his autobiography by claiming a ghost had sex with him.

“I wasn’t high,” Brown told 20/20. “I was not tripping.” Read more at British Athletes Claim ‘Sex Ghost’ Is Haunting Their Reality Show


Just a note...I'll be a guest this Saturday night, February 11th on Coast to Coast AM. Then on Thursday, February 23rd, I'll be a guest on Midnight in the Desert


This week we welcome Fortean author & colleague Joshua Cutchin to Arcane Radio. Joshua is a North Carolina native with a longstanding interest in Forteana. He holds a Masters in Music Literature and a Masters in Journalism from the University of Georgia, and currently resides in Roswell, Georgia. He is the author of two books: 2015's A TROJAN FEAST: The Food and Drink Offerings of Aliens, Faeries, and Sasquatch and 2016's The Brimstone Deceit: An In-Depth Examination of Supernatural Scents, Otherworldly Odors, and Monstrous MiasmasBoth are published by Anomalist Books. Cutchin is also a published composer and maintains an active performing schedule as a jazz and rock tuba player, having appeared on eight albums and live concert DVDs. Joshua has appeared on a variety of paranormal programs discussing his work, including Coast to Coast AM, Mysterious Universe, Binnall of America, and The Gralien Report. He can be heard on the weekly podcast Where Did the Road Go? and maintains an online presence at - Don't miss this interesting show! Join us on Wednesday February 8th - 10PM ET / 7PM PT - go to and click 'Listen Live' to listen & chat.

Facebook event page - Joshua Cutchin - Fortean Author & Resercher



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