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jeudi, février 16, 2017

Daily 2 Cents: Figures on a Cloud -- Bi-Location / PK Accounts -- Haunted Town Hall Concerns

Figures on a Cloud

2017-02-15 - Flying from Warsaw to London Heathrow, looking out the window to my left.

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw these dark, thin figures in the middle of a cloud.

It definitely wasn't a building because we were too high up so I thought they were mini tornadoes.

There were 4 figures: 2 tall ones and 2 slightly small ones. They were very close together and they weren't moving at all. They were dark, had a thicker upper body and a thinner lower body. one of them looks like they had wings.

I was in awe and shocked at how it was all deserted then there were these random weird objects just standing on top of a cloud. I took photos and showed my parents and brother the photo and they couldn't believe their eyes. I was also a little bit excited because I have never seen anything like this before.

flew past the object(s) then it disappeared. - MUFON


Haunted Town Hall Concerns

The mayor of a small town outside Granada is facing calls to bring in an exorcist after workers became convinced that the council offices were haunted – and the ghost was even caught on camera.

A councillor was working late in the town hall at Vegas del Genil, on February 3rd when the air suddenly turned cold.

“It was unusually cold in the office so I put on my coat and then got up to go to bathroom,” the member of the council, who wants to remain anonymous, explained to local newspaper Ideal.

“That’s when I heard a strange rustling sound in the hallway, like someone was dragging files across the floor.”

Fearful that he had disturbed burglars and not wanting to turn on the light he took out his phone to call – initially with the intention of calling police but he then decided to take a photo of the hallway to see if someone was there.

At first glance the hallway appeared empty so he returned to his office where he examined the photograph again.

Peering closer he saw what appeared to be a ghostly apparition of a child. The image put the councillor “into a state of panic” and he locked himself in the office before sending the photograph to a Whatsapp group composed of the governing council.

A fellow councillor immediately went to the town hall to collect the shaken colleague and take him home.

Leandro Martín, the mayor of the town with a population of 10,400, initially dismissed the whole thing as a joke but the next day other council staff started to complain about the “inexplicable cold in that particular corridor” and a mechanic was even called in to check the heating was working correctly.

The mayor told El Mundo that the whole thing has got out of hand. “I am a sceptic. It’s not true that it is inexplicably cold. It is a collective psychosis.”

One of the councillors invited a local Reiki practitioner to carry out a “cleansing session” in the corridor and she reported “feeling a presence”. - Spanish mayor urged to call in exorcist over town hall haunting


Bi-Location / PK Accounts

I received the following descriptions of strange activity from a reader:

I'm a family counselor (retired school counselor), and one evening after dark, a father brought his son to my office for their appointment. about 10 years ago. The boy was about 12 years old and was having trouble sleeping because he would see forms at his window, looking in at him.

When they came in to the office they were very surprised to see me there, because they said they had just seen me in the parking lot going to my car. The dad asked, "how did you get here so fast?"

We talked about it and I assured them I had been in the office. I asked what the person was wearing, and the dad insisted it was me and she was wearing just what I was wearing. We just shook our heads and went on with the appointment.

The boy was having strange experiences with black forms he would see (shadow people?)

I started to wonder if strange things like that happen around children or people who are slipping dimensions, or somehow causing paranormal events that happen just around them?? I referred the young man to a psychiatrist...don't know what happened after that.

When I was a school counselor I had a Mom bring her son in, he had been expelled from his 7th grade class because he reportedly would make the hands on the classroom clock move forward and make things fall off the teacher's desk, just with his mind.

The teacher and some other students confirmed it and everyone was freaked out, especially his mother. The boy said he did it on purpose because he didn't like the teacher. I approached it as a special "gift" that he would have to manage, but he ended up with a psychologist. Wonder how much of that happens to people with paranormal experiences? - Name withheld


UPDATE: North Lancaster Co., PA Investigation

Hey folks...please bear with us in reference to the north Lancaster Co., PA investigation. We were presented with a sort of 'caveat' that we believe needs to be taken seriously. I won't go into the details at this point, but we consider it is a significant event. I will note that there was potential personal contact with unknown entities and that we are focused on the information conveyed to us. I can add that we feel that an 'invitation' was offered. Thanks for understanding. Lon


Coming Soon...'The Mothman of Point Pleasant'

Kickstarter - The Mothman of Point Pleasant and Invasion on Chestnut Ridge



...or go to Paypal and use my email as the payee.
Donations by mail can be sent to:
Lon Strickler
26 Coachman Ct
Randallstown, MD 21133




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