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mercredi, février 08, 2017

Daily 2 Cents: Chased by Robots? -- Strange Hammond, Indiana -- Axe Wielding 'Killer Clown' Chases Pregnant Woman

Chased by Robots?

“True story take for what you want. I've lived in south Florida for about 20 years. When I was 14 or 15, a close friend who never told stories or made shit u, etc. There were a few of my close friends and the friend in question. One night he told us while walking home late one night he was chased by two tall robots?? At the time and till I saw your video, found it a little out there. Keep in mind I've always been into the unexplained etc. but still 2 big robots running after someone?? I will never forget how scared he was even just telling the story, over the years we would joke about it and he never thought it was funny?? So were he and this couple hallucinating? Either way it getting weird these days.”

Source: SamSquatch Rivera, Youtube Comments

The video can be found at JLB - Beyond Creepy


Strange Hammond, Indiana

Possible Thunderbird

Hammond, IN - 2017-02-07 16:30: I witnessed a very large bird that was at appx 500 ft high and at 1000 yards and it measured 2 inches across which makes it 11 1/2 feet wide. It shocked me. - MUFON

Previousy, I posted:

MIB in Indiana

Hammond, Indiana - 3/26/2012: It was 4pm I was walking out of a store. I looked across the street and there were two men in black suits, wearing sunglasses and they both had a black umbrella. They were standing perfectly still. I was very paranoid because I'm really into conspiracies and aliens and I read about Men In Black. As I started walking once I got at least 100 feet in front of them, they crossed the street and started to follow me. The way they moved was very unusual, not like a regular human walking (not implying they weren't human). I turned the corner and looked back and they were gone. It was strange because there was nowhere they could have gone so fast because I kept looking behind me. I went to my house and waited about 30 minutes and went back out to see if I could find anything out if they were still there or something. As I turned the corner, I saw one and I was so startled I fell and one ran to me in a very odd motion, I got up before he/it could reach me and ran home. - MUFON CMS

NOTE: Hammond, IN has also had a number of UFO reports over the years.


Axe Wielding 'Killer Clown' Chases Pregnant Woman

An axe wielding "killer clown" prankster has been jailed after he chased a pregnant woman the night before Halloween.

Michael March, 18, is thought to be the first person imprisoned following the craze that swept across the UK.

Newcastle Crown Court heard he terrified a couple walking past him after banging the foot long axe on the floor in South Shields just after 9pm.

The woman, who was 22 weeks pregnant, threw a brick at him in an attempt to defend herself before he ran off.

Jailing him for six months, Judge Jamie Hill QC said: "Brandishing an axe and threatening people in the street is serious whatever the context." - Axe wielding 'killer clown' jailed for chasing pregnant woman


Thousands of Dead Bees Wash Ashore

Thousands of dead and dying bees are washing up on a popular beach in Naples, Florida.

Beach goers had to watch where they stepped Tuesday after some people say they have been stung just along the shoreline, according to NBC affiliate WBBH-TV.

Martha Duff lives in Naples. She recently had a painful encounter with the bees. "I've been stung a couple of times and at first, I didn't know what it was and then I realized and then I had an allergic reaction," Duff said.

Naples residents say the problem started only a few days ago. They are both concerned and confused.

"Why are there bees? Where are they coming from? And why are they in a very specific area of the beach?" Duff said.

A bee expert says seeing bees wash up at the beach is very unusual. It could be anything from a nearby pesticide spraying forcing them to the water or a swarm flying overhead that became exhausted and flew into the water. - Thousands of Dead Bees Wash Ashore on Naples Beach



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