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mercredi, décembre 07, 2016

Humanoid Encounters: Needed to Refuel, Luminous Eyeless Being & Taken to the Volcano

The following reports are from Albert Rosales' Humanoid Encounters Series and other sources:


Location: Iron Mountain, Michigan - 1972 - 10:50 pm

The witness was driving out of the parking lot of his foundry job when he noticed an object flying about 100 ft in the air above a junkyard. He noticed 4 lights, 2 red and 2 green. Suddenly it shot a bright beam down onto several of the wrecked cars in the junkyard, shut it off, and proceeded east repeating the same thing. The object then stops to hover above some trees and bushes. The witness drove closer to the object and realized it was a giant round disc shaped craft. There was a dome-like structure on the top with a giant pane of glass with 2 creatures standing. One pointed towards the witness car, turned to the other and immediately the glass was covered by some kind of barrier so it simply looked like a disc with a dome. The witness then stood directly under the object where he saw a mesmerizing red light that had an extremely tranquilizing effect on the witness. The underside of the object had a slight lip around the edge. Crisscrossing the belly were what appeared to be some kind of tubes or I-beams, which passed through to each of the lights resembling a “cross” or plus sign. Eventually, the witness heard a whine like an electric motor starting, and then silence set in. The lights then became more intense, while four globes beneath the object began to send off what looked like bolts of lightning. Out of nowhere and completely encircling the disc, came a coil, which looked like it was made up of overlapping scales, like fish scales, roughly spherical in shape and about 12 inches at the widest. The disc then rose cleared the top of the foundry roof and preceded slightly northeast, it momentarily turned its lights off as it glided across a street. The craft then stopped and disappeared. The witness then suddenly found himself back home.

Years later the witness remembered being lifted up on a beam of light and being inside of the disc. There he met the same two beings he had seen previously. One of the humanoids was about 4-½ ft tall, the other 4 ft. Their skin was kind of iridescent gray and they had large eyes, no ears, or mouth. They had 4 fingers on each hand with a tiny suction cup-like on each finger. Inside the object everything was metallic with sky-blue seat cushions. The humanoids seemed to lack what we would call substance, rather like a holographic image of one kind or another. He was told telepathically that they had needed electrons from the iron in the junked cars, which they needed as fuel. The witness could not remember how he left the object.

Source: Michigan UFO Central



Location: Putre, Chile - June 27-28, 1974

Young Bolivian student Lucio Quevedo Lazarte was sleeping in his room when a noise coming from the living room woke him up. Going to investigate he was confronted by a man with very short white hair, wearing a tight-fitting shiny black outfit that ended in a closed turtleneck. On his arm he wore a bracelet and his hands were enclosed in dark gloves. He also wore a strange metallic belt with several sphere and rhomboid shaped object clinging from it. Lucio at first thought that the stranger was a thief and begged him not to steal the curtains. The entity answered him by saying: "I could changed that what you call a curtain for something of more value." At that moment the humanoid took out of his belt one of the rhomboid shaped objects and placed it in front of Lucio's face, at this time Lucio lost consciousness. Later he woke up from a kind of trance and the stranger had already gone. He went back to bed and covered himself completely even though he was unable to sleep after that.

The next day, Lucio woke up in his bed stiff, pale and unable to move. A local police doctor attended to him and concluded that he had some type of virulent disease. He woke up around noon, seemingly returning to normal. Around 1500 he suddenly got up from bed and climbed up on top of a bunk and proceeded to jump out the window. His brother Julio saw him and ran quickly to assist him, but to his surprised he could not find Lucio anywhere, not a trace of him. The police were called and they searched for him throughout the afternoon.

Around 9:00 pm a scream was heard: "He is here!" Everyone ran to the location and found student Donato Perez on the ground with Lucio lying directly on top of him. Donato explained that he saw Lucio being accompanied by two men that upon seeing him dropped him to floor and vanished. Lucio's clothing was dirty, and his shoes stained with grayish volcanic sand. During a medical examination it was discovered that his fingertips had triangular shaped scars on them. A couple of days later he was able to recall what happened and remembered that as he fell out of the window two short humanoids grabbed him and took him flying to the nearby Taapaca Volcano. There they entered a landed object and inside he saw additional humanoids (not described). Later the same 2 short humanoids took him back and that's when Donato saw him arriving. In the area around the Volcano investigators found several ground traces.

Source: Cristian Riffo



Location: Sevilla, Spain - October 14, 2000 - night

Joaquin Aranda was out hunting in a field near his ranch when he spotted on top of a nearby hill, a luminous figure that as it walked, emitted flashes of bright light. Aranda then told his dog to go towards the strange figure. The animal walked a few paces then ran away into the brush. Lacking options and a little frightened the witness fired a shot into the air. Instead of being intimidated the luminous figure began walking towards the witness. At this point Aranda fired towards the figure that ignored the shot and apparently was not harmed and kept approaching him. Frightened Aranda dropped the rifle and fled from the area. Returning to the scene the next day accompanied by his sons, Aranda found the rifle propped up against a tree, and no tracks or footprints around it.

That same night Diego Garrido was driving on the C-421 motorway near the city when as he rounded a curve he noticed a very luminous figure that appeared to be walking along the embankment. As Garrido drove by, the figure lunged towards the car, causing the witness to slam on the brakes. He noticed that the figure had amorphous facial features, with two concaved cavities where the eyes would have been and a small dot in the area of the nose. Terrified the witness accelerated and left the area at high speed.

Source: Jose Manuel Garcia Bautista, Rafael Cabello Herrero



Location: Manchester, Indiana - January 24, 2004 - 7:30 pm

A 17-year old motorist traveling almost 10 miles north of Aurora, Indiana on a Saturday night claims to have encountered an unusual figure on the road. While driving his black Chevrolet Cavalier southbound along North Hogan Road a "figure" was spotted in the headlights of the automobile as it was crouched down near a puddle of water. From the driver's perspective the figure was spotted out the windshield on the right of the car. After passing the frail-looking figure, the driver looked into his rear view mirror and again observed, illuminated by the taillights of his car, what he described as a tall, abnormal figure that moved strangely with pointed joints that "buckled out". He estimated the figure stood around 6 feet, seven inches. "It had protruding joints and moved very strangely." The driver said he was able to ascertain the figure, alleged to be dark gray or black and "pencil thin" stand up and take several steps toward the woods along the roadside. The figure definitely walked on two legs and was thought somehow, to be a male, although no clothing was noted. No face or eyes could be seen, but the witness had the impression that the figure was looking straight at him. The figure was immediately thought to be something out of the ordinary, not a human being. The duration of the sighting was "hurried" and possibly within the 3 to 4 second range.

The driver continued on for a small distance after passing the figure and finally put on his brakes, coming to a stop at an estimated 2 minute walking distance on the road from the location of the sighting. He looked back to further observe the entity. At that point, a second car came into view and approached from the opposite direction, passed and then reached the spot on the road where the figure was thought to be. The 17-year old motorist reportedly watched closely and observed the second car undertake what he thought to be an evasive maneuver near the vicinity of where he thought the figure would be situated, and then the car turned around at that spot and shortly pulled up behind him, somewhat in the grass. There was an elderly couple in the car, both in their late 60s or early 70s and both with gray hair. The driver, who wore glasses said, "Boy, did you see something back there? I'll tell you right now, that was no person." The passenger, an elderly female said, "It was no human being. It was no man."

The elderly couple was reportedly "spooked" but offered to follow the first witness the remainder of the trip down North Hogan Road, clearly in the opposite direction of their intended destination route. It was thought that the elderly couple observed this same figure on the opposite side of the road, and possibly had observed it more closely. Later, the 17-year old witness was said to have become hysterical, and within an hour was describing the figure as an "alien".

Source: Kenny Young - Florence, Kentucky - UFO Researcher

Humanoid Encounters Series - Albert S. Rosales

Phantoms & Monsters: Unexplained Encounters - JUST RELEASED!

Phantoms & Monsters: Mysterious Encounters

Phantoms & Monsters: Bizarre Encounters

Phantoms & Monsters: Strange Encounters

Phantoms & Monsters: Cryptid Encounters

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