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lundi, novembre 07, 2016

Humanoid Encounters: 'They're here...', Unfortunate Encounter & the Veiled Stranger

The following reports are from Albert Rosales' Humanoid Encounters Series and other sources:


Location/Date: near Norton Air Force Base, California - 1973 - unknown time

The witness was employed by the Air Force as a photographer. One day he received unexpected news that his security clearance had been upgraded. A few weeks later, he and another military photographer were flown for a temporary duty assignment to Norton Air Force base.

As they landed they were taken on a two-hour drive inside an Air Force vehicle with blacked out windows. They finally arrived at their destination, which turned out to be inside an underground installation. They were ordered to disrobe and given white smocks to wear. The main witness was taken to a room, which contained a disc shaped craft suspended in a heavy net hanging from a large crane. The disc was about 30 feet in diameter and had a small opening on the side. The witness was lifted up to the opening and put inside.

He was shocked to see that the inside looked to be about 10 times the size of the outside. Disoriented he poked his head back outside to check the size which appeared to be about 35 ft in diameter only. He continued to photograph the inside of the disc and was later taken to photograph 2 actual alien bodies dressed in blue jumpsuits. Very little description of the alien beings was given other than they were of small stature, had smooth bluish skin and large football shaped eyes. One body had deep lacerations and missing tissue and appeared as if it was involved in an horrific accident. At that point, he became ill and the other photographer was called in to complete the assignment.

No further details were provided.

Source: Preston E Dennett, Uncensored UFO Reports

NOTE: what's most interesting about this report is that it suggests possible, though anecdotal, proof of the space / time continuum theory. The account of an object's interior being larger than the outside appearance has been documented in several other alien encounter cases...Lon



Location/Date: Mafra, Santa Catarina, Brazil - Summer 1986 - 10:00 pm

After hearing unusual noises coming from outside in the front yard, a family of three including a 5-year old girl. Her mother opened the wooden door and her father armed with a piece of wood peeked outside to see a bizarre creature standing no more than 4 meters from the front door. After seeing the look of terror on her parents the little girl ran to the door and also saw the creature, which years later she described as about 3 meters in height, man-shaped, with a pair of huge wings covering its back, shiny black in color. It had large pointed ears, and brilliant red triangular shaped eyes. It carried in one hand an object resembling a "trident". She did not remember seeing a mouth or nose.

The little girl screamed and the terrifying humanoid stared at her. Her mother then pulled her back from the door, not before she saw her stepfather fling the piece of wood at the creature....but, before it reached the figure, the piece of wood vanished in plain sight. The creature remained immobile. It then suddenly pulled what appeared to be some kind of cape over its body emitting something that the witness could now only describe as a "magnetic field" and vanished in front of the terrified family.

They never spoke about the matter and her mother always prohibited any discussion about the encounter. Strangely, soon after the encounter, her mother developed a rare type of cancer, which killed her in a very short time. The witness believes there was a connection with the encounter and her mother's untimely death.

Source: Portal UFO Genesis, Brazil

NOTE: a man from Louisiana had a similar encounter during the same time period:

Location/Date: Metairie, Louisiana - Summer 1986 - late night

The witness was asleep when suddenly he woke shaking and convulsing uncontrollably. After a few minutes, he became calm....he opened his eyes and saw a tall figure standing over him, wearing a dark robe and hood. It was standing in front of the window and the light from the streetlight outside seemed to pass right through the being. It had round very large eyes, at least three times larger than normal and they glowed in a black radiance. Its eyes were totally black, but shone bright. The eyes and face had no expression and stared coldly at the witness. The entity never spoke or touched the witness. The witness was partially paralyzed and was struggled the get free. He was finally able to break free, leap to his feet and throw a punch at the figure....but it had vanished completely.

To this day, the witness experiences violent shaking tremors while sleeping.

Source: MUFON News



Location/Date: Nildottie, South Australia - June 1979 - early evening

The two witnesses, Jack and Don, had been experiencing problems with their outside TV antenna being twisted around. The cause puzzled them. One evening, after cooking a meal, the Venetian blinds went up and down. Both went outside to look and were approached by 'European' looking people. They appeared to be wearing dark colored woolen jumpers and were both male and females. A bright light shone on them and both men felt calm.

They were then taken over to a mound of gravel adjacent to which a oval shaped craft was located. The men were escorted inside though they never remember entering a passageway. It was cold, so the beings agreed to escort them back to the house to get coats. They were not allowed to take food. They then returned to the craft and it took off. As it rose they saw the TV antenna on the house below twist around. They could see across the Murray River as they rose up.

Don, the younger of the two, was given strange, repetitive tests. Many hours later they were returned. Later, a neighbor visited and found them confused. The local police were immediately called in. The two men were taken to a local hospital and seemed to be suffering from yellow jaundice and eye problems. Both men, who were in their 30's, eventually lost their sight and passed away within two years of the encounter. There was an autopsy performed on both men but an official cause of death was never released.

Source: "The Oz Files" through witness statements



Location/Date: Kadima, Israel - March 20 1993 - 6:30 am

Ziporet Carmel woke up earlier than usual and went to her kitchen. As she got there she noticed that the room was bathed in a strange light. She went to check the grounds and as she walked around the storage shed she noticed what appeared to be a large fruit silo on a nearby field. As she took a closer look she noticed that the silo-like object was silver colored and square in shape. It had what appeared to be 18 glowing square windows along its side. Five huge beams of a powerful light shone from its top into the sky.

Suddenly, what appeared to be a second section of the object materialized doubling in size. Then a seven-foot tall man-like figure appeared near the object. The dogs reacted in a violent manner upon seeing the figure. The figure wore a metallic overall and what appeared to be a sombrero-like headgear with a veil that covered his face completely. The figure and the witness then stared at each other for about 30 seconds.

Ziporet then quietly whispered "Why don't you take off your hat so I can see your face." She then heard a clear voice inside her head that spoke in Hebrew telling her that, "That's how things were." The witness then felt compelled to go back to her kitchen. Later during a search of the field numerous ground traces were found an unknown smelly substance that made people sick with nausea, was also found.

Source: UFO Universe newsletter

Humanoid Encounters Series - Albert S. Rosales

Phantoms & Monsters: Mysterious Encounters

Phantoms & Monsters: Bizarre Encounters

Phantoms & Monsters: Strange Encounters

Phantoms & Monsters: Cryptid Encounters

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