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jeudi, octobre 27, 2016

Humanoid Encounters: Winged Human Encounter, Little Green Men & the Tall Blond Man

The following reports are from Albert Rosales' Humanoid Encounters Series and other sources:

Location: Overland, Missouri
Date/Time: June 1982 - 11:30 pm local time

Winged Human Encounter

Witness heard his Border Collie barking and whining at something in the garden behind the barn. Witness set out with a flashlight to investigate the disturbance. As he turned the corner of the barn, he nearly stumbled over his dog, which was cowering and shivering next to the building. Thinking that the dog had been hurt, he knelt briefly beside his dog, checked quickly for any injury then stood up and directed the beam of the flashlight toward the sounds of movement in the garden.

At first, he saw a figure that he thought was human with a blanket wrapped around it, bending over and eating a melon. The witness yelled at the figure and it suddenly stood up revealing itself to be a tall human-like creature with dark wings that had been folded around it's torso. As it stretched itself to it's full height of well over six feet, each wing unfolded to a width of what appeared to be seven to eight ft....about fourteen feet from one wing tip to the other. The terrified witness dropped the flashlight and slid down to the ground. The humanoid then emitted a terrible screeching sound and lifted off into the night sky. "Its wings made a sharp, leathery slapping sound as it flew away."

Source: private investigator, St.Louis, MO


Little Green Men

Location/Date: Yakima, Washington - Jan. 1977 - 6:00 AM

A 9 year old boy was getting ready to eat his breakfast when he noticed a "little man" standing outside in his yard. He went outside and saw two light green colored creatures about 3 foot tall, who rotated on a base instead of having legs and feet. In a drawing, these creatures had only one eye, pug noses, and vestigial arms. Two metal craft were observed, one resting in the backyard and the other on the roof of the house, where there were two more identical creatures visible. While hiding, he saw the first two beings return to their craft, which were brightly lit inside and contained "two chairs with very tall bases." Ramps led up to "cross shaped" doors. After the humanoids had re-entered, the craft in the yard rose and disappeared in a cloud of steamy exhaust.

Impressions in the gravel were found where the boy said the creatures had stood. In the long grass of the backyard was a circle of whirled grass about 10 feet in diameter. Local investigators found these traces still present during their on-site inspection on the same day the incident.

Source: CUFO


The Tall Blond Man

Location/Date: near Barstow California - July 1995 - midnight

Five young men had gone into the Mojave Desert to shoot their rifles and camp for the night. Three of the group had gone to bed while the other two stayed up talking and working by portable light on a dirt bike.

After awhile they heard a strange humming sound and their portable light went out. Looking up, in the light of the full moon, they spotted a large black circular object slowly moving over their camp. Startled and curious, they followed the craft hoping to make out more details. After about an hour, they lost sight of it over a hill. They headed back to camp but lost their way.

After wandering about for nearly an hour, they came upon an old State Park dumpster in the middle of the area used for dirt bikes. Then from within the masonry wall surrounding the dumpsters, they heard loud crashing sounds like if someone was tossing garbage around. One of the men walked around to an opening in the wall, intent on asking directions from whoever was there. He noticed a tall blond man, clean shaven and wearing a golf shirt and dress slacks, both stained with motor oil and muck, wildly tossing garbage around as he searched for something in the dumpster.

The camper asked the blond man if he knew how to get back to town, the man responded that he was not from around the area, that maybe the government knew. The campers asked the man what he was doing out in the middle of nowhere dressed as he was, but he ignored them, held up a bullet riddle radiator, and asked them what they thought of it. Concerned the two campers moved back from the stranger. They then looked around for a car but saw nothing. Just then a helicopter flew over the hillside and shot a blinding light down on the group. Though the two campers do not recall the man leaving the dumpster, they turned to talk to him and he was gone. An instant later the helicopter veered off in the direction of a glowing green light that was steadily rising in the sky. Neither camper remembered anything after that. They woke up leaning against the masonry wall sometime after 6:00 AM.

Source: NUFORC

NOTE: the Barstow, CA area has been a UFO / ET hot spot for many years..Lon

Humanoid Encounters Series - Albert S. Rosales

Phantoms & Monsters: Mysterious Encounters

Phantoms & Monsters: Bizarre Encounters

Phantoms & Monsters: Strange Encounters

Phantoms & Monsters: Cryptid Encounters

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