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mardi, octobre 18, 2016

Daily 2 Cents: 'Highway of Tears' Killers May Never Be Caught -- Saying 'Goodbye' -- Exorcism 'too scary' For Young Priests

'Highway of Tears' Killers May Never Be Caught

A decade after the launch of the RCMP's high profile Highway of Tears investigation into missing and murdered women in northern B.C., police admit they may never find the killers or make more arrests.

"I've been honest with our [victims'] families and I say perhaps they'll never be solved," RCMP Staff Sgt. Wayne Clary of the E-PANA unit, told CBC host Anna Maria Tremonti during a townhall on missing and murdered women packed with several hundred people in Prince George Thursday night.

For a decade, E-PANA has been investigating the cold case deaths and disappearances of 18 young women along a 720 km street of northern B.C. dubbed the Highway of Tears. PANA is an Inuit word for the god who cared for souls in the underworld.

At the height of E-PANA's work, 70 people worked the investigation. Now, just 8 investigators are left.

"That's the reality and that's what I tell the families," said Clary. "We can't keep that going forever when there's no work." Read more at RCMP say Highway of Tears killers may never be caught


Saying 'Goodbye'

“My friend in Canada was killed in a car accident, before she died we agreed to meet up. I was so upset when I heard she had died. My husband, daughter and I were driving back to Oshawa from the cottage. We were on the 401, it was dusk. I saw a white car approaching from the other side of the road, as it passed I realized that it was being driven by my friend who had died. It was an old white car with red leather seats, Laura had jet black long hair and died in a white jacket. She looked straight at me and smiled as she left by a ramp. It was her, it was her car, there was no mistaking that fact.... it was heartwarming. I never expected to see Laura again, I guess she came to say goodbye. Funny thing is, I didn't grieve for her after that, and it made me feel happy for her as I knew then that we do not die.”

Source: TheWatanna, Youtube Comments

Transcribed by JLB


Exorcism 'too scary' for young priests

"That is a possessed woman there," says Fr Vincenzo Taraborelli as he points up to an 18th Century fresco in his Roman church. "They're holding her with her mouth open. She has little devils coming out of her body. She's being freed."

It is a scene the 79-year-old priest says he knows well. For the past 27 years, Fr Taraborelli has performed exorcisms - the Catholic rite of expelling evil spirits.

He stumbled into the job when a fellow priest needed help.

"I didn't know what it was, I hadn't studied it," the father says. "He told me what to do. I was totally ignorant."

He has since become one of Rome's busiest exorcists, and the Catholic Church is struggling to find younger successors.

Working three days a week from a windowless room at the back of his church near the Vatican, he often sees up to 30 people every day. Read more at Exorcism in Italy a job 'too scary' for young priests



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