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vendredi, octobre 21, 2016

48 Hours in 'Lycan Land'

The following information is an update that references the ongoing northern Minnesota investigation conducted by JC Johnson and the Crypto Four Corners International team:

By Jane Maya Rodriguez - "Hey...wanna learn a spell about gravity? Come here, lemme teach you."

These were the words that Ron Shaw said his long-time residents in the woods said to him, in a sort of honed direct-to-the-mind speak one day. These long term residents (his grandparents also encountered them) happen to be upright walking canids. Did I mention that yet? This type of communication is the upright walking canids' Modus Operandi, as author and investigator Linda Godfrey has said again and again. She's interviewed hundreds of witnesses and people who've had close encounters with them, and it adds to the mystery of these creatures. They obviously do not have the facial structure to form english human words, and since so much about these creatures bleeds the line between physical flesh & blood and incorporeal "paranormal or interdimensional" spirit-world. She's my friend and sometimes in field research partner too, and I asked her about these mind-to-mind communications for this article and here's what she said:

"People who encounter the upright canines very often report that they felt the creatures were sending some sort of message. The messages are not in the words of human speech, most say, but get a general point across to the witness. Most are interpreted as a sort of warning. Examples I've heard from witnesses include: "I could jump on your car if I wanted," and "If you tell anyone, I'll get you." I think this implies that they are not only secretive about their presence but rather territorial about their hunting grounds. And sometimes people say that the dogman just exuded a sense that it felt superior, as it stared with a sneering expression at them." - Linda Godfrey 9/28/2016

The lycans Ron’s grandparents encountered in Northern Minnesota occurred shortly after they bought the property and started trapping for the DNR. This was after the war ended (WW2). Today, Ron encounters what he believes are the grandchildren of the progenitors of yore his grandparents dealt with. All the brief history can be found in our earlier articles and videos at Crypto Four Corners International: Northwood Lycans & Northwoods Lycans It's an ongoing mystery that is reinforced on an almost daily basis with some sort of odd sighting on the property.

Now, to detail my experience as it happened with JC Johnson, JD Johnson (JC’s son) and Ron and the couple other men who were with us. When we first arrived, while driving on the long access road, the September day was unusually warm for the season and I noticed that everything looked still very green and leafy from the Summer. There was a point while driving with JC that I felt an odd sensation that I can only explain as the mood of the atmosphere changed. The ambient energy of the atmosphere shifted and it was a classic eerie feeling.

When we pulled into Ron's long driveway, with JD pulled up right behind us. We all got out of our two vehicles and chatted about the terrain. And all three of us said at the same time..."did you feel that while driving in?"

Ron comes out to greet us and my first impression was "Wow he's huge!" He is a gentle giant however. He greeted us all cheerfully and I hugged him and thanked him for having us. Straight away we got into the reason we came and he pointed out that the alpha lycan female hasn't been around lately. Ron endowed the alpha female with the name Allura, and for the sake of "keeping it real", telling it how it is and how it goes on to this day, I'll refer to this upright walking canid by her name. He said in so many words that he had seen neither hide nor hair of her and wondered what could be up. Regardless, we all had a feeling of excitement for what the coming days would bring for our research. JC, being my mentor and dear friend had earlier in the week given me extensive firearms training which allowed me to get my permit to carry license. For the past year, JC has been coming to Ron's and experiencing first hand the multitudinous cryptid activity.

Ron and JC's mutual friend Bryce had arrived to Ron's sometime earlier before we got there and JD and I made introductions with him as well. We all chatted about guns and shooting and got to know one another while making a plan for the day and evening.
As the night replaced daylight we stood outside and noticed the light of the nearly full harvest moon. JD was excited to use his night vision goggles. He jokingly remarked that it never ceases to amaze people after they had a few beers. He said their reaction to the vision is always so dramatic. When I took a look through them after night completely fell around us, I could see why (we were all sober btw). The whole landscape did indeed light up day-glo green completely illuminating the dark landscape. You'll be able to see for yourself on the footage we took.

So, as soon as it was fully dark, JC immediately said "I'm going to go out there a few hundred yards to the right of the house and introduce ourselves to the furry folk who are around here, because they are here." He looked at Bryce and Bryce eagerly accepted the invitation to accompany him and was given the flashlight. JD had the night vision goggles, and had been experimenting with rolling film through the goggles. Clever huh? JD was looking over his shoulder to see through the night vision and Ron standing to our left as we watched the two men walk the path that led to a small clearing.

JC did his thing. He whooped and said HI and just 'did his thing.' JD and I could see the clearing where the men were calling into, when all of a sudden JD and I saw a humanoid creature, about 8-9 feet tall, standing behind a little pine tree that was no more than a foot taller than he was. I didn't see it walk up to the point it was standing (Ron saw something big and black-moving fast), but there it was. It peering over the pine branches, looking at JC and Bryce with what looked like curiosity. JD shouted "JC you've got someone to your right!" Then Bryce shone the flashlight at the Sasquatch. That's when we saw the Bigfoot change his position from our view from profile to it' full backside. He had huge shoulders that connected to his head, with heavy trapezoid musculature. In other words, he didn't have much of a neck.

What felt like 15 minutes of just rapt awe, while looking at the timid seeming creature, military combat veteran JD, noticed other movement approaching from the right and felt that it was time to call JC and Bryce. He called them in, and they maneuvered back. We all excitedly went over the events that just occurred. I think the phrase "did you see that ?!" must have been repeated at least a couple hundred times by us that night.

The adrenaline was running high, and the night completely set in with the nearly full moon in place. JD and I looked at each other and decided to do a night time reconnaissance of what we had looked at today, to hopefully catch some good footage. JD and I did conduct a day time recon around 4 pm and I had a video camera gifted to me from my mentor and friend JC. I had recorded JD talking about his experience a year prior. He took me to where he had seen footprints the previous year, as well as some structure in the forest that looked manipulated by something with hands...a place we called the OP for observation point. Obviously I don't have to tell you that JD's experience fighting in a war had come into major play here. He showed me these trails that led to a bluff that overlooked Ron's house and a neighbor's house. This area had been matted down. The tall grass that was flattened in this area...approximately 8'x 10' in size. We had also found large canine footprints in that area as well. We did indeed go into the forest, where the structures are in place. These are not made by Bigfoot mind you...these were constructed by Dogmen (the sightings, the footprints, the OP and structures all corroborate).

Click Here For Video - 48 Hours

Searching through the forest for this unusual structure, perhaps a 'lair' or 'hangout spot' as JD put it, was only the beginning of the terror. Several times while we were in the thick woods, it would fall as silent as a tomb. As if every cricket, bird and all animal noises had suddenly been sucked into a vacuum. If you're ever in the woods, and it's a normal active warm pre-autumn day and the sun is shining and all of a sudden it goes DEAD SILENT, it's a terrifying experience. This is when he would whisper to me "Jane, take a knee" and we would silently crouch to take in our surroundings and listen for movement. We would stay crouched until the noises of the woods returned.

This happened 5-6 times. Each time I could feel my heartbeat in my throat. Each time, I was bordering on full scale panic. JD taught me though. He taught me to get a hold of myself and fight my fear. He told me things...the things that only a man who had stared the unspeakable in the eye, and then lived to talk about it.

When we came back from our daytime recon, we were bristling with excitement. "This is real," I marveled to myself. "I'm finally getting a hands on and real living color experience with what has been going on at Ron's." I believed all that JC and Ron had told me. But as you the reader knows, hearing about something and experiencing it are two different animals all together. When we got back to Ron's I remember bringing the camera inside on the table...safely tucked in my TAC vest after it had run out of battery while JD and I were doing recon. So happy with the footage we captured, I gleefully set it down on the central table in Ron's house and poured myself a tall glass of water.

I’d never see that camera again.

Embarrassed that I had lost my camera that I had just been gifted to me by my good friend and mentor JC, but knowing also that I set the thing down inside, I didn't want to mention it to anyone for a little while because I hoped that it would turn up. But as the day wore on and the thing was nowhere to be found, I finally asked the guys "have you seen my brand new video recorder anywhere? I swear I put it on the table and now it's gone."

JC looked at me and said "Jane have I ever told you about my pair of glasses that I lost out in the woods here? Six months go by, until one day Ron comes home from work to find them setting on the table, plain as day."

These are just little tidbits, small examples of the many things that happen all the time in 'Boogeyman Land' as JC calls it (but especially when we get together, which is a whole other article idea, but nonetheless seems to be true). JC seems to attract the attention of cryptids (as I mentioned in the Minnesota Lycans video).

So, after we see the Bigfoot, and night completely washes over us JD and I look at each other and say "let's go back out into the woods". He grabbed an M4, and I had the pistol.. a .40 cal JC lent me to carry on Ron's property holstered. You don't really want to go out there unarmed. Yeah, I know I just wrote about how terrifying it was. But you can't be an explorer, and you can't find and capture info, if you don't go where the action is....right? This is the time where I know my Apache genes are going into overdrive, and I’m literally being driven by my instinct to confront this lurking fear.

We start driving back to the aeas we were before, and instantly activity started to happen. The full harvest moon was lighting up the forest as our eyes adjusted to the night. JD brought along the night vision goggles so we could drive without headlights. We wanted to cut through parts of the thick forest, using these ATV type trails that we had gone through four hours prior. The day had started out clear and sunny...ending clearr with no clouds in sight. When we wanted to take a trail we had just taken four hours before. But then we saw that the trail was at least 4-6 inches of water. How did this happen? There were no hills from which the water could flow onto this trail?

I started to get real scared, asking JD to turn on his headlights. He urged me to be brave and to maintain the course as he looked through the goggles. "This is what you came for Jane." As we were driving along one of the main access trails to the woods, the moon was hanging, pouring light on this open alley of green grass between a grove of trees. In the middle of the tall poplars, I saw a large, wide canine head attached to a tall upright body, with ears that were very straight and perky. Not being able to reconcile what I just saw with any creature I've ever seen, it scared me badly. I couldn't bring myself to look down at the body. It was too much for me. I looked away after looking at it for 5-8 seconds. "JD get us the hell out of here please!" He answered "Jane we are not in any clear mortal danger...let's keep going." It was right around then we heard a loud BANG on the back bumper. At this point I start praying to Jesus out loud, and JD said he could hear something running along with the car and breathing heavily.

Some time after that initial bang on the bumper, we come to the OP point we saw earlier during the day. The same OP point he saw a year to the day ago. He is coaxing me to come out, despite what I just saw, saying that he wouldn't have me get out of the car if it we were in clear mortal danger. I just agreed, "ok, fine. Yes you're right let's go" Then he shone his new flashlight out the window and it immediately flashed out, dead. "Ok, that's not good," he said. We look at each other and that's when we heard another loud BANG. He depresses his foot on the gas pedal, and nothing happens, he taps it again. Nothing. The grass was bone dry and it was like in my mind the electrical systems were failing. It was then he said "Something was lifting up the back of the jeep!" He presses his foot down...thank God it worked and we drove off. Praying with my heart practically beating out of my chest, he continues to drive along with the headlights off and using the goggles. He gets this look on his face, the blood drained from it, but keeping cool he flips on the lights and says, "it's time to get out of here now."

I didn't want to know what he saw. With everything that happened, my brain couldn't handle anything else without going into full-fledged panic. Praying our way out of there, while driving towards Ron's house, we then see JC's jeep. He said we were gone for a while and he got concerned. I was extremely shaken and I ran inside the house not knowing what to do with myself. It would take a couple hours for me to calm down. JD and I started to tell JC what happened. That would just be the beginning of our week at the Northern Minnesota 'Lycan Land.'

JC forwarded a summary written by a Lakota man who spent a week at Ron Shaw's property after the group left:

I am a friend of JC Johnson, am American Indian (Lakota and Metis) and visited the site in question. I was raised traditionally, was trained as a medicine person (via both the Lakota and Metis elders) and am able to communicate with the Tunkashila beings (aka angelic spirits) of my peoples. However, I am not a Wicasa Wakan (holy man/medicine man). I spent one week at the location and excluding a brief tour of the site, did not engage in field work in the woods. During that time I personally experienced the following:

•On the first day, the property owner and I took a tour of the general area. We were walking up a trail in a wooded location several miles from his home when we came across tracks of an animal that was quite large. The gait between tracks was about three feet. The tracks were fresh and had not been there just a few moments before when we first walked this portion of the trail. They appeared to belong to a three toed animal with splayed digits. There was a large pad behind the toes and oddly in the rear (where a heel should have been) was a elongated semi-oval indention. In one of the tracks, a piece of grass had been jammed and folded into the mud by a large toe nail. I personally removed the grass blade myself. The owner said these were tracks of the wolf-man entities being encountered on the property and that he thought the oval indention where the heel should have been was made by the unique construction of their foot/legs called digitigrade. He surmised that the creature had been crouching and was maybe 8 feet tall. This happened during daylight hours. He said he thought that the creature must have been watching us from the forest and then crossed our trail after we passed him.

•On the second night. I was practicing ceremonial songs alone in the house while the owner was at work. At around 10pm, exactly as I finished the last song, I heard something suddenly begin to heavily scratch on the kitchen window. This window is about 9 feet off the ground and there are no tree nearby. The owner's dog lying beside me heard it as well and immediately lifted its head in that direction. About 15 minutes before, the owner's other dog had also begun growling inexplicably at something while lying in the back room. That same dog then came out to kitchen area right after the scratching event, stared intently at the kitchen window and began growling.

•On the fourth night (again while alone at around 11pm) something threw an unknown object against the outside wall of the house. I was on the other side in the living room.

While on site, the spirits of my people came to me via several visions and also directly, informing me that a shape-shifter cult of Ojibwa people, lead by a woman and based on the Red Lake Ojibwa Reservation, was responsible for this activity. They further informed me that this cult took the form of large bipedal wolf-men creatures that had the capacity to take on the appearance of other forms/animals to mask their appearance while as wolf-men people. In addition they told me that no one would be able to film them with video cameras (ie moving film) because of this ability. Finally, they said that this cult should be stopped because what they are doing is evil.

Using this information, I began to do some research and discovered the following. (Source links are provided.) In 1952, and Anthropological study was published about the Red Lake Reservation in which it was shared that some persons in the the town of Ponemah were suspected by other tribal members of engaging in bad medicine (aka dark witchcraft). [Changes in Ojibwa Social Control, by Paula Brown. Pg 65].

In 1997, a student named Michael Angle (working towards a doctorate in Philosophy at the University of Manitoba) wrote a thesis (citing several anthropologists/scholars) in which he stated, “Creatures with great power...and individual Anishanaabe [aka Ojibwa] who received power from a powerful manitou [spirits], are believed to have the power to change the outward manifestation of their bodily shape while retaining their essential being.” [Discordant Voices, Conflicting Visions: Ojibwa and Euro-American Perspectives on the Midewiwin, by Michael R. Angle. pg. 45.] He goes on to note on the same page, a connection between a manifestation of this type of activity/tradition (shape-shifting into a bear by evil shamans) with the Metis shape-shifting tradition of the Rugarou, also known as the Loup-Garrou.

Incidentally both Metis and Ojibwa were settled on the Red Lake Reservation, presently comprising the membership of that tribe.

Lastly in 2014, an anonymous source from the Red Lake Reservation stated on an internet forum, “...THIS again. American Indian skinwalkers are medicine men with the deep spirituality of their tribal religion who are shapeshifters. I should know, I'm an American Indian from Red Lake reservation, I seen this [explicative] done before, I seen a man go into a midiwiwin (Medicine lodge) and a bird come out, with the man nowhere in sight.”

These three references in hand, lend credibility to what the spirits told me. A shape-shifting cult with Ojibwa roots is functioning on the Red Lake Reservation. The anonymous eyewitness cited above, implies that this is done through the power of good. However, in Lakota tradition (at least among those who instructed me) it was implied that all shape-shifting can only be achieved through petitioning evil spirits (demons) to attain such an ability. In doing so, one commits a great evil.

In conclusion it is my firm belief that a shape-shifting cult is most definitely operating on the Red Lake Reservation and on the property in question. This cult is evil in nature, headed by a woman and should be stopped. Please send up your prayers to God requesting that this happen and also share this information with any Ojibwas from Red Lake that you may know. Exposing this evil witchcraft plays a large role in ending it. Thank-you. I am using the pen name Lakota Joe to protect myself from retaliation via witchcraft which often happens to persons either still in training or who might one day become good medicine people. Such acts are intended to kill us before we mature, thus forever negating our ability to combat the evil of bad medicine practitioners.

Phantoms & Monsters: Mysterious Encounters

The Beast of Bray Road: Tailing Wisconsin's Werewolf

Real Wolfmen: True Encounters in Modern America

The Beast of Boggy Creek: The True Story of the Fouke Monster