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mardi, septembre 13, 2016

Bigfoot Encounter - Patuxent National Wildlife Research Refuge

A few weeks ago, I mentioned that I had found a collection of early eyewitness reports and encounter interviews that I had not posted on the blog. The following account was among those uncovered. It details a man's encounter while fishing at Cash Lake in the Patuxent National Wildlife Research Refuge in Prince George's County, MD:

Just before sunset on September 24th, 2002, I had been fishing at the Cash Lake fishing area on the north side of the lake. I had packed up and started to walk towards my car. I noticed movement in the small woods near the Rt 197 turnoff onto Old Laurel-Bowie Rd. I thought it may have been a small herd of deer. As I was loading my trunk, I heard a loud 'grunt' come from the woods. I turned around and saw what I can only describe as a Bigfoot. It was at least 7 ft tall and covered in reddish brown hair all-around. It was standing with its legs appeared to be upset and taking a menacing stance. I then saw more movement behind the Bigfoot. Whatever it was (I believe it may have been a juvenile) was hanging on the back with it's arms draped around the Bigfoot's neck. I didn't get a very good look at the juvenile, but I'm quite sure that is was I saw.

The Bigfoot grunted again and looking directly at me. It was probably about 200 ft. from me, but the remaining sunlight illuminated the beast. I hurried into the car, started it and drove off. I was definitely scared.

I mentioned my sighting to my friend who often fishes with me. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. He told me that his son had seen something similar a week before at Cash Lake. My friend didn't believe his son and just brushed it off.

NOTE: When I interviewed the witness, he stated that he was familiar with the 'Goatman' sightings in the same general area several years prior...though there have been Bigfoot sightings in the refuge as well. The BFRO has a report from 2006. I know of at least 2 other purported sightings within the refuge, though I have not interviewed the witnesses. BTW, one of the more noted sightings in the general area occurred in 2000 in Anne Arundel County in Hanover, MD. My encounter report with the BFRO Report 231.

Monsters of Maryland: Mysterious Creatures in the Old Line State


Phantoms & Monsters: Cryptid Encounters

A Menagerie of Mysterious Beasts: Encounters with Cryptid Creatures