'Smirking' Humanoid / Cloaking UFO
Vanderbilt, MI - 2015-07-10 - 10:00AM: I was outside working in my garden. I had a feeling I was being watched and I looked up and noticed this metal looking plane like with glass where the pilot was and he looked human with brown shoulder length hair and was just hovering over the ground about 20ft up and slowly moving south and he had a smirk on his face as if he was plain in sight and I still could not see him. As soon as I looked up at him it startled him and he then worked some of the controls and it sounded like a motor start and then he cloaked himself to where he matched the clouds like he was invisible as he took off. This was the only time this has happened besides seeing large glowing lights that look like stars but much bigger acting like they were in orbit. - MUFON CMS
Recent San Andreas Fault Concerns
The rumbling started Monday morning deep under the Salton Sea. A rapid succession of small earthquakes — three measuring above magnitude 4.0 — began rupturing near Bombay Beach, continuing for more than 24 hours. Before the swarm started to fade, more than 200 earthquakes had been recorded.
The temblors were not felt over a very large area, but they have garnered intense interest — and concern — among seismologists. It marked only the third time since earthquake sensors were installed there in 1932 that the area had seen such a swarm, and this one had more earthquakes than the events of 2001 and 2009.
The quakes occurred in one of California’s most seismically complex areas. They hit in a seismic zone just south of where the mighty San Andreas fault ends. It is composed of a web of faults that scientists fear could one day wake up the nearby San Andreas from its long slumber. Read more at Risk of big earthquake on San Andreas fault rises after quake swarm at Salton Sea
Hovering Light in the Mountains
Dayton, NV - 2016-09-27 - 3:20AM: I awoke on the morning of 9/27/16 and looked out the glass bedroom door, toward the mountains to the east, as I often do. I saw a shining "light" that reminded me of U.F.O. I saw three years ago. I got up, got my binoculars, and continued to watch it for 20 minutes. It hovered, then moved to a few different spots. I noticed that it was whitish and occasionally I saw a blue spot. I went to use the rest room, then came back to watch it for a few more minutes. Back in bed, I turned a couple of times, and noticed it moved west. I sat up to look at it hover. I went back to sleep. Later at around 8:00 a.m., I mentioned it to my wife, who said she too saw it when she awoke to use the rest room, at about 1:15 a.m. - MUFON CMS
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