; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, août 27, 2016

Have A Great Weekend

Hey folks...I'm going to take the weekend and see how things go. Have a great weekend...thanks for your concern. Lon

lundi, août 22, 2016

Incidents On-Site Reports: Pennsylvania Lycan Investigations

The Pennsylvania Lycan Investigations team was in the field this past weekend. The following reports, with a link to the original account, are being offered:

Wolfman & Bigfoot Encounters on Centre County Property

Reported by: RaK
Witness: RK (son)

Arrived at 0800 hrs. on 18 August 16, met with RaK, her husband KK and her son RK who is the only witness.

It was quite apparent from the start of the interview that the mother, RaK wanted to be involved in RK's account of the 2 events. I separated him from his mother under the pretext of him showing one of my investigators the route it took leaving the property. Once that was done the interview took place out of other's earshot.

The property was as described in the initial report along with the placement of the window where the bi-pedal was seen. A measurement of the window and the boy's placement of the bi-pedal's face is approximately 7' 6'' to 8' difference being the unevenness of the ground where tape was placed. NOTE: There is no even ground on the property. The area is hilly, rough, uneven and overgrown in most spots. The home is a 2006 Dbl. wide trailer. The land owned is approximately 3 acres and surrounded by dense underbrush and wooded areas.

The father KK and son RK took us to the mine area on the property which was caved in a very long time ago and we could not gain access nor do I believe anything other than a small animal could do same. The property has a number of game cams watching the property but they had not seen anything out of the ordinary. NOTE: The game cams were placed on the property after the events.

Caves in the area mentioned by both the Mother and Father to UFORCOP never materialized and I believe that cave story was indeed made up. The area around the home and trail leading to mine area showed no track or prints of any kind.

RK's Interview: Interviewer advised RK truly believes what he saw looking in his bedroom window that morning of September 27, 2015. He was very direct in showing the exact route taken by the creature as it ran off into the wooded area. He was clear and precise in his description of the creature and it's exit route.

Regarding the second sighting of February 22, 2016 he was vague as though he could not remember the incident but later on as we sat in the homes dining room his mother coached him through it.

Addendum: While RR was telling his story, I was with the Mother on the front porch talking and asking general questions about the area, property, etc. She eluded to seeing Bigfoot at will, mountain lions, large flying reptile looking birds. She also claims to be a clairvoyant from a very young age and sees ghosts all the time.

Completion: The investigators compared notes while in route to next location and have come to the conclusion that RK may have seen something on 9-27-15 but the Mother planted the 2-22-16 sighting into the equation. Also strange was the Father KK was not injecting anything into the conversations.

Conclusion: The sighting report of 9-27-15 is a possible sighting and the sighting of 2-22-16 is a fabrication by the mother.

RK showing route taken by creature.

Window where creature was seen.

Escape route of creature away from mine area to heavily wooded area around property.

Butch Witkowski
UFORCOP / Pennsylvania Lycan Investigations


Upright Canine Eyewitness - West Centre County, PA

Reported by: SR
Witness: SR

Arrived at 1300 hrs. on 18 August 16, met with SR and, her husband RR. We had no sooner exited the truck that RR was going on about the three mountain lions he saw and the bi-pedal paw print he found and claw marks in the trees. His insistence to follow him was met with an "I'll get to that later" by me. I advised my purpose this day was to go over the bi-pedal sighting his wife had. His wife chuckled a bit!

So SR took me through the scenario of August 29, 2015 when she viewed the bi-pedal canine standing by the pond for 10 plus minutes. We walked to the pond and she showed me where it was standing and how she viewed it from the porch. A lot has changed since 2015 to the property. Thistles now grow abundantly along the shores of the pond, and heavy brush around the pond has been cut down. She relates the thistles were not there a year ago. Also the pond has become stagnant from lack of rain this year in the area and is low. From viewing it is approximately 2.5' to 3' deep. She showed me where the creature was exactly and it was next to a guide wire to the left of a telephone pole at the edge of the pond. For her to see the creature sideways it would have been facing the far edge of the pond where it meets the road. She agreed more toward the end of the pond than the center. She is still unsure what was causing movement behind the creature and still thinks it may have been a tail as there was no obstruction from the thistles because they were not there at the time. The distance from the porch to the pond is 26 yards. She also wanted to correct a statement her husband made when I first met them and got her story. She did get her husband from bed that evening but he did not respond with a gun. He doesn't own a gun.

Porch where creature was viewed from. Front inner door open and screen door closed at time of sighting.

She did not exit onto the porch during the sighting but remained behind the screen door.

Pond at 20 feet. Left of the guide wire is the location of viewed creature.

We were then taken by the husband RR to view the print along the below photographed trail to the rear of the home.

About 1/4 of a mile in there is a print measuring 8.5" by 6 3/4" wide. Definitely a black bear, not canine. RR also showed us the alleged scratch or claw marks in a tree but beside being natural marks in the bark the marks were about 20' high. We then walked around the pond property looking for tracks of any kind and found none. Going through the wooded area below the pond nothing was seen there either. The property is a very old single wide trailer rented from the orchard owner which is behind the property.

Conclusion: SR's story did not change from my first interview with her in Farmington, PA on 5-7-16. So I will go with what she saw. Her husband just as in the Clarence PA case was trying to get himself into the investigation by fabricating the mountain lions, claw marks and canine print. As we were getting ready to leave he had us look at hand prints on the back wall of the trailer. (photo below) He said possible Bigfoot! It may have been looking into his daughter's bedroom window.

Butch Witkowski
UFORCOP / Pennsylvania Lycan Investigations


Update: Central Pennsylvania Dogman / Bi-Pedal Canine Investigation - 9/4/2015

Reported by: JF and friend Joe
Date of Sighting: 3-17-13

Arrived at 1800 hrs. on 18 August 2016 at a restaurant for supper. Called JF and asked if we could meet him after dinner. JF said he would contact Joe and they would meet us in the parking lot of the restaurant around 2000 hrs.

JF and Joe arrived at 2015 hrs and related there encounter to us. They did not deviate from the report as given by them one bit. They shared every aspect of the sighting and what they saw, how it looked, how it behaved and feelings during and after the sighting. We talked with both men till approximately 2400 hours. Joe had to go but JF took us to the scene.

It was very dark and on a narrow stretch of Rt 22. After checking a few different locations we found the spot. His description of the location was spot on. We departed the scene for our next report area.

CONCLUSION: We are of the opinion after extensive questioning of JF and Joe that they saw a bi-pedal wolf-like canine standing upright along Rt 22 in Geeseytown PA that night. We have no doubt whatsoever of what they conveyed to us.

Butch Witkowski
UFORCOP / Pennsylvania Lycan Investigations

NOTE: The next round of on-site investigations may take place as soon as the next weekend. All reports and updates will be posted here. Lon

All sightings are recorded on the PA Upright Canine/Dogman Witness Sightings Map

Year of the Dogman

Supernatural Lore of Pennsylvania:: Ghosts, Monsters and Miracles (American Legends)

Strange Pennsylvania Monsters

Phantoms & Monsters: Mysterious Encounters

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'Phantoms and Monsters' and 'phantomsandmonsters.com' is protected under the Lanham (Trademark) Act (Title 15, Chapter 22 of the United States Code)
'Phantoms and Monsters' was establish in September 2005 as part of the Phantoms and Monsters Network
© 2005-2016 Phantoms and Monsters / PM Network - All Rights Reserved

Daily 2 Cents: Former Soldier Claims He Was Forced Onto Alien Craft -- Talking Baby Dogman? -- MIB Arrive During UFO Encounter

Former Soldier Claims He Was Forced Onto Alien Craft

Bill Brooks joined the army in 1968 and claims he was subjected to an alien abduction while serving at the nuclear weapons base at Sennelager, Germany.

But this incident was just the tip of the iceberg in a lifetime of contact with extraterrestrials which began when he was a boy.

Incredibly he did not realize what had been happening to him until he experienced a "memory download" when he was 44 years old.

A professional musician after leaving the army, he claimed to have had an encounter with a UFO when returning from a gig and then just two hours later a flood of memories was triggered – reminding him of seemingly mind-wiped UFO experiences as a child and disturbing encounters in the military.

The ex-squaddie revealed he was told the Sennelager base was shared with a detachment of American agents who were from Area 51 – the infamous alien-sighting base.

The now 66-year-old claims he witnessed a "mass abduction" event as soldiers on the base walked mesmerized into a bright light.

He said he was dozing on top of a Saracen military vehicle when he came too and realized what was happening. Read more at Alien abductions at Area 51 army base: Ex-soldier reveals secrets from inside joined HQ


MIB Arrive During UFO Encounter

Chesapeake, VA - 1987-04-00 - 11:30PM: During a sleepover with my cousins when I was younger a craft descended into the neighborhood. It lit up the neighborhood so bright. Me my cousins went to see. We witnessed a UFO hovering above the willow tree in the backyard. It was a strange disc with lights blinking in patterns. The corner lights started to blink rapidly until a beam shot out. The beam shot into the woods where 4 beings appeared.shortly after they appeared we noticed SUVs pulling up to the neighbors. There was an unmarked ambulance typed vehicle as well. Men with suits came out with machines in there hands. When they entered the backyard the UFO shot up into the sky and was gone. They told everyone to never mention this to anyone and it was a methane explosion of some kind. - MUFON CMS


Talking Baby Dogman?

Tiffany in Peoria, Arizona called in to tell of her husband's grandfather's weird encounter in the desert:

“My husband's grandfather lived in Mexico on a ranch and one night when he was walking home from work. He usually cut through the desert to get home faster. He heard a baby crying and he went to go investigate it and he found it and as he was going down to pick it up because it was wrapped in a little blanket, it turned.. and the blanket, it turned to look up at him and the blanket shifted and it had the face of a dog and it asked him, Are you my daddy? He... well of course, he turned around and ran and when he turned to look back, it was hopping away and laughing. The only thing I can relate it to would be the dogman but it was, you know, it's not that big.”

Source: Coast To Coast AM - May 7, 2016

Transcribed by Jamie Brian


More than 6,000 get permits for Florida's annual alligator hunt

NAPLES — More than 6,000 permits have been issued to hunt Florida alligators, and some 13,000 hunters have applied for permits.

The Naples Daily News reported that each permit allows a hunter to kill two alligators during the hunting season.

Florida has more than a million alligators, according to estimates, and they’re in all 67 counties.

During last year’s hunt, slightly less than 7,000 alligators were killed by hunters with permits.

Some opponents of the hunt say the alligators are critical to the state’s ecosystem and shouldn’t be hunted.

But state wildlife officials say the hunt is well-managed and sustainable. - More than 6,000 get permits for Florida's annual alligator hunt



The Hiccuping Girls Of Old Salem

Found: grave of Siberian noblewoman up to 4,500 years old - with links to native Americans

The secret LSD-fuelled CIA experiment that inspired 'Stranger Things'

Massive Snakeskin Found Near River Where 10-Foot Snake Was Recently Spotted

Law Enforcement Captures Sasquatch on Surveillance Trail Cam

Monster Files: A Look Inside Government Secrets and Classified Documents on Bizarre Creatures and Extraordinary Animals

Monsters of West Virginia: Mysterious Creatures in the Mountain State

Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet

Fingerprints of the Gods

Trucker Touches Orb, Causing Illness...Government Vehicles Seen the Next Day

Steven in Saint Joseph, Missouri called in to tell of his weird experience:

“Back in 1999, I was hauling a load of asphalt at 2 o'clock in the morning to Broken Bow, Nebraska. I was travelling up Highway 183. It was quite stormy and rainy. And there was an orb that come up just past Hays, Kansas on Highway 183 in Ellis County. This orb itself was, I'd say orange, like the orange of the moon when it first comes up. And it came right at the side of my truck even though in the heavy rain and the thundering and lightning and stuff and it scared me so bad. Anyway, I was compelled to roll down my window and see if I could touch it and I did. I'm travelling about 50 miles an hour. My arm's wet. The rain's hitting my arm and it's stinging, you know, but there was like a light shock through my arm when I touched it. When I pulled my hand back in the cab of the truck, it was like a cobweb on the back of my fingers.

Anyway, like two days later, I got sick. I have this cold and I can't get rid of it and I don't even know where to go with this because it seems like every year in August, I get sick. The thing is, the reason why I'm concerned now is it's not about me, it's about my wife and kid because, this year, they got sick with me. In fact, I got a 13 year old aged daughter that now... and we all got sick last week and it's the same cold. It comes every August, basically the same time every year I get sick in August. (The guest, Ted Phillips, asked how the orb left the side of the truck) Well, I touched it and it just stayed on the side of my truck. And I mean it just kind of drifted back, you know, into the rain where it just kind of faded out. The interesting thing is, I dropped off my load of asphalt at Broken Bow, Nebraska. I came back the next day. I'm guessing it was about 10:30 or 11 o'clock towards Hays, Kansas and there was a lot of government vehicles, military vehicles and Suburbans with government plates on them, all different kinds of makes and sizes and stuff. I just found it odd. We're close to Riley but still I found it odd that, you know, I seen this, touched it and I came back and then, that following morning, or actually afternoon, there are government vehicles out where I seen it.”

Source: Coast To Coast AM - August 10, 2016

Transcribed by Jamie Brian

NOTE: this incident is similar to event reported to Stan Gordon several years ago. In that instance, the orb came into the vehicle. Lon

Trucker Ghost Stories: And Other True Tales of Haunted Highways, Weird Encounters, and Legends of the Road

Letters from the Road: The True Story of Crazy Stuff that Happens While Trucking

Monsterland: Encounters with UFOs, Bigfoot and Orange Orbs

The Complete Story of the Worldwide Invasion of the Orange Orbs

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'Phantoms and Monsters' and 'phantomsandmonsters.com' is protected under the Lanham (Trademark) Act (Title 15, Chapter 22 of the United States Code)
'Phantoms and Monsters' was establish in September 2005 as part of the Phantoms and Monsters Network
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samedi, août 20, 2016

Weekend 2 Cents: Arcane Radio Presents...David Weatherly - 'Wood Knocks - Volume 1 - A Journal of Sasquatch Research' -- The Chicken Boy of Illinois

This week we welcome our friend & colleague, author / cryptid & paranormal investigator David Weatherly to Arcane Radio.

David will be discussing his most recent book Wood Knocks Volume 1: A Journal of Sasquatch Research which also included chapters written by several well-known cryptid researchers. For over 35 years, David has explored the world of the strange, investigating cases around the country and abroad. He has written and lectured on a diverse range of topics including cryptozoology, ufology and hauntings. His other books include 'Strange Intruders' and 'Black Eyed Children.' This will be a great show!

'Wood Knocks - Volume 1: A Journal of Sasquatch Research' is a superlative compilation of Bigfoot encounters and lore. David Weatherly has gathered and published the offerings of a few of today's finest cryptozoology researchers & writers.

The book starts off with Lyle Blackburn presenting the 'Giants of the Piney Woods' of the Gulf Coast and thickets of east Texas. Linda Godfrey adds her research of the Bigfoot of southern Wisconsin. David Weatherly offers the rich history of the 'furry ones' that inhabit the Navajo native lands of Arizona and New Mexico. British researcher Richard Muirhead details the Chinese Wildman or Yeren, including a more global view of the hairy hominid. Ken Gerhard examines Bigfoot evolution theories and the mannerisms recorded by witnesses and past researchers. Naturalist Richard Freeman appraises the Orang-Pendak and it's lore and history with the people of Indonesia. Micah Hanks discusses Bigfoot kidnappings in North American folklore. Finally, crypto author Nick Redfern comments on several of the supernatural possibilities associated with Bigfoot.

There is much more information available throughout this impressive volume. I highly recommend this book because I believe any cryptid enthusiast will enjoy and learn from this informative work.

Wood Knocks Volume 1: A Journal of Sasquatch Research

This event is listed at Arcane Radio Presents: David Weatherly - 'Wood Knocks - Volume 1: A Journal of Sasquatch Research'


The Chicken Boy of Illinois

On the Old Holland road near Calumet, ILL, lives a German family with a 12-year-old boy who is a remarkable phenomenon. He is a boy in every particular, as far as form and feature are concerned, but there the similarity ends. In every attribute of mind and matter he is exactly like a chicken. He moves like a chicken, eats like a chicken, scratches like a chicken, flaps his arms arid crows, and sleeps on his feet crouched in a corner. These strange traits were imparted to him by a surgical operation, wherein the blood of a live chicken was conveyed into his veins to sustain life during a protracted siege of fever in which his own blood turned almost to a colorless liquid. Mention of his case is made in two medical books of resent date, and the case attracted some considerable attention five years ago, when the operation was performed; but, singularly enough, nothing of it crept into the newspapers.

As the reporter drove up to the house the boy was seen standing by the gate. He could not be mistaken, for, while two or three other children, like him yellow-haired and blue-eyed, evidently his brothers and sisters, were playing around, he stood perfectly quiet, leaning against the fence with one foot drawn up, as a chicken sometimes stands, and with his head turned to one side and dropping on his shoulder. His eyes were closed and he appeared to be sleeping, precisely as a chicken sleeps – its left foot drawn up and the head under its right wing. The noise of the buggy seemed to awaken him. He gave a somewhat startled look, put his foot down and shook himself as a chicken ruffles its feathers, and, starting off with a short, quickstep, ran into the garden, where, a moment afterward, apparently forgetful of what had alarmed him, he stopped and began scratching with one foot in some soft earth beside a pine box, on which stood a saucer of corn meal and a rusty tin pan half full of water. These, it was afterward learned, were placed there regularly every day for him to feed upon. The boy's mother, it was learned, is dead. She died about two years ago. The father was away from home, at work in the Pullman car wheel foundry. The boy, whose peculiar characteristics make him an object of so much interest, is named Charley Wolfson. The driver of the buggy who conducted the reporter to the house said that he had heard that up to the time of his affliction the boy was a more than commonly bright child. Since then he has insisted on laying out of doors, going under cover only when it rained, and seeking shelter only in some of the outhouses along with the chickens. He never wears any hat, not even in the coldest weather, and never talks or takes any notice of things more than a chicken. One of the children, the oldest girl, evidently about 10 years of age, at the reporter's request called the boy by making a clucking sound, but he would not consent to be caught, and immediately ran away as an effort was made to take him. The girl said that he often sat on the fence, and not in frequently was found at sundown perched on the limb of a tree. - Mexico Weekly Ledger, March 06, 1884



A Brief Look at the Life and Ideas of John A. Keel – Part One

The Long Island File

Scientists Revealing Their Shock Findings That There Is Life After Death

These Early Reports of Sasquatch in Cascadia Offer Eerie Details of “Men Stealers”

Ugh! Sewage Truck Explodes in Russian Rush Hour Traffic

Beyond the Seventh Gate: Exploring Toad Road, The Seven Gates of Hell, and Other Strangeness in York, Lancaster, and Adams Counties

The Beast of Boggy Creek: The True Story of the Fouke Monster

Lizard Man: The True Story of the Bishopville Monster

The Beast of Bray Road: Tailing Wisconsin's Werewolf

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