A while back, I received an interesting account of a large white & translucent 'blob' sighting. I have heard of this phenomenon on other occasions. I was wondering if any of the readers have experienced this unknown anomaly or know of other accounts:
I read the article you had listed entitled "Flying Cryptid in County Durham UK". I live in the USA, and saw something very similar to what was described in the article. My sighting occurred in a rural area of Henderson, West Virginia, in 1989. I had been visiting a friend with my daughter and was on my way home in the afternoon. The day was partly sunny with clouds in the sky, but not rainy or misty. We were traveling down an incline in the car and we saw something strange go across the road (from the left side to the right side of the road). I'm not good with distances but it was probably no more than fifty feet from us. The thing described in the article was much smaller than what my daughter and I saw. I watched it disappear and asked my daughter if she had seen anything, and she confirmed that she had seen it also.
What we observed was approximately horse or cow sized and it had a white, translucent appearance, without identifiable head, tail, or appendages. It was just a big oval shaped airy "blob" that you could see through! This thing was like watching a tiny cloud or a mass of fog move on its own. It was flying or gliding quickly across the road and just disappeared on the other side of the road. It moved straight and did not weave or bobble. We only saw it for maybe 5 seconds. I had never seen anything like it before and haven't seen another one since. I never reported it but I always remembered my sighting and was immediately struck by the similarity of what was reported in the UK.
Thanks for your website...it is extremely interesting.
PQ, Ohio
Impossible Realities: The Science Behind Energy Healing, Telepathy, Reincarnation, Precognition, and Other Black Swan Phenomena
Ghosts from Our Past: Both Literally and Figuratively: The Study of the Paranormal
Women In Black: The Creepy Companions of the Mysterious M.I.B.
The Mammoth Book of Cover-Ups: The 100 Most Terrifying Conspiracies of All Time

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