; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, juillet 30, 2016

Weekend 2 Cents / Arcane Radio Presents: Matt Bille - Author, Naturalist, Historian & Science Writer

This week we welcome author, naturalist, historian & science writer Matt Bille to Arcane Radio.

Matt Bille ia a former Air Force officer and the author of over 20 technical publications and articles on space-related topics. He is the lead author of the NASA-published history The First Space Race: Launching the World’s First Satellites (Centennial of Flight Series) a groundbreaking account of the early Space Age. He wrote two books on the world’s rarest and least-known animals, Rumors of Existence: Newly Discovered, Supposedly Extinct, and Unconfirmed Inhabitants of the Animal Kingdom and Shadows of Existence: Discoveries and Speculations in Zoology He has been a freelance contributor to reference books including Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia and the Nature Yearbook of Science & Technology. He is a member of the National Association of Science Writers and is a member of the History Committee of the American Astronautical Society.

This event is listed at Arcane Radio Presents: Matt Bille - Author, Naturalist, Historian & Science Writer


Voodoo Festival Transforms Haitian Village

A village in northern Haiti is transformed over two days each July into the spiritual center of the Voodoo religion.

Thousands of Haitians make their way to Plaine-du-Nord for the annual festival, riding for hours in packed buses or on the backs of overloaded motorbikes to celebrate a religion that is an integral part of life for many in this nation.

The pilgrims who trek to Plaine-du-Nord take ritual baths of mud, light candles and make offerings to the spirits. Voodoo evolved in the 17th century among African slaves and incorporates elements of the Roman Catholic faith that was forced upon them by French colonizers.

At Plaine-du-Nord, people pray and make offerings at the Catholic church of St. James, who is known as Ogoun Feraille and revered by followers of Voodoo. They then make a three-hour walk to the top of a mountain, near the country's famed, 19th century Citadel fortress, where St. James is believed to have once appeared. Read more at Voodoo Festival Transforms Haitian Village


Iowans spreading old urban legend about body found on road

AMES, Iowa —Ames police are answering questions this week about an internet post being circulated on Facebook and by email.

The story claims a woman found a body on a road and kept driving while calling 911 later to find out it was a robbery with people waiting in the road ditch.

The old urban legend story has recently been updated to include Ames in the text and event KCCI-TV.

Ames police said, "The urban legend seems to have started in the late 90s with possible origins in South Africa."


"~~WARNING: WOMEN!!!!!!!!!! a co-worker was driving back from Ames and saw somthing laying in the road (about the Jefferson area) . As she got closer she noticed it was a body. She kept going an called 911. The officer called her back later and said she was lucky she did not stop because there was two other guys waiting in the ditch to mug her. I also had a man try to flag me down between Boone and Ogden... So if this happens to you DON'T STOP, and call 911, they are also using dolls in car seats to get women to stop. Re-Post this to warn others. THIS IS REAL Iowa people! Reposted from a friend-watch KCCI news tonight !!~~" - Iowans spreading old urban legend about body found on road



“The Indians Without Fire”: Stories of Sasquatch Over the Ages

SOS Shepherdstown Haunting

Ceres’ Large Impact Craters Have Mysteriously Disappeared

The Flying Monsters of Africa

Mandatory Exorcism Classes

Slenderman: From Fiction to Fact

The Starchild Skull -- Genetic Enigma or Human-Alien Hybrid?

Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers

Grimoire for the Green Witch: A Complete Book of Shadows

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vendredi, juillet 29, 2016

Upright Wolf Encounter - Homers Gap, PA

First of all, this will be my only post today. I'm following-up on sightings...including the following encounter I received last evening.

I received a telephone call from a 36-year-old man from Altoona, PA. He had come across the blog while searching for information that could help him identify a creature he encountered in the Summer of 1998.

The location of the encounter was an area known as Homers Gap, which is located in Logan Township in Blair County, PA. He and another man were traveling west on Homers Gap Rd. Approximately 2 miles from the turn-off onto Homers Gap Rd. (from Grandview Rd.) and as they were in a wooded residential area, they noticed something standing on the side of the road. As they slowed, the light from a nearby residence illuminated a 8-9 ft upright wolf...described as looking "the same as the lycans in the movie Underworld." Wolf-like head, covered in black & brown matted hair. Long muscular arms with human-like hands hanging down along the body.

As they approached this beast, it immediately got down on all fours and sprinted across the road. It was then they noticed it had large black human-like feet and hocked legs. The body had a huge chest and sparsely covered in hair, as well as a tapered body with muscular legs. The height of the back was higher than the vehicle's hood. As it crossed the road, it looked back at the vehicle...when they noticed it's bright golden eyes.

After it crossed and moved into the woods, the driver floored the vehicle...almost losing control. Both witnesses have not talked about the encounter since.

This encounter is very similar to others we have received throughout central Pennsylvania, in particular the area we have designated as the 'Lycan Loop.' This sighting as been recorded on the PA Upright Canine/Dogman Witness Sightings Map

Year of the Dogman

Supernatural Lore of Pennsylvania:: Ghosts, Monsters and Miracles (American Legends)

Strange Pennsylvania Monsters

Phantoms & Monsters: Mysterious Encounters

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jeudi, juillet 28, 2016

Daily 2 Cents: Phone Call...From Myself -- Man Believes A Ghost Child Entered His Home -- Iranian Lake Changes Color

Phone Call...From Myself

Tamara from Florida called in to tell of a strange experience:

“Hey Dave, have you ever heard of your own cellphone calling you? In April of this year I had an emergency and I called my sister to take me to the ER. It took me almost six times to get through to her. I would call her. She would pick up and say "Hello? Hello?" Or she would get a few more words out and I would start talking and her phone would go to voice mail. I would hang up and call her back. This happened every time. She doesn't have a personal voice mail so I know it wasn't voice mail to begin with. The sixth time I was starting to lose it. I was not only upset with the medical emergency but I couldn't get help. Finally I got through, to the ER. Everything was fine.

It took me about two weeks to get better. During the second week of recovering from my illness, I was at work. My cellphone was in my desk-drawer and it ran. I looked at the number and thought it looked familiar. I looked again and I realized, that's my cellphone number. I answered and I heard a voice. It was my voice saying, "I've been trying to reach you, I need you!" It was what I was telling my sister when I needed to get to the ER. It was my voice, my words but there was just something that made it sound creepy. I can't adequately describe it but the words were cruel. More than just sounding upset or me crying. Needless to say it was creepy but I’ve been through a lot of creepy stuff so, I just added it to another experience.”

Source: Darkness Radio - July 25, 2016

Transcribed by Jamie Brian


Australian Man Believes A Ghost Child Entered His Home At Night

A Queensland man claims he captured a recording of the ghostly child who opened the front gate of his home in the middle of the night.

Chris Mitchell-Clare has shared a creepy video which shows the door of his house opening after an apparent glitch in the security camera at his Sunshine Beach home in the early hours of Wednesday.

Mitchell-Clare first noticed his door standing open — which, incidentally, he had locked up — and thought somebody must have broken into his house at night. But after investigating the incident by looking at his CCTV, he became convinced a supernatural creature entered his house, a scant moment after a car drove by.

Footage starts with an ordinary view of Mitchell-Clare’s front door which is closed. Abruptly, the screen suffers interference and when the video becomes clear again, the door is seen hanging open. After scrutinizing the glitch in the video, Michelle-Clare comes to the conclusion that a ghostly child entered his home. Check out the video


Iranian Lake Changes Color

From NASA:

The color changes have become common in the spring and early summer due to seasonal precipitation and climate patterns. Spring is the wettest season in northwestern Iran, with rainfall usually peaking in April. Snow on nearby mountains within the watershed also melts in the spring. The combination of rain and snowmelt sends a surge of fresh water into Lake Urmia in April and May. By July, the influx of fresh water has tapered off and lake levels begin to drop.

The fresh water in the spring drives salinity levels down, but the lake generally becomes saltier as summer heat and dryness take hold. That’s when the microorganisms show their colors, too. Careful sampling of the water would be required to determine which organisms transformed the lake in 2016, but scientists say there are likely two main groups of organisms involved: a family of algae called Dunaliella and an archaic family of bacteria known as Halobacteriaceae.

While Lake Urmia has shifted from green to red and back several times in recent years, trends suggest that a red Urmia could become increasingly common. Drought and intensive water diversion for agriculture has been limiting the amount of fresh water reaching the lake. “The lake volume has been decreasing at an alarming rate of 1.03 cubic kilometers per year,” noted Tourian, who recently analyzed data from several satellites to track how Urmia has changed. “The results from satellite imagery revealed a loss of water extent at an average rate of 220 square kilometers per year, which indicates that the lake has lost about 70 percent of its surface area over the last 14 years.”


I have always offered my work for free to all readers. I do have some revenue streams through advertising...but it rarely covers the total expenses associated with producing the blog and newsletter.

So many readers have been so generous over the years. I can honestly state that the kindness of those thoughtful contributors has kept 'Phantoms & Monsters' viable.

Please remember, as long as I am able and inclined enough to produce the blog & newsletter, I will continue to do so at no cost. Thanks for reading. Lon

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Lon Strickler
514 Broadway
Hanover, PA 17331




Easter Island Bacteria May Contain Fountain of Youth Drug

10 strange inventions that could exist in 10 years

Norway to build world’s first floating underwater traffic tunnels

Edgar Allan Poe: Time Traveler? The Story Behind This Meme is Legitimately Eerie

Peru: A Recent Airliner-UFO Near Miss?

Monsters of West Virginia: Mysterious Creatures in the Mountain State

Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet

Caverns, Cauldrons, and Concealed Creatures: A Study of Subterranean Mysteries in History, Folklore, and Myth

Humanoid Encounters Series - 8 Books - Albert S. Rosales

Fiery Chinese Space Junk Streaks Across the Western Sky

Thousands of residents, stretching west to east from California to Utah and as far south as the Baja Peninsula, witnessed a spectacular slow burning object in the night's sky. The sightings occurred between 9:20 - 9:45 PM PT. The object split into two objects and demonstrated various colors during it's fiery descent. The U.S. Strategic Air Command now states the light was caused by Chinese space junk...remnants of a CZ-7 rocket body, burning up upon re-entering Earth's atmosphere. Below are a few reports from the MUFON CMS. I also received 3 reported by email from witnesses:

Los Angeles, CA: This just happened, video not too great but it was huge then broke in to two smaller pieces with tails, didn't catch the entry, but it was bright green then orange, went behind a building, then came out on the other side in two pieces. Pretty crazy sight

Reno, NV: On the evening of 07/27/16 at approx. 9:30 - 9:40 P.M my husband was walking our Dog on the corner of Mira Loma and Santa Ana in Reno, NV and observed in the southern night sky: 2 ball like bright white lights traveling closely together, that flashed red/green and white, sparks with trailing tails like comets but traveling very very slowly across a clear dark night sky. He saw this for perhaps a minute before they traveled out of sight. Didn't have a cell on him to take a picture. He thought it might be space junk?? as it appeared there were pieces falling off of these lights or objects. Or it could be something else... Traveling too slowly for a comet or a meteor. I'm commenting because these were apparently sighted in AZ, CA and Las Vegas NV. and perhaps other places as well, and all tonight.

Layton, UT: We where walking on the side walk late at night and me and my sister saw a big glowing orb with what looked like a fire trail and the about 30 seconds later it split into at least 50 pieces and what was strange none of the pieces feel from where they split, almost like flying in a formation. As low as they where and how large they where they would of crashed into the Wasatch Mountains but soon disappeared and I wasn't able to see it. We thought possible a plane or a satellite. Never where sure. I felt clam but nervous at the same time because it looked to big to not crash into the cities below. We all lost site of it when it went behind trees.

Temecula, CA: I was sitting in my car on the third story parking structure getting ready to head home from work. I saw something out of the corner of my eye (to my left) and nothing an object flying through the sky that appeared to be on fire. At first I thought it was an airplane on fire. Then on closer inspection it had a long red/flaming trail and as I watched it slowly continue on a straight path the object split into two objects. Both objects had the bright red flaming trails and continued to stay on the exact same path. They didn't deter from their course and remained side by side the entire time. I eventually lost the objects behind a building. The event lasted for 1 minute and 20 seconds and right after I saw the objects I heard a helicopter flying over head towards the directions of the objects. Video download

Ensenada, MX: I was driving north on a Highway coming into Ensenada when we saw a bright light in the sky. It follow a straight line from west to east and at first I taught it was a comet or a falling star, but it glow a couple of times, changed colors from white to yellow to reddish and the it separated or disintegrated into two smaller objects, both of them kind of red, I think I saw a third one but could confirm it because of the light emitted from the other two. Lost sight of it going, or falling east. It was going as fast as a falling star, it seem to wobble a little bit.

News link: Mysterious fireball streaks across Western sky

Space Junk: The Dangers of Polluting Earth's Orbit

Death by Black Hole: And Other Cosmic Quandaries

Origins: Fourteen Billion Years of Cosmic Evolution

Alien Agenda: Investigating the Extraterrestrial Presence Among Us

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