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Robert Dodson Films Clear Sasquatch Head
Published on Jun 19, 2016
After many months of dedicated fieldwork in the woods of Oklahoma and Texas, this researcher has obtained very valuable footage. For those who have followed Dodson's consistent interactions with the Sasquatch in his habituation areas, it's not too surprising that he finally got such a high-quality glimpse. For others, here is his channel:
Congratulations, Robert...hard work pays off.
And for those who continue to insist that Sasquatch is closer to ape than human, notice the "hooded" nose here, just like ours and extremely unlike any ape's nose. This feature seems to place the subject squarely in the genus Homo, especially when considered alongside known foot morphology: all five toes are oriented forward, just like ours, and this is very different from ape feet, which exhibit an adducted big toe. The Sasquatch species is a close relative of Homo sapiens.
NOTE: Honestly, it's an interesting video...but, it may be an example of pareidolia. Lon
Wood Knocks Volume 1: A Journal of Sasquatch Research
True Bigfoot Horror: The Apex Predator - Monster in the Woods: Cryptozoology: Terrifying, Violent, and True Encounters of Sasquatch Hunting People (Cryptozoology, Sasquatch, Paranormal) (Volume 1)
Notes From the Field: Tracking North Americas Sasquatch
Convergence: Encounters with an Impossible Being

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