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mercredi, juin 01, 2016

Report of UFO Activity - South Central PA

I received the following report from Baltimore County, MD resident Bob Hubble, who originally submitted a report to MUFON:

August 22, 2011

My wife and I were vacationing at the Gettysburg Farms Campground located at 6200 Big Mount Road in the Dover Township of Pennsylvania – 17315. During the week that we spent at the campground, (Monday, 08/15/2011 through Monday, 08/22/2011), on four separate occasions mysterious items/vehicles were seen to be flying through the sky, over the campground, during the early evening hours, just after dusk.

These items were observed to be dark in color, “possibly” triangular shaped with what appeared to be flames being emitted from the bottom of same. These flames were not stationary as lights would be, but appeared to flicker, just as the exhaust of a rocket would. These flames were bright orange in color and are what caught the eye first. These strange occurrences were observed by ourselves and another couple with whom we were camping. On the first occasion there were several other campers in the area, who also observed these strange vehicles/craft and commented that ET had arrived. I cannot provide any additional information on these other campers, with the exception of the couple that we were with. On each of these occasions the strange vehicles were observed be flying slowly at approximately the altitude that a small plane would be at, but appeared to be moving slower than a small plane would fly. The unknown vehicles/craft did not make any discernible noises, but moved silently across the sky. During each of the sightings, none of the mysterious craft/vehicles was observed to make any sudden or erratic movements.

During each occurrence the strange vehicles/craft appeared in the Eastern sky without warning and without making any obvious noise or sudden movements. The following is what was observed by this writer and three others;

•Monday, 08/15/2011 – initial observation of the above described vehicle/craft. Two craft were observed. At approximately 8:40 PM, a single mysterious craft appeared over the tree line, out of the Eastern sky and preceded in a Westerly direction, when almost over our position on the ground, the craft turned in a Southerly direction. While watching this craft for approximately 1.5 to 2.0 minutes as it was moving away from us, a second unknown craft was observed to come from approximately the same spot in the sky as the first and followed basically the same route as the first in a Southerly direction. Both of the unknown craft were observed to simply dissolve or disappear while moving away from the campground. They did not put on any burst of speed, but simply disappeared at what could have been about ¼ to ½ mile away from where we were standing. This sighting was totally unexpected as we were not expecting anything like this to occur. We were just sitting outdoors and playing cards at the site picnic table.

•Tuesday, 08/16/2011 – Nothing suspicious observed as we were not available to be looking at the sky or expecting a recurrence of the prior evenings sighting.

•Wednesday, 08/17/2011 – second sighting of the same type of the above described mysterious vehicle/craft. Two craft were observed this date at approximately 8:45 PM. The first mysterious craft was observed to be approaching the campground from the Eastern sky, in a Westerly direction. This craft was moving silently and smoothly just as the craft of the Monday night sightings. This first craft veered off in a Northerly direction and was still in sight when a second craft was observed to materialize from approximately the same area of the sky as the first and then followed the same route that the first vehicle/craft had taken. In approximately 1 to 2 minutes both of the craft disappeared. Again this appeared to occur without any increase in speed and the point of disappearance was approximately ¼ to ½ of a mile distant. Again the four of us were playing cards and not expecting to see anything unusual.

•Thursday, 08/18/2011 – third sighting of the mysterious, above described vehicle/craft at approximately 8:45 PM. As described above the mysterious craft appeared in the Eastern sky, heading in a Westerly direction, moving at the same pace and noiselessly as on prior occasions. The craft turned in a Northerly direction and maintained a steady pace until it disappeared in approximately the same position as the previous evening. There was only one craft observed on this date. Due to the two previous sightings we were looking for a reoccurrence of the sighting.

•Friday, 08/19/2011 – nothing observed, however, it was well past 9:00 PM by the time we remembered to look for any strange occurrences in the sky.

•Saturday, 08/20/2011 – fourth sighting of the mysterious, above described vehicle/craft at approximately 8:30 PM. As previously described the first unknown craft appeared, heading in a Westerly direction from out of the Eastern sky. This vehicle/craft turned in a Northerly direction and was followed in about one minute by a second vehicle, materializing out of approximately the same position in the Eastern sky and followed the route of the 1st craft. Within another minute the 2nd vehicle/craft was followed by a 3rd vehicle/craft which appeared in approximately the same position as the first two, followed the same route and all three vehicles/craft disappeared within approximately three minutes, without any apparent increase in speed. Again we were sitting outdoors, playing cards and not really expecting to see anything.

•Sunday, 08/21/2011 – nothing unusual was observed this date. We sat outdoors from approximately 8:15 PM through 10:00 PM seeking suspicious occurrences, however, without seeing anything suspicious or unusual.

It should be noted that during the times of these observations there were quite a few airliners and small planes observed in the area. Engine noises were evident from these normal planes; however, except for the change in course from the first night nothing about the description or actions of the mysterious vehicles/craft deviated in any way, with the exception of the numbers observed daily. Daily, these mysterious vehicles/craft were very distinctive as due to the flames under the craft, they glowed orange and almost appeared to be on fire, except there was no apparent emergency. These vehicles/craft were distinctly different from the normal airplanes observed. You will notice that all four of the occurrences described above happened between 8:30 and 9:00 PM nightly, just about when darkness was falling and making it difficult to obtain a really good view of the mysterious craft(s). The only viewing device on hand was a pair of 7x35 binoculars which did not provide a good view of these craft.

On Saturday, 08/20/2011, I contacted the Director for Pennsylvania Chapter of MUFON, (before the Saturday sightings), and he requested that I submit this report and advise what we had seen. I had contacted him in order to determine if anyone else had reported seeing anything similar to what we had seen and he advised that he was not totally up to date on the reports, as he had been out of town for several days. I had advised that while we were camping Internet access was unavailable and that I would file a sighting report this date after arriving at home and having access to the internet.


Note to Lon Strickler

All of the above information is verbatim, exactly that which was reported to MUFON, once we returned home. I was contacted a couple of days later by a MUFON Investigator, (name withheld), who was given this information verbally on the phone and also e-mailed a copy of this report, (pages #1 thru #3), in addition to the MUFON reporting forms which I had completed. I spoke with this investigator on a couple of occasions and then broke off contact with him when he couldn’t discover any other occurrences similar to mine during this same time period and kept insisting that I probably saw “Japanese lanterns” and mistook them for unknown craft. I am a retired Police Detective, trained in observation and generally know what I have seen, especially after seeing identical occurrences more than once. There is a very large difference between a floating “Japanese lantern” and an obvious craft being pushed along under its’ own power.

The only thing that I can say which was accidentally omitted from my initial report was the fact that when observed, these craft seemed to just appear out of one spot in the sky and not fly into the area where they were first observed. (This information was verbally given to the MUFON Investigator). When observed on the various dates of occurrence; initially all craft were observed to appear at the same spot in the sky and not fly into it. The only thing that I can assume is that there was/is some type of portal in that area/location.

We have been back to that particular campground on several occasions since these incidents were experienced and we have not observed a repeat of these occurrences; not that we haven’t looked.

Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook

UFOs in Pennsylvania: Encounters with Extraterrestrials in the Keystone State

Astonishing Encounters: Pennsylvania's Unknown Creatures, Casebook 3

UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Message: A Spiritual Insight Into UFOs and Extraterrestrial Transmissions

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