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mardi, juin 07, 2016

Daily 2 Cents: Muhammad Ali Said Aliens Watched Him -- Did Drone Cam Capture Bigfoot? -- Spooky Selfie

Muhammad Ali Said Aliens Watched Him

UFO expert and author Timothy Green Beckley had several encounters with the icon up to the early 1990s, because of his passion for the subject of aliens.

Ali even claimed to have seen a massive UFO mothership, that he was watched by ETs and that alien visitations were "of tremendous importance to the whole world."

In a moving tribute online to the boxer and civil rights activist, Mr Green Beckley used extracts from a book he wrote about celebrities with alien experiences to explore Ali's thoughts on UFOs.

In his 2015 book Amazing Flying Saucer Experiences of Celebrities, Rock Stars and the Rich and Famous, Mr Green Beckley wrote: "Of all the famous folks I’ve spent time with discussing UFOs and theories about extraterrestrial civilisations and life in outer space, no one seems to know more about the subject – at least from a firsthand point of view – than retired heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali."

Mr Green Beckley had four meetings with Ali when they discussed the topic of aliens.

Writing in the book, he described his first visit to the boxer's home in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, which he said was "more like a Holiday Inn hotel than somebody’s residence.” Read more at Muhammad Ali Said Aliens Watched Him


Man Confesses to Murder During Tarot Card Reading

A man has been jailed for life after telling a tarot reader he had killed his flatmate after she dealt him the death card.

Star Randel-Hanson was found guilty of murdering Derick Marney after a two-week trial at Croydon Crown Court.

Jayne Braiden, who owns JJ Tarot on the Brighton Seafront, told Randel-Hanson to pick 10 cards when he came for a reading at her shop. But the first three he drew - the blasted tower, the emperor and the devil card - caused him to break down in tears.

"He broke down and I said to him: 'Look I can see here that this is not good, you need to tell me everything, let's talk.'”

Randel-Hanson admitted he had killed Mr Marney but said he "did not mean to". The two men met at the Brotherhood Gate spiritualist church in Brighton in 2013 and moved in together a short while later. Read more at Brighton man confesses to killing flatmate after drawing the 'devil card' in tarot reading


Did Drone Cam Capture Bigfoot?

An online video of an alleged Bigfoot sighting in Southeast Idaho has been creating quite a stir over the past few days.

The 2-minute, 24-second video, entitled “Possible bigfoot in Idaho!! Flying the drone around and ran across this,” was posted on YouTube on June 2.

The duration of the video consists of drone footage over a clearing near the Hawkins Reservoir west of Downey in Southeast Idaho. The reservoir is located approximately 35 miles south of Pocatello.

Click for video - Possible Bigfoot Over Idaho

A mysterious hairy figure, seemingly running on two legs, becomes visible at approximately the 25-second mark. It then runs across a field and into a wooded area as the drone flies over the area.

The videographer, who wishes to remain anonymous due to fears of public ridicule, said he initially thought the figure he captured was just an animal. However, he noticed the figure seemed to be running upright, which grabbed his attention.

“I said, ‘wait a minute, that’s not right,’” he said.

A still shot from the footage, which was provided by the videographer, indicates the figure is hairy and light brown in color.

However, since the YouTube footage was shared to Idaho State Journal’s Facebook page late Sunday evening, numerous commentators on the page noted how difficult it is to actually see the running figure in the video. Even the YouTube video description recommends viewing the video on a large computer monitor.

The drone is quite high in the sky, and by the time the camera starts to zoom in on the figure, it has disappeared in the wooded area. Because of the difficulty of getting a clear shot of the running figure, Idaho State University professor and noted Bigfoot expert Dr. Jeff Meldrum said the identity of the figure is inconclusive.

“I had to expand the size of the video to clearly see it on my 22-inch computer monitor, and those screens for drone cameras are usually no bigger than a cell phone screen,” he said. “How could he have picked up that little speck, and then zoom in and fly directly to the point when it entered the forest?”

Meldrum also said that from his studies of Sasquatch, he said its unusual for them to be found in the immediate habitat surrounding Hawkins Reservoir.

“I can imagine them crossing areas that aren’t their prime habitat to get to one place to another or find another member of their species,” he said. “But I can’t imagine they would do that in broad daylight.”

The videographer, who said he has lived in Southeast Idaho for over 30 years, said he isn’t sure what the figure in the video is exactly. However, he said his footage has piqued his interest so much that he has invested around $400 in specialized Adobe video software so he can get the clearest, zoomed-in footage of the mysterious figure possible.

The footage was taken approximately a week and a half ago, according to the videographer, who says he commonly uses his drone to take wilderness and wildlife shots from the air.

“I fly my drone everywhere, and I get video of elk, deer, rivers, all kind of things,” he said. “Usually pretty views nobody else can see.” - Possible bigfoot in Idaho!! Flying the drone around and ran across this.


Spooky Selfie

One of my good friends and her daughter took a picture of them kissing each other inside their newly purchased home. In the background you can clearly see a figure of a little girl who was not present for the photo. After research they found out the house used to be a crematorium. They had "ghost experts" come in to see if they could find anything and they could not. This picture changed my opinion on ghosts.

Edit: I truly believe this to be real as I saw how freaked out my friend was and I know she has no reason to lie about it. I understand it is not the best quality but I could not find the digital copy so it is a picture of a picture. I am truly surprised at the response as when i try to show this to my anyone I know who is not an acquaintance of this woman they immediately dismiss it as fake. If there is interest I will scan and upload the picture for better quality/ further analysis as i am just as curious as any of you. - One of my good friends and her daughter took a picture of them kissing each other inside their newly purchased home. In the background you can clearly see a figure of a little girl who was not present for the photo. After research they found out the house used to be a crematorium. They had "ghost experts" come in to see if they could find anything and they could not. This picture changed my opinion on ghosts.

Edit: I truly believe this to be real as I saw how freaked out my friend was and I know she has no reason to lie about it. I understand it is not the best quality but I could not find the digital copy so it is a picture of a picture. I am truly surprised at the response as when i try to show this to my anyone I know who is not an acquaintance of this woman they immediately dismiss it as fake. If there is interest I will scan and upload the picture for better quality/ further analysis as I am just as curious as any of you.



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