; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, juin 30, 2016

July 4th...Not For the Meek of Heart

The July 4th holiday has been filled with mayhem and horror, as described in these vintage newspaper accounts:

The Bryan [TX] Morning Eagle on July 7, 1907:

Pittsburg, July 5.--All records for fatalities following the celebration of Independence day were broken this year. Up to 10 o'clock Friday fifteen violent deaths were reported to coroner's office, while the number of injured is three-score. This list of dead, which were compiled from cases reported at the coroner's office and morgues from Wednesday night until Friday morning, includes two alleged murders and one suicide, besides numerous accidental deaths. It is said many of the injured will die.

New York, July 5.--Distressed by the noises of the Fourth of July celebration Mrs. Johanna Everett, a widow, hanged herself from a bedpost in her home at Jersey City. Mrs. Everett suffered from ill health and she complained she could not stand the noise of exploding fireworks.

St. Joseph, Mo., July 5.--Theresa Goodman, aged seven, died in convulsions caused by Fourth of July explosions. She was in a weakened condition as the result of diphtheria, from which she was recovering. The discharge of blank cartridges near a window threw her into convulsions.

The Bendigo Advertiser on August 15, 1908:

New York, 3rd July. A terrible explosion of fireworks, which brought instant death to six young men and one boy, and fearful injuries to a score of others, ushered in America's great national celebration of the Fourth of July. To-morrow is the one day of the year when all Americans go patriotically insane. They spend hundreds of thousands of pounds on pyrotechnic displays, and each year the Fourth of July list of fatalities exceeds the carnage of a first-class battle.

A large firework store in Cleveland (Ohio) was crowded at noon to-day by youthful purchasers, when a number of rockets exploded, setting fire to the entire contents of the shop. A scene of indescribable horror ensued, customers and shop assistants making one wild rush amid a thousand whizzing squibs, roman candles, and catherine wheels in the effort to escape. Many reached the lift in safety: others fled downstairs and reached the street, to find the building a roaring furnace.

But scores were left behind, and so intense was the panic that before the firemen spread their nets people began to jump to the pavements from the second story windows. Outside an immense concourse of frantic parents quickly gathered, impeding the efforts of the brigade, who only after considerable delay succeeded in placing their ladders. Five firemen were seriously injured by the bursting of fireworks. When the conflagration was extinguished seven bodies were discovered in the ruins.

The London Evening Telegraph on July 7, 1909:

New York, Tuesday. Details of further Fourth of July accidents have been received. In Camden, New Jersey, the saddest of the tragedies occurred. A woman and a baby in her arms were killed, the top of a boy's head was blown off, and a man was probably mortally wounded by the explosion of a cannon at a fireworks display attended by 5000 people. Mrs. Anna Hebel, of Camden, and her six weeks-old child were the two killed; Chas. Mullion (17) is the boy fatally injured; and George Hauser, who fired the cannon, was badly hurt. The cannon shooting had been planned as a surprise. It was a three-pounder, with a barrel three feet long and a bore of three inches, and it had been loaded with three pounds of gunpowder. It stood in a roped-off space in front of the crowd, and Mrs. Hebel sat, with hundreds of others, just behind the rope. Mullion sat behind her, and Hauser was standing front of it. Everybody was watching the ascent of the fire balloon when the cannon burst. It threw pieces of iron weighing a pound for half-a-mile. The fete was arranged under the auspices of the Camden Association of Patriots and Loyal Friends of Enterprise.

The Royal Cornwall Gazette on August 23, 1878:

A very sad tragedy occurred at Avondale, Ohio, on the 4th of July. The Cincinnati Gazette says : — The sad death of Miss Lida Hutton has cast a gloom over the entire village, where she was beloved and respected. She lived with her widowed sister, Mrs. Wells, on Glenwood Avenue, in a handsome cottage at the end of the road. The fourth had been spent pleasantly at home, in a quiet way. About 7 o'clock in the evening Mrs. Wells started with Miss Hutton to go over to Mr. Kellogg's to see the fireworks. As they got to their front door Miss Hutton suggested that it was yet early and they had better sit down until it got darker. Accordingly they sat down on the front porch, Miss Hutton, taking a rocking chair, sat facing Mrs. Wells. Suddenly Miss Hutton threw up her arms and said, "I'm struck!" With that she lowered both arms and commenced to unfasten her dress at the neck. When Mrs. Wells saw her attempt to unfasten her dress she screamed and caught Miss Hutton, supposing she was attacked with heart disease or something of the kind. Many of the neighbours came in and offered their assistance. They removed the body upstairs and laid it on a bed. One of the ladies who had helped to carry it discovered blood on her hand and on examination the wound was found. The ball entered near the shoulder on the back and passed diagonally through to the other side, cutting in its way the heart. There had been several shots fired in the neighbourhood just before the fatal accident, but several persons in the immediate vicinity say that for some moments before Miss Hutton was shot no report was heard, nor, in fact, was the one that killed her heard. The porch stands back some seventy-five feet from the road, and in front of the house is a large lawn. No one was in the immediate vicinity, and the only theory is that the fatal shot came from a rifle in the hands of some reckless person, at present unknown.— New York Herald.

The San Francisco Call on June 28, 1904:

Philadelphia. June 27.--Dr. Benjamin Lee, secretary of the Board of Health, has sent to the authorities of every town in the State statistics intended as a warning against the use of the toy pistol.

It is asserted that on the last Fourth of July there were sacrificed "on the altar of a lawless and spurious patriotism" a greater number of victims than have been slain in any of the battles in the Far East or than were drowned or burned in the Slocum tragedy in the harbor of New York.

The total number of casualties in the United States on July 4, 1903, was 4249.

The Aberdeen Journal on July 6, 1927:

New York, Tuesday. Hundreds of thousands who deserted New York for the country over the Fourth of July Holiday, began arriving this morning by train and motor car from all parts of the country. The usual number of casualties are reported a result fireworks, and altogether nearly persons, mostly children, have died in consequence of burns and other injuries directly traceable to ubiquitous fire-crackers. More than a hundred were injured in Washington alone, while at Milwaukee 1200 persons were arrested by the police for violation of the city regulations governing the use of fireworks. In the forest reserve near Des Plaines, Illinois, a premature explosion of a rocket set off a huge pile of fireworks, and some children were injured by being trampled upon in the general stampede to flee from the rain of fire. At the Westchester Baltimore Country Club, near New York, where nearly 600 people were dining on the Terrace, a large box of fireworks under one of the tables suddenly went off, and the hissing rockets and spluttering crackers, which flew in all directions among the assembled diners, provided a distinctly original contribution to the evening's amusement.

The Illustrated Police News on July 16, 1892:

A balloon ascent which took place at Boston in connection with the festivities on the occasion of Independence Day had a fatal termination, two persons being killed outright and a third seriously injured. The balloon, after ascending to a considerable altitude, rapidly went in the direction of the sea, whereupon Mr. Rogers, who was in charge, attempted to open the valve. In doing so, however, he made a rent in the silk, thus permitting the gas to escape, and causing the balloon to descend with terrific velocity. It finally struck the water, and collapsed. Mr. Rogers was almost instantly killed, and sank immediately, and his assistant, Mr. Fenton, was so badly injured that he died before he could be conveyed to the city by a tug, which happened to be in the vicinity when the balloon fell. Mr. Goldsmith, a reporter, sustained a severe shock and inhaled a quantity of gas, and is now in hospital. The other passengers were rescued by the tug.

Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper on July 13, 1890:

Saginaw, Michigan. Saturday.-The Kinney hotel in this city was set on fire yesterday during the firework display of the fourth of July celebration., A package of fire-crackers exploded in the bedroom occupied by James Henham, 28 years old, a guest, who had registered as coming from Montreal. The fire spread so rapidly that Henham was burned to death, and four other persons who were in adjoining rooms were severely injured while escaping from the flames. The loss is estimated at over thirty-five thousand dollars.


The Van Meter Visitor: A True and Mysterious Encounter with the Unknown

Fingerprints of the Gods

Into The Fringe: A True Story of Alien Abduction

The Candle and the Crossroads: A Book of Appalachian Conjure and Southern Root-Work

Daily 2 Cents: Arriving...Before Leaving -- Disclosure Advocate Releases NORAD UFO Files -- Black Sphere UFO in Desert

Arriving...Before Leaving

Fran called in to tell of weird time slip experience. While staying at the home of his boss, he and a friend had decided to go on a nature hike in the woods. When they arrived back, they discovered that somehow, time had sped up:

“We left at 10 o'clock and we got back ten minutes before... we arrived before we left. We had left my bosses house early in the morning. This happened way back when we were teenagers. I'm an old man now. We left exactly at 10 o'clock. I was really into looking at the clock back then. We had this great adventure. We ended up, actually I guess we're spaced travelers too because we went through the woods... When we hitch-hiked back to my bosses house, we had to cross train tracks and we had to cross a stream. I was like, dude, we never crossed these to get out here, how come we're crossing them now to get back? Right, we didn't across the tracks, we shouldn't have to cross them to get back. And when we got back, when we arrived, I looked at the clock and it was 10 minutes to 10. I thought my boss and his whole family had changed their clocks to mess with us so I called up the operator and she told me it was 9:58 and I was like, it really happened, we had arrived before we actually left. I don't know how it was possible but I can give you his number and he can verify it for you.”

Source: Coast To Coast AM - June 17, 2016

Transcribed by Jamie Brian


Disclosure Advocate Releases NORAD UFO Files

In a move described as a “bold step towards disclosure,” Victor Viggiani, a Canadian disclosure advocate, made public on Saturday secret UFO files from the Runic Archives of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). As he released the files to the public, the activist for #Discloure dared the U.S. government to charge him for the action.

Reacting to the latest development in the decades-long campaign for full UFO and ET disclosure, UFO researchers and disclosure advocates said the documents prove that contrary to the U.S. government’s public posturing that it does not take UFO phenomenon seriously, officials at the highest levels of civilian and military authority have been investigating, researching and documenting UFOs for decades.

At the first Canadian National Inquiry into UFOs — ET Disclosure Hearing — held on Saturday, June 25, 2016, at the Alien Cosmic Expo in Brantford, Ontario, Viggiani released to the public a cache of secret NORAD UFO files. Read more at Disclosure advocate releases NORAD UFO files


Black Sphere UFO in Desert

Twentynine Palms, CA: At 5:20 in the morning on 26 June 2016 I was walking my dogs along a regularly traveled route just before sunrise. As I was walking east along Samarkand Rd I spotted a black sphere the size of a beach ball ascending slowly from a rooftop. It caught my eye because it was movement within my line of sight and an object I am not used to seeing at that position. No other people were in sight, and after ascending, the sphere hovered for a moment. After hovering, it took off in the opposite direction from which I was walking, east towards the coming sunrise. At first it traveled slowly then gained speed to approximately 35 mph. I thought it may have been some type of drone, though no forms of propulsion were detected and I should have heard some noise if it was a kind of drone, but it was completely silent. I watched it for approximately 3 minutes until I could no longer see it (because it was eventually so far away) as it traveled over the desert. I was very curious, but not scared. I told a neighbor and my friend what I saw, then made a report on ufo hunters and this site after failing to reach out to the Ground Zero radio show with Clive Lewis. - MUFON CMS


NASA head tells school kids extraterrestrial life exists, but US government is not hiding aliens in Area 51

On May 10, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) revealed that its Kepler Space Telescope verified the existence of 1,284 new planets, dashing hopes it would instead confirm the existence of extraterrestrial life. However, NASA Administrator Major Charles Bolden told British school children last week that aliens exist, but the US government is not hiding them in Area 51 in Nevada.

But Bolden’s answer should not be a reason for UFOlogists to jump to conclusion that NASA has confirmed the existence of aliens. Rather, Bolden replied to the question of 10-year-old Carmen Dearing, “I do believe that we will someday find other forms of life or a form of life, if not in our solar system then in some of the other solar systems – the billions of solar systems in the universe,” quotes The Telegraph. Read more at NASA head tells school kids extraterrestrial life exists, but US government is not hiding aliens in Area 51



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514 Broadway
Hanover, PA 17331




Ghost Towns: Tales of ‘Hidden’ Towns and Cities That Never Were

Remembering Pedro – The Missing Mini-Mummy Of Wyoming

5 strange shark encounters

The Ethics Of Why You Should Definitely Watch Shark Week

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Monster Files: A Look Inside Government Secrets and Classified Documents on Bizarre Creatures and Extraordinary Animals

Monsters of West Virginia: Mysterious Creatures in the Mountain State

Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet

Caverns, Cauldrons, and Concealed Creatures: A Study of Subterranean Mysteries in History, Folklore, and Myth

Possible Upright Canine Sighting - Mercer County, PA

The following report was submitted by Eric Altman of the Pennsylvania Cryptozoology Society...possibly an upright canine sighting. There is a history of upright canine sightings in Mercer County, PA:

On December 17, 2014 at approximately 3:15 AM. Shortly after leaving work, two men driving in different vehicles headed east on Route 62 towards the city of Mercer, PA. They both saw an unknown figure walking down the roadway. Witness A who has not come forward as of yet saw the figure on the right side of the roadway walking east with the flow of traffic. Witness B who I was able to interview saw the figure on the opposite side of the roadway walking east with the flow of traffic. Witness A was approximately a half mile ahead of witness B. After Witness B saw what he claims, he stopped at a local Gas convenience store where he spoke to Witness A about what he saw. Witness A confirmed he in fact saw the figure walking along the roadway just before Witness B did. Witness B later spoke with two other colleagues who left work at the same time. They were driving behind him approximately 150 to 200 yards back and they stated they did not see any figure or anything walking along side of the roadway.

I was able to interview witness B by telephone on December 19, 2014 and again on December 20, 2014 in person at the location of the sighting. The other witness who saw the figure first, has not come forward to talk with me about what he saw.

Date: December 17, 2014
Time: Approximately 3:15 AM
Location: Route 62 approximately 2 miles east of the city of Mercer PA.
Weather conditions, Temps in the mid to upper 30's and raining.

Witness B describes his sighting as such. While driving home from work at approximately 3:15 am he was headed east on Route 62 between 50 and 55 mph. The witness saw a very large figure walking with the flow of traffic on the opposite side of the road way. He did not see arms swinging, he did not see specific features or any type of hair. The witness described the figure as being an all uniformed color. The color was that of a light brown, as he stated similar to the color of a deer. The figure seemed to be moving very gracefully, as if it were gliding along. The witness saw the figure for several seconds before passing by. The witness ruled out the possibility of this being a person due to several factors. He estimated the height of the creature to be between 6 1/2 to 7 feet tall. The shoulders and upper body was massive in size coming down to a tapered and thin waist. The witness stated that the legs were two to three times the size of his. The witness emphasized that the figure was much larger than a NBA pro player or an NFL Football player. He stated the figure was much larger than former Pittsburgh Steelers Tackle Max Starks who is 6'8" and weighs 370 lbs. The witness stated the figure made Max look like a child. The witness did also state that two other colleagues were driving behind him approximately 150 to 200 yards. When he questioned them later if they too had seen the figure, they both stated they did not.

After passing the figure along side the roadway, he stopped at a convenience store where he spoke to his colleague who saw the figure just a few moments before. When he asked him if he saw the figure, the other witness replied, "You mean that giant F****** walking on the side of the road?" Which confirmed he too saw the figure.

The Investigation: Upon arriving at an agreed upon location in Mercer, PA at Noon on December 20, 2014, the witness and I traveled to the location where he had his sighting. I took several photos of the area and it was difficult to do any measurements or conduct a thorough investigation due to the high volume of traffic. However, I did document the witnesses statements, and took photos of the area. A look over the area revealed there is snow cover on the ground, however no prints or any physical evidence was located. My personal opinion is that the figure turned and either stepped over the guardrail or walked into the clearing on the left at the end of the guardrail and into the wooded area out of sight.

Conclusion: I feel that the eyewitness definitely saw something. What it was can not be determined as his encounter was very brief and he did not see any arms, or distinctive features. It is uncertain what the witness saw, however he is emphatic that it was not a person. The witness testimony was very intriguing and believable. However unless we are contacted by any other witnesses with further information or evidence to present, the case will remain unresolved as to what the witness saw on December 17, 2014.

Year of the Dogman

Astonishing Encounters: Pennsylvania's Unknown Creatures, Casebook 3

The Beast of Bray Road: Tailing Wisconsin's Werewolf

Real Wolfmen: True Encounters in Modern America

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mercredi, juin 29, 2016

'I have no explanation for this...was it an alien abduction?'

I received the following account by email on Tuesday:


Last week on June 23rd, my son and I visited Silver Dollar City amusement park in Branson, Missouri. We were having a great time, despite that I had occasional pain in my upper left arm. Two days before, I suffered a fall at work and sustained a deep 5 inch laceration which required two dozen stitches. The trip to Branson had been planned, so I decided to keep my promise and went anyway.

My son wanted to ride the WildFire, which is a roller coaster-like contraption where they strap you in because you're traveling upside down at times during the ride. I wasn't too thrilled, but I had to accompany him since he was too young to go on by himself. So we were strapped in the seats, and I'll tell you, my arm was aching because of the drop-down shoulder harness.

So we started off and I was enduring the ride. But after going into the 2nd loop, I went totally blank. I only remember coming out of a corkscrew and leveling out at the end of the ride. I felt OK, but was confused. I thought that I may have fainted, but my son didn't seem to noticed anything.

We got out of our seats and walked off the ride. As we continued walking toward the next attraction, I noticed that I felt exceptionally well and didn't have any pain in my arm. I reached inside my shirt and touched by upper left arm. There was no bandage. In fact, I didn't feel any stitches or wound. I was so shocked that I almost fell to my knees. We stayed at the park for another half hour, then headed home.

After I dropped my son off, I made a beeline home and into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. There was no laceration. No mark whatsoever. What the hell happened?

On Monday, I went to my doctor and showed him my arm. I had received the stitches in the hospital, but my doctor had the admitting report from the emergency room physician. It was right there in black and white. The doctor didn't say much, but I could tell that he was wondering what happened. What could he say? I just shook my head and told him what happened at the park. He still didn't say anything, other than say 'stay well.'

My ex-wife thinks I'm lying, but my supervisor at work saw the wound and he's simply dumbfounded. He had to file the accident report and has no idea how to proceed. I didn't know what to tell him. This is why I'm writing you. Is it possible that I experienced an off-world' event or something similar? I don't believe in ET or alien abduction, but I have no explanation for this.

Is it possible to talk to you? Thanks for reading. MM

NOTE: I contacted MM and he described the entire event over the telephone. He is truly confused. He said that he has also suffered back pain most of his life, but no longer has that as well. We are going to talk again next week. I asked him to write down anything that he thinks is unusual, including dreams. This is a fascinating account...and I believe it merits continued investigation. BTW, MM mentioned that he searched 'alien abduction' on Google and eventually found the Arcane Radio interview with Kathleen Marden...so that is the reason he contacted me. I forwarded a few PDFs that deal with alien abduction and experiencer accounts. Lon

The Alien Abduction Files: The Most Startling Cases of Human Alien Contact Ever Reported

Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens

Into The Fringe: A True Story of Alien Abduction

Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience: The True Story of the World's First Documented Alien Abduction

Daily 2 Cents: The 'Hat Man' Emerged From the Light -- New Crop Formation -- Anomaly Above Sedona, AZ

The 'Hat Man' Emerged From the Light

Milena in Belgrade, Serbia emailed Heidi Hollis on her show regarding something strange she observed as a child:

“For a long time I didn't admit it happened but then a year ago I spoke to my brother and we recollected an occurrence. I am 33 years old now. I was 9 and my brother was 4 and a half at the time. We were alone at home at our apartment in Serbia in Belgrade. We were in our parent's bed watching TV. Behind the TV was the balcony. We lived on the second floor and there was no possible access to the balcony unless someone was flying. All of a sudden there was a really bright blinding light coming from somewhere outside and there was a tall dark shadow appearing from the light. We could clearly see a hat. He just stood there and we both got really scared. I don't know what happened after that or for how long, I just know the fear was unbearable. Before that I would usually see different shadows in different places, usually before I would go to bed and they used to frighten me. That was the reason I was so afraid of the dark. I always slept with the lights on. I believe after the last incident, I got so scared that I blocked it out and it never happened again.”

Inception Radio - Heidi Hollis The Outlander – July 1, 2015

Transcribed by Jamie Brian


New Crop Formation - White Sheet Hill, Stourton, Wiltshire

June 29, 2016


Anomaly Above Sedona, AZ

My name is [moved to FI Section/CMS/jpg] and I lived in Sedona Az from 1994-2009 when then I moved to Buffalo NY. I recently took a trip back to Sedona to see my family. It was the first time back to Sedona in five years and my girlfriend and I stayed with my parents there. I was excited to see the beautiful sky and also got a couple powerful star pointers to add to the fun of the trip. We arrived in Sedona on 6-15 and every night we started going out to look at the stars and play with the lasers. The moon was full the third night we were there so I was a little disappointed we couldn't see the stars better but it was still amazing. Every night we went outside at some point watching the stars and counting dozens of satellite and jetliners.

On the night of 6-23, my dad and I started watching the sky around 10:15pm right out in the dark street in front of the house. I caught a couple shooting stars but there was a small strip of cloud above us that the moon had slightly illuminated, and it was partially blocking out the stars straight above. After 30 min of an uneventful sky I started to point my laser at the cloud directly above me seeing if I could see the laser on the cloud at all. I held it on the cloud for a min, blinked it a couple times then before I knew it something illuminated in in the cloud right next to where I pointed my laser. The cloud was wispy and low. The object in the clouds would glow so bright it was intimidating. My dad and I froze, and just watched. It would light up every ten secs or so illuminating the cloud around it then moving a short distance before illuminating again. At this point I ran inside and grabbed my girlfriend, I said "honey UFO!". She ran outside just as it lit up again on the edge of the cloud, move a little ways, then illuminated again. It moved out of the cloud and into night sky as we watched it now illuminating and appearing out of the black. I ran back inside, got my mom out of bed and she ran out to watch it move off to the west with the rest of us. We could see it glowing more orange in the distance appearing and disappearing in the dark. We were just speechless.

My last night was the next night and my mom and I spent some time outside looking at the sky again and after some time I believe we saw the same object off at a distance over the mountains for just a min or two. My parents are not the type of people to talk about UFO, but over the last year my interest in them has peaked. I knew they were out there but in all my years I had seen nothing and my parents had not either. I think my dad my be a little in shock by what we saw. I have not been able to stop thinking about it. My girlfriend is speechless too.

One strange note about this is that we all know it happened right at 10:45pm. I know it happened at that time too, but when I think back and remember myself running up the porch into my house to get my girlfriend, I always see it as daytime in my head. I think its because I was in such shock and excitement but I thought I should mention it. I feel like this thing we saw stays over that area because we caught it that second night. Someone else has had to have seen this thing. I want to find out the truth about what I saw now...its hard to stop seeing in my head, especially after traveling back home to buffalo yesterday and being super tired. I hope this can get some answers.... Someone else has had to have seen this thing. I want to find out the truth about what I saw now...its hard to stop seeing in my head, especially after traveling back home to buffalo yesterday and being super tired. I hope this can get some answers.... - MUFON CMS


'Lucky' Number Plates

A man in China got more than he bargained for when he splashed out $150,000 on the number plate '88888'.

Despite only having a GM pickup truck worth around $5000, the Chinese motorist, who is known only as Mr Zhou, decided to spend one million yuan ( $150,000 ) on a customized number plate.

Far from bringing him good fortune however the plate, which reads '88888', saw him pulled over no less than eight times on the first day alone by police officers who didn't believe that it was genuine.

"Police would see me and then wave to me pull over," he said. "I ended up being stopped for longer periods than I was actually driving. It has caused so much trouble."

In China the number eight is traditionally associated with good luck while the number four, which sounds like 'death' when recited in mandarin, is considered to be unlucky.



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Donations by mail can be sent to:
Lon Strickler
514 Broadway
Hanover, PA 17331




The Zozo Phenomenon - The Zozo Phenomenon

Is this the Ukrainian chupacabra? Farmer claims he caught legendary blood-sucking beast in his barn

Giant Bird or Spirit Avian?

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Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers

Grimoire for the Green Witch: A Complete Book of Shadows

Who Were These 'Men in Black?'

The following account was forwarded to me in 2010. I can't say what these beings were, especially under the strange circumstances:

Hello, I had an extremely frightening experience five years ago that I had no idea what was going on, but when I happened to run across a description of the MIB (which I had never even heard about except for passing references to the Will Smith movie), I suddenly realized this is extremely similar to what I experienced. My mouth dropped open at the similarity.

What happened was, I used to be a postal delivery person in Washington, D.C. One of the buildings I delivered mail to on my route was this huge building. One day I had paused to eat an apple outside the building, and not seeing a trashcan anywhere, I just threw the core onto the ground. When I walked into the building to deliver the mail, I was angrily confronted by the head security guy who asked me why I was littering. I was a little taken aback and asked him how he knew I had thrown the apple core on the ground. He told me that this whole premises was under video surveillance, including not only all sides of the building but even the grassy areas around it. It was then that I suddenly realized this building had really unusually tight security. Even when I went inside to deposit the mail, the mail room was open to me, but the rest of the building was inaccessible. I could only go into the mail room, deposit the mail, and leave. I had to ring a buzzer to be let into the building each time I delivered.

Anyway, a few weeks later, I was on my way to deliver the mail as usual to the building, and as I was nearing the building, I saw three figures crossing the street on their way towards the building. At first glance I thought they were normal. But as I looked closer I was shocked at how strange they were - they were extremely thin, and they didn't walk by putting one leg in front of the other, but sort of waddled by moving their whole bodies from side to side, lifting one foot off the ground, then the other foot in a sort of whole-body side-to-side waddle. It's hard to explain what I mean, but it was not the way any normal person would walk unless they were unable to move any joint in their legs.

But as strange as this was, this was not what frightened me. What frightened me was that they were absolutely thin. It was like they were as flat as a set of clothes that had been ironed. Their faces and bodies were entirely flat - no contours. The nose did not jut out, nothing. And they were also extremely thin. The best I could describe is if you saw a suit hanging from a clothes hanger, that would be about the same thickness. It was like no thickness at all, just clothes hanging from a hanger. All three were dressed in black suits. They all had black sunglasses.

I saw them walk up, ring the buzzer, and be let into the building. I was absolutely scared sh*tless as I had just been about to enter that very same building. I really wasn't sure what to do, but I kind of steeled myself, and slowly forced myself to ring the buzzer and enter the building, figuring, hey, I might have imagined this, in any case I should force myself to go through my routine until I can think this thing out. When I entered the mail room, there were like 10 (normal) men standing there, just looking at me. It was really intimidating. They asked me if I had seen anything. I was kind of speechless for a second, not knowing how to respond. And then one of THEM walked right up to me from the side and from slightly behind me. I could tell it was one of the same types of things that I had seen crossing the street. It walked right up to me and I was too afraid to turn my head to the side and look at it. I am very scared just typing this right now, remembering it. It didn't say anything, it just got right up close to me, and I had a feeling of fear so intense, I felt as if my heart had just frozen and was going to fall out of my body onto the ground. Again, they asked me, "Did you see anything? What did you see?" I just shook my head and stammered, "No, I didn't see anything." Unless they were all retarded there is no way they couldn't have noticed my extreme fright. I thought they might hold me there and not let me go. But finally they said, "Okay, leave now."

The MIB that was to my side and a little behind me, kind of took a step back to make way, and I had to steel myself to actually walk past it on my way to the door and I was out of the building. it is the bravest thing I've ever done in my life

At the time I had never heard of the MIB, I had no idea what this thing was or what the government was doing. All I knew was that I was dealing with something far more powerful than me. I thought maybe it was some new type of robot and the government was doing test-runs on them, but why that would be done in broad daylight I could not and still do not understand. To give you an understanding of how frightening it was, the first thought that came to my mind was that I needed to leave the country - to find some way to get the h*ll out of the country and go somewhere else - but then it occurred to me that if I started to act strangely, they might get suspicious and kill me or something. I realized the best thing I could do was act as normally as possible and pretend nothing had happened.

Later the next week, my supervisor at the post office told me I had been suddenly reassigned from my old route to a new one, something that was unexpected. He asked me if I had encountered any problems on the route - I think even he may have been a little confused at why I was being reassigned. But I said I had no problems and I was very quiet about it. So eventually I got reassigned. After what I thought was an appropriate amount of time continuing to work at the post office, I quit my job and now I work at an airport. I am telling this story now because five years later I need to get this off my chest. I doubt they will come after me now but if they do, I can't avoid my fate. I've never seen any sort of alien or had any sort of unusual life event of any other kind, nor do I believe that there is such a thing as a devil or demons or anything. So I really don't know what to believe now. There is no doubt whatsoever the building was under the control of the government, with normal human beings. I still think it was some sort of cyborg experiment, and on occasion I still am tempted to just leave the country to get away from all this.

NOTE: This is not the only time I have read a MIB described as thin and having a strange side-to-side gait. I went through some notes and found the notation of an incident that occurred in the the early 1990's here in Baltimore, MD. There had been an automobile accident on I-95 not far from downtown near the Washington Blvd. exit where a witness described a similar looking 'person' (thin, dressed in a black suit, fedora and sunglasses) 'who waddled back and forth like a penguin' away from a black Crown Victoria that was stopped near the scene. This 'person' got to the guard rail and hopped over it with ease and disappeared. The local news didn't make note of this 'person' though it was reported in the local 'City Paper' a week after the accident. I searched for other references to this incident but have not been successful...Lon

Unexplained!: Strange Sightings, Incredible Occurrences & Puzzling Physical Phenomena

Strange Creatures From Time and Space

The Demonologist: The Extraordinary Career of Ed and Lorraine Warren (The Paranormal Investigators Featured in the Film 'The Conjuring')

Dead Mountain: The Untold True Story of the Dyatlov Pass Incident

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