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lundi, mai 02, 2016

The Specter at the Cross

I recently had an opportunity to talk to a man, who I'll refer to as 'CB,' who once lived on a farm in Washington County, PA. He had issued a report with the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society on a possible habituation he experienced when he was younger while living on his Grandfather's farm. There were other odd creatures and anomalies that he had witnessed as fact, I hope to gather more information on a specific group of cryptid big cats he observed living at the same general area.

Another incident he described also piqued my interest. This occurred in Fayette County at the Jumonville Cross, which stands on top of Dunbar's Knob on Chestnut Ridge. The entire Chestnut Ridge is well-known for unexplained activity...but this particular incident was quite extraordinary. I have heard of a variety of unexplained sightings near the cross structure over the years.

One particular encounter was told to me by a friend, who was with me during a United Steelworkers representative training retreat in nearby Linden Hall in October 1992. He and another attendee took a hike to the Jumonville Cross one afternoon. During the hike they experienced an overwhelming sense of dread when they came near the top. They didn't stay fact, they decided to make their way back to their vehicle as quickly as possible. It was a bizarre story since neither have ever had that feeling previously and neither wanted to remain at the retreat for the remainder of the session. I believe something, other than a sense of dread, caused this reaction....though, I will also state that this person has experienced a extremely difficult life since that day. He refuses help from any source, living like a hermit in rural West Virginia.

On a whim one morning, CB and his girlfriend decided to hike the mountain to the Jumonville enjoy donuts and coffee. They were talking and enjoying the view while sitting on the grass near a podium that is located near the cross structure. At the time, neither CB or his girlfriend heard or saw anyone approaching the fact, they thought they were alone for the entire time. Then they noticed, what they thought, was a light puff of smoke at the podium. An elderly man and woman suddenly appeared standing together. At first they thought nothing of it...maybe it was simply a wisp of fog and these two folks had been there all along. CB and his girlfriend acknowledge their presence and said 'hi' to the older couple...but oddly, they received no answer. The couple didn't move and looked forward towards the horizon. When CB looked closer, he observed they both had solid black eyes.

Both of the witnesses were taken aback by this spectacle. The specters were both apparently wearing white tops and black pants. Then the couple moved off and just faded away from sight. CB told me that they were solid in form, so much so that they wondered if they had seen something other than ghosts.

We later discussed the 'black eyed people' phenomenon, which he had just recently heard about. We also discussed his girlfriend's reaction, which was much less abrupt than his. There had been times when she would feel emotional changes during unexplained incidents. I believe that she may be an empath, as well as a beacon. Her presence at the Jumonville Cross may have actually triggered the appearance of the elderly couple's energy.

There have been many incidents reported at the cross over the years...including an increase of Bigfoot sightings and other odd anomalies. The area is actually home to a Christian campground and retreat. This location is also near where a young military officer named George Washington and his soldiers ambushed French troops in 1754, sparking the genesis of the French and Indian War. There have been reports of musket fire, disembodied voices and the smell of gunpowder in the nearby glens and hollows.

I'd be interested to read or hear your experiences as well...Lon

The Unexplained Stories, Folklore and Legends of Fayette County, Pennsylvania

Astonishing Encounters: Pennsylvania's Unknown Creatures, Casebook 3

Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook

Supernatural Lore of Pennsylvania:: Ghosts, Monsters and Miracles (American Legends)