; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, mars 31, 2016

New Information Surfaces on the Paris 'Paranormal' Crash

OK folks...it's time to, once again, take a dive into the rabbit hole. Back in 2010, I started reporting two specific vehicular accidents dubbed as the 'M6 and Paris 'Paranormal' Crashes.' The incidents were introduced to me by a blog reader, freelance investigator / journalist Mark Collins:

"This incident would make a great script for 'Fringe' or the former show 'The X-Files'. A reader in Birmingham, UK commented on this vehicular accident and the questions surrounding it. I started to dig and found the following information. Investigators reveal they are unable to explain certain facts surrounding this specific M6 pileup (in Birmingham) and point to evidence corroborating rumors of paranormal activity may be partly to blame." - Mark Collins

Author Colin Hall later wrote the book Fact or Fiction? the Paris & M6 Crashes

A longtime reader, SCG, forwarded new information recently posted by Colin Hall.

First of all, if you're not familiar with this case, please refer to the initial reports and subsequent links:

A leaked report into the recent crash on the southbound carriageway of the M6 just outside Birmingham shows that the investigation team are struggling to provide credible explanations for some of the circumstances surrounding the incident.

The pile up involved seventeen vehicles, including three trucks but miraculously no one was killed although several people were taken to hospital for minor injuries.

One anonymous source closely involved with the investigation said there are three specific areas they are finding increasingly difficult to explain; the tachometer readings of one of the the trucks, the CCTV footage taken at the time of the crash and also the lack of physical evidence to show drivers were present in three of the vehicles.

Details remain closely guarded but it is understood the tachometer readings clearly show that the truck’s speed reduced dramatically about one minute before the accident. The CCTV footage is alleged to show a thin white line across the southbound carriageway, again timed at about one minute prior to the crash.

No one from the crash investigation team is willing to go on the record to either confirm or deny these reports and it is understood that the entire investigation has now been turned over to another police department based in London; although again, no one would confirm of deny this.


The following diary entry was recently discovered:

Whilst I wasn't there when the accident happened, I am able to piece together a rough version of events from the subsequent confrontations with Silverton that happened as a result of it.

It was always going to be the case that the traders were keen both to stop my progress to Paris and also disrupt any other operations that were taking place by other members of the group that would interfere with their activities; that was a constant and never ending threat. Although neither myself or Roy could have imagined what lengths they would have gone to in order to derail our mission.

Effectively the events that were now taking place could have had serious repercussions for the timeline if they weren't thoroughly vetted prior to action, and I didn't think that would be high on the traders list of priorities.

But while Roy and I were left pondering how we could best deal with our accidental guests, further developments were ensuring our return to the twenty first century was going to be fraught with incident.

A serious accident had taken place on the M6 at the precise location we now found ourselves standing at the time we left our vehicles. So, whilst we were looking around in disbelief at the abandoned and overgrown motorway wondering what our next move was, the vehicles we were meant to be driving were out of control and causing the accident.

This crash involved about fifteen vehicles and blocked the M6. Miraculously no one was killed but there were several serious injuries and the motorway was closed for the rest of the day and long into the night as the investigations into the accident took place.

The duration of the closure was not entirely due to the time it took to clear up the carriageway, it was due to the meticulous nature of the investigation; and this was led by Roger Silverton.

Roger wasn't part of any police force based in Manchester, he was part of a division of special branch that was based in London. This division specialised in events that were of an unexplainable nature; namely UFO sightings, psychic phenomena and other such incidents. Obviously this gave whoever Roger really was the perfect cover to track and intercept us whilst staying on the right side of the law.

Because of the nature of the accident on the M6, Roger's division of special branch were notified and he was first to attend the scene; no doubt aware of our proximity because he was tracking our movements.

Roger would have greeted by an assortment of tangled vehicles all badly disfigured from the accident and dried blood stains on the inside of these vehicles; except three and this was the reason for the call to Roger's division by the accident investigation team.

The three vehicles we drove were devoid of any human tissue or blood to signify the presence of someone behind the steering wheel at the time of impact.

One thing I learned prior to getting embroiled in my current situation was that the police and also the media treated anything that could be construed as paranormal as a standing joke; there was always another, far more logical explanation. This was great for us as we could be secure in the knowledge that apart from disappearing in front of someone anything we said would be dismissed as pure fantasy.

But this accident could change that as, for the first time, significant evidence was now available to suggest that the M6 accident was not a straightforward, human error collision.

NOTE: this is a very strange incident. From what I am able to gather, this online diary entry (which I feel is a blog entry for a fictitious story) was written prior to the accident. As well, there are no explanations as to how this diary entry has been determined to be related to this incident, though the references are eerily similar. Was this a pre-cognative experience? Time travel? Movement between dimensions? I checked news articles and the following seems to be the accident in question M6 crash closes motorway in Birmingham. If anyone has further information in regards to this incident, please post a comment...Lon


Highway Accident May Have Involved Paranormal Activity

The following information was received a few months later:

Details of a recent car crash in Paris are now surfacing after an embargo placed by the authorities on reporting the incident has now been lifted.

Speculation has been rife about the links between the incident in Paris and the recent crash on the M6 as it is clear that both have some level of unexplained activity and both crashes have been subject to strict reporting guidelines.

Full details are unclear at this time but it is understood that two vehicles were involved in the crash and that it took place near the Eiffel Tower, although the exact location is being kept secret. Parisian traffic police were keen to play down several rumours that have started to circulate amongst those who witnessed the crash surrounding the events that led up to it.

These include alleged witness statements that claim a bright light could be seen emanating from at least one of the vehicles before it collided with the other. In other statements, witnesses walking on the nearby pavement were reported to have seen the occupants of one of the vehicles ‘disappear’ momentarily at one stage.

The Parisian traffic police have denied the validity or existence of the statements and also confirmed that there were four bodies present in the vehicles; two in each. All were male and were said to have been badly burnt in the subsequent fire after the crash.

When questioned about why they won’t name an exact location for the crash, the police have put out a statement saying that ‘we wish to keep the location secure whilst the investigation continues and we are aware that such a location would attract people wanting to speculate on the reasons for the crash. This would jeopardise the integrity of the scene and any evidence that is still to be uncovered’

Further details of the investigation to follow.

Mark Collins
Freelance Journalist
Writer for VoloLegal / VoloMed

M6 Crash / Paris Accident Being Investigated - Vehicle Occupants 'Disappear'

The following links contain further information and progress on the cases:

Investigators Hunt For Key Witness In M6 Paranormal Crash

M6 Paranormal Crash Update: Suspect Confirms Secret Code

M6 Paranormal Crash Video

'Fact or Fiction: The M6 & Paris Crashes'

The M6 and Paris story takes a new twist

Alleged suspect from the M6 Paranormal Crash

The M6 Crash and Paris Accident: Redux

Several weeks ago, I received the following text and images:

You must be aware that I cannot reveal my identity. However I was part of the British based investigation team & there is more evidence to follow.

Those images we taken from files I managed to secure onto a portable hard drive. The other evidence in trying to release from the encryption includes CCTV footage of the chief suspect in the hospital corridor & also a small clip of the audio between the police officers investigating the the M6 crash.

The first image I sent you is from the the CCTV footage in the elevator in the Pitie Salpetriere hospital, you can clearly see the suspect is holding some kind of device.

The second image is from a mobile phone and was taken by one of the morgue technicians, the French police confiscated his phone once they realised they had taken this image. Again it clearly shows the device that no medical professional could identify during the investigation. Three of the four bodies in the morgue had visible puncture wounds from this device & their blood tests seemed to corroborate this. The fourth body was not injected & their blood results were different.

If you look at the history of the hospital you will see why a body tampering conspiracy was not something they would want. Along with the head of the British investigation team the whole thing was buried & the evidence was secured to the highest security protocols. They then cooked up an elaborate hoax to ensure that the mainstream media would ignore any future leak.

The autopsy reports also showed all four bodies high levels of succinylcholine in their bloodstream. The morgue technician went on record to suggest in her professional opinion these people could not have controlled a motor vehicle - another unanswered question from the French investigation. - Timeforanswers

Then Colin Hall posted the following information on his blog - New Evidence Surfaces from the Paris Incident:

After nearly three years of silence it appears that a whistle blower has come forward and published evidence from the incident in Paris that I covered in my book, Fact or Fiction

The full version of this persons evidence can be found at the following link Paris evidence

On first appearances this evidence appears to confirm points that first surfaced in a report written by Mark Collins in this report Body Tampering

An extract from this report states:

Whilst it does corroborate certain facts that were alluded to in this report I am currently talking with experts I know to see whether this evidence can be confirmed as authentic.

I will also be talking with 'The Conspiracy Show with Richard Syrett' on his show on the 17th of April to discuss this further and hope to have more information by then.


NOTE: I will make an attempt to gather any new information...possibly through my sources, if possible. Lon

Close Encounters of the Fatal Kind: Suspicious Deaths, Mysterious Murders, and Bizarre Disappearances in UFO History

Gone, Just Gone: Thirteen Baffling Disappearances

Lost and Missing: True Stories of People Gone Missing and Never Found (Murder, Scandals and Mayhem) (Volume 5)

Missing Person Case Files Solved: People Gone Missing and Found Again True Stories of Mysterious Disappearances

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mercredi, mars 30, 2016

Daily 2 Cents: Bizarre Photo of Murdered Daughter Ordered by Accused Mother -- 'I can tell you...I WAS abducted' -- Comedian’s Last Words Hint of Afterlife

Mother Charged with Murder Ordered Bizarre Photos with Dead Daughter

A soldier from Fort Bragg charged with murdering her 2-year-old daughter commissioned photos of herself at her daughter's gravesite with a superimposed angelic likeness of her daughter in the background.

The photos were commissioned a month after the killing. Jeanie Ditty, 23, and her boyfriend Zachary Keefer were arrested last week for the murder of Macy Grace. Both are charged with first-degree murder and negligent child abuse inflicting serious bodily injury.

Police say the child was taken to Cape Fear Valley Medical Center in North Carolina on Dec. 2, 2015 where medical staff discovered bruises all over her body. "It was life threatening injuries consistent with child abuse," Fayetteville Police Department officer Antoine Kincade tells PEOPLE. She was then transported to UNC Hospital in Chapel Hill where she died two days later.

"An investigation was initiated and it was determined after the autopsy the child died of injuries sustained as a result of the mother Jeanie Ditty and her boyfriend," Kincade says.

The photos, which were created by Pennsylvania photographer Sunny Jo, show Ditty next to an angelic looking Macy Grace at her daughter's grave site. Jo says he reached out to Ditty on Dec. 7, three days after the child's death, and one month later she asked him to create the pictures.

"She is 23 years old and that is young to lose a child," he says. "And I just felt for her. This was terrible. This poor girl just lost her daughter. This must be the most heartbreaking thing in the world. So when she asked me to do the photos I said absolutely. I just knew that one way or another I wanted to get the pictures done for what I thought at the time was a grieving mother."

Ditty allegedly offered to pay the $500 fee for the work but he turned her down. "She did offer to pay and out of the goodness of my heart I said, 'No, I can't let you pay for this," he says. "I thought to myself, 'Sunny you can't charge someone who just went through this.' She loved them."

He was later shocked to learn that Ditty was charged with the murder of her daughter. "I couldn't sleep since this happened," he says. "The only thing that helps me out is me thinking I didn't do it for Jeanie I did it for the spirit of Macy. The only thing I was trying to do was help a grieving mother. I just wanted to make someone happy who was going through a tough time." - People / Yahoo


Comedian’s Last Words Before He Died May Convince You the Afterlife Is Real

Sam Kinison died on April 10, 1992 after he collided head on with a 17-year-old that crossed the centerline on the way to a comedy show. Sam’s brother Bill Kinison and friend Carl LaBove were following close behind. What they saw during the comedian’s last moments on earth completely shocked them both.

Read the full account of this story (w/ video) at Did Famed Comedian Argue with God Before He Died? This Story Will Give You Chills


'I can tell you...I WAS abducted'

Medfield, MA - 2010-08-10 - 5:30PM: There are two accounts to this story. I will share both with you. But I need extreme help. I am 43 years old. I was part of an R/C Flying Club in Medfield, Massachusetts on Hospital Road. I can tell you...I WAS abducted.

The official story goes, this is the [PRE-HYPNOSIS] I arrived at the field at 5:30 pm for Radio Controlled flying. It was an early evening August meeting, one of my first with the club and looking to start trying to get to know some new people. I remember arriving, and just not liking the look of the field, left, and went to get something to eat while people were not there yet. I thought it looked like someone left something on the ground at the far side of the field, and could have been an R/C plane, so I figured odd. I just did not like the feeling so I left, got something to eat, and returned. Didn't feel well so left meeting early at 7:00. Tailgating Ford Crown Victoria in back which is chocked up to being another bad Massachusetts Driver. Really tailgating. Had to cut across a travel lane into a gas station at the corner.

I hope there is enough space. I need Mufon to please, contact me. I need help. Post Hypnosis story is this - I am walking up the path on the rail road tracks because I don't feel like climbing over the gate that night. I walk the quarter mile walk up the track to the field that is really nicely secluded from Hospital Road. I arrive on the field, and must have been in shock to see it on the ground. I saw it behind the pegboard. There is a pegboard that holds frequency numbers when people fly It went up and over, a beam came down, and then felt another beam come down on me. I started lifting up, and then you know there is trouble. I was met inside by two small grey aliens who rushed me to another room where I was met by another being with a long neck. In Hypnosis, I was able to get a name. I then that night had an encounter with an MIB in a tailgating dark Ford Crown Vic. My dad believes tailgating viciously. Since hypnosis, I have discovered a SCOOP Mark on my back left shoulder, and had an Octagon shape bruise on my arm. That is not natural. I also receive TELEPATHIC MESSAGES. We hear electronic beeping noises We have nothing in the house that makes that noise. Please, MUFON, I need your help. Please contact me so I can find a good support group to help people with this. I really feel like a best comparrison would be the guy from Close Encounters that went nuts in the movie and it is not a good feeling. Thank you. - MUFON CMS


Archaeologists Discovered Aliens and Flying Saucer UFOs In 10,000 Year-Old Cave Rock Paintings In India

Chhattisgarh state department of archaeology and culture plans to seek help from Nasa and Isro for research on 10,000-year-old rock paintings depicting aliens and UFOs in Charama region in Kanker district in tribal Bastar region.

According to archaeologist JR Bhagat, these paintings have depicted aliens like those shown in Hollywood and Bollywood flicks. Located about 130km from Raipur, the caves come under village Chandeli and Gotitola.

"The findings suggest that humans in prehistoric times may have seen or imagined beings from other planets which still create curiosity among people and researchers. Extensive research is needed for further findings. Chhattisgarh presently doesn't have any such expert who could give clarity on the subject," Bhagat told TOI.

There are several beliefs among locals in these villages. While few worship the paintings, others narrate stories they have heard from ancestors about "rohela people" — the small sized ones — who used to land from sky in a round shaped flying object and take away one or two persons of village who never returned.

"The paintings are done in natural colours that have hardly faded despite the years. The strangely carved figures are seen holding weapon-like objects and do not have clear features. Specially, the nose and mouth are missing. In few pictures, they are even shown wearing space suits. We can't refute possibility of imagination by prehistoric men but humans usually fancy such things," the archaeologist said.

He added that it is a co-incidence that such ancient images appear to have sharp resemblance to UFOs shown in alien movies. "The fan-like antenna and three legs of vehicle's stand clearly show a similarity to UFO type craft," he said.
Other archaeologists would also be consulted for further verification. - Archaeologists Discovered Aliens and Flying Saucer UFOs In 10,000 Year-Old Cave Rock Paintings In India



Not Exactly The Biggest Bigfoot

Did Aleister Crowley Open An Interdimensional Portal in 1918?

Many species now going extinct may vanish without a fossil trace

Mysterious Flying Goat Freed From Telephone Lines

The Shape Shifters: UFOs, Their Many Shapes, and Misleading Names

SmartSign 3M Engineer Grade Reflective Sign, "Sasquatch Big Foot Crossing" with Graphic, 12" square, Black on Yellow

Bigfoot Sasquatch Car Window Vinyl Decal Sticker 7" Tall

Aquarius Bigfoot Search Kit Large Tin Fun Box

Accoutrements Bigfoot Action Figure

Bizarre Scene at Chinese School

The students at Taiping Middle School were enjoying a nice break from their studies, a rarity in China, when insanity struck. A crazed employee at the school burst out of the building without any clothes on. Seemingly, at random, he approached a number of students before fixing his attention on one sixteen-year-old girl.

Although labeled a middle school, the institution actually provides education to high schoolers. It is located in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of southern China and has a student body of over 2,500. The man at the center of this bizarre and horrifying story is a 30-year-old with the last name of Hou. Employed as a janitor overseeing the school’s science laboratories, Hou has worked at the school for nearly a decade. Before now, he had never had any behavior issues at work. By all accounts, he was well liked by students and staff. How quickly things change.

As the naked Hou cornered the sixteen-year-old student against a wall, male classmates watched in horror. They appear frozen in panic, as were a few teachers standing nearby. They, however, quickly sprang into action and tackled Hou to the ground, freeing the frightened girl from his grasp. Staff detained the naked employee until police arrived to arrest him. In all, the incident lasted less than two minutes, but that was more than enough time for residents in the neighborhood to capture the weird encounter on their cellphones.

According to the police, Hou has a history of mental illness. He was diagnosed with an unspecified condition in 2011, but doctors stated that since he had not acted on any of his thoughts, he was considered cured. Clearly that diagnosis needs to be changed. Hou remains in custody and the school is considering whether it should fire him. The fact that school administrators have not already terminated the janitor is startling. As inept as they appear to be, at least they have already contacted a psychiatrist to assist the unfortunate girl who caught Hou’s eye. While his actions did not cause her any physical harm, the school has agreed to pay all of her psychiatrist bills moving forward. - Crazed Chinese Janitor Ruins Recess

The Illuminati in Hollywood: Celebrities, Conspiracies, and Secret Societies in Pop Culture and the Entertainment Industry

How Not to Be a Dick: An Everyday Etiquette Guide

Inside the Illuminati: Evidence, Objectives, and Methods of Operation

Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah

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mardi, mars 29, 2016

Daily 2 Cents: The Green Man -- Frightening UFO Encounter -- Jurassic Prank

The Green Man

Deb in Milwaukee called in to Darkness Radio to tell of something her daughter observed when she was four years old:

“One of the most striking stories involved my daughter. When she was four years old, she woke up in the middle of the night and came running into my bedroom and she was just terrified insisting that the green man was in her room. I tried to reason with her. I was tired myself and wanted to sleep but she would have no part of going back to her bedroom. So I just hauled her into bed with me because I needed to get up in the morning. So, years later, over the course of time she stopped talking about the green man and I didn't think too much of it given that she was only four at the time but my dad died in 2001...her grandfather.

We were sitting at my dining room table. We were looking for pictures for the funeral. We wanted to put a montage of photos up and we were going through some really old pictures. You know, newer and older, but these were exceptionally old like the little brownie camera pictures. And she was looking at them and she picked up one of the photos and she looked at me and she said, 'Mom, this is the green man.' Now she was 17 at the time. She had never forgotten this and I said, 'The green man?' Then I remembered and I looked at the photo and I didn't have any idea who the elderly man was. He had a vest on. He was obviously older. I turned to my mother and said, 'Do you have any idea who this is?' And she said, 'Oh yeah, that's your dad's grandfather.'

Now he had been dead prior to my birth. So he wasn't anywhere in the picture. She never would have known him but she told me what had happened. She was sleeping and she was somehow laying on her arm and her arm had fallen asleep and that's what woke her up and when she opened her eyes she saw this man bending over looking at her toys which were in bins at the foot of her bed with his back to her... and he was glowing green. That's why she called him the green man and she was terrified. She said she had to pull her arm out from underneath her head and she did it really fast and at that minute he spun around and looked right at her and she realized he'd seen her and she'd seen him and then that's when she ran out of the room and came into my room. But I thought it was just interesting that somebody... I just think he was here to check on the kids because he'd never met them and he was curious.”

Source: Darkness Radio March 21, 2016

Transcribed by Jamie Brian


Sink Hole Mystery in Susquehanna County

LENOX TOWNSHIP, PA -- One home in Susquehanna County has signs warning people to stay off the property. The homeowner says the signs are not just warning trespassers.

"This is what my granddaughter found. It was just a small hole like this and that's what it turned into," Sheila Petrochko said.

Finding holes on this Lenox Township property near Kingsley has become a regular occurrence lately for Petrochko.

"I walk through my yard and I'm finding more holes everyday," Petrochko added.

She also thinks her yard is starting to sink. "Is my ground going to open up? Am I going to fall into a hole? Are my grandchildren? That's what I'm concerned about," she said.

In her 10 years living here, Petrochko said there have never been any holes.

"Nothing new has happened in the area besides a well that Cabot drilled and they finished about a month and a half ago," Petrochko said.

According to a Pennsylvania DEP spokesperson, there have been no other complaints about possible sinkholes in this part of Susquehanna County.

Late this afternoon, a DEP inspector ruled out natural gas drilling as the cause. State officials believe the holes were caused by natural subsidence.

The state isn't exactly sure what naturally caused the holes to form.

Cabot Oil & Gas pointed out its gas well is about a mile from the homeowner's property.

The gas company said they are not responsible for the holes in Petrochko's yard. Lenox Township Supervisor Fred Benson agrees.

"I just think it's a settlement. It ain't got nothing to do with the gas from my estimation," Benson said.

Petrochko said she just wants to know why the holes keep popping up.

"I feel like I'm yelling and screaming. I would like to find out what happened and why and how we are going to fix it," she said.

A spokesperson for DEP said that an inspector placed meters in the holes. It determined that there was no natural gas present in the areas where the holes have formed.

A DEP spokesperson added that natural subsidence can be caused from rain or even the type of fill someone has in their driveway. - The Mystery of the Holes in Susquehanna County


Frightening UFO Encounter

Indiana - 2015-08-26 - 10:15PM: I was in my back yard sitting at a bonfire when I heard a hum coming from the left of me up in the sky. When I first saw it I thought it was a jet because we have a lot of planes fly over our house. But then I realized it was totally stationary and it was spinning clockwise. It had a very blinding light on each edge of the triangle. Then out of the blue another one appeared and they started spinning in sequence together. I felt a strong physical weakness while I was looking at them. Kind of like a beam was striping me off all my strength. I was with my dad at the time and we were totally in awe at these things in the sky. After the encounter I felt scared and I had a since of being worth nothing. It scared me so much that I couldn't write a report until now because I thought they would come back and abduct me. But now that it has been almost a year I feel safe. I was looking at the two objects and they started blinking and fading in and out until finally disappearing leaving the sky looking kind of warped. - MUFON CMS


Massive Alligator Snapping Turtle Reportedly Caught in Alabama

Photos of this large—and dangerous—alligator snapping turtle started cropping up online recently, and has been attributed to Wes Prewett of Alabama. The humongous turtle was apparently caught in Lake Mitchell near Clanton and weighed near 200 pounds, but we are still trying to confirm the details. Judging from the beast’s mouth, one bite could very well take your head off. Although experts agree that a bite from an alligator snapping turtle is not significantly strong than a humans, keep in mind that humans can bite pretty hard.


Jurassic Prank

A man wearing a ridiculously life-like dinosaur costume managed to scare more than a few passers-by.

The hilarious stunt, which was pulled off by Australian radio hosts Hamish Blake and Andy Lee, saw their unsuspecting colleagues being chased through a car park by an eerily realistic Velociraptor.

It's not the first time that this particular type of dinosaur costume has been unleashed in a prank video however it remains so impressive that it is very easy to scare just about anyone with it.

The reactions, which can be seen in the footage below, are about typical of someone who has unexpectedly happened across a 7ft dinosaur inside a deserted, dimly lit car park.

Click for video - Jurassic Carpark



Scientists just found more evidence that Planet Nine exists in our Solar System

Shakespeare’s Skull and Other Famous Stolen Body Parts

LOCH NESS MONSTER: Good Searle, Bad Searle

This Alien Expert Says Eating Vegan Food Is Best to Attract 'Sky Beings'

Truly Bizarre Cases of Mass Vanishings

InnoGear® 100ml Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffuser Portable Ultrasonic Cool Mist Aroma Humidifier with Color LED Lights Changing and Waterless Auto Shut-off Function for Home Office Bedroom Room Highly recommended...I use it myself. Lon

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The 'Watcher House' Back on the Market

The 'Watcher House' story is back in the news.

A New Jersey home supposedly stalked by an anonymous creepy-letter writer who goes by "The Watcher" is back on the market.

The current owners, a married couple with three children, bought it in June 2014 for nearly $1.4 million. But they refused to move in due to eerie letters they say they received from a person with a "mentally disturbed fixation" on the home.

The couple took the house off the market last summer after suing the previous owners. But they put the house up for sale again last week.

The six-bedroom, 3-bathroom home is in Westfield, 25 miles west of New York City. According to an online post, it has high ceilings, fireplaces and "elegant foyers," and sits on nearly a half-acre. The listing price $1.25 million

The current owners, Derek and Maria Broaddus, claim in their suit that they should have been warned about the letter writer. They want the former owners to refund them the purchase price and pay punitive damages.

They claim one of the letters they received read: "Do you need to fill the house with the young blood I requested? Once I know their names I will call to them and draw them too (sic) me." The person signs the letters as "The Watcher."

In their suit, they claim they are unable to live in the home "without extreme anxiety and fear for their children's safety and wellbeing."

The former owners, John and Andrea Woods, have called the couple's account fiction and moved earlier this year to have the suit dismissed. But no decision has been made on that request.

The Woods said in a court filing that they received a single anonymous note days before the closing, but they deny the note was disturbing or claimed an ownership right to the home.

I posted the following last Summer:

I came across the following article a few days ago, hoping I could find more information on this situation. Many times, I have reported on home sellers that don't disclose spirit activity to new buyers. In fact, some jurisdictions make it mandatory to add the contingency in the house listing.

This situation in New Jersey runs along the same lines except that a living stalker, who takes the moniker 'The Watcher', gets their thrills by sending creepy letters to whomever resides in a particular house. It could easily be the story line for a horror film:

ELIZABETH, N.J. (CN) - A couple sold their Westfield, N.J., home for $1.3 million but never advertised that the property came with threatening letters from someone who calls himself "The Watcher," the new buyers claim in court.

Though the June 2 complaint in Union County Superior Court identifies both the original and new owners of the six-bedroom home in Westfield, Courthouse News has redacted those names and the address out of respect for the families' privacy.

As the parents of three children, the plaintiffs say that the bizarre letters they have received from an unknown person fixated on their home has left them too scared to move in.

"Currently, plaintiffs are in the process of selling the home as they are unable to live in the home without extreme anxiety and fear for their children's safety and well being," the 30-page complaint states. "However, Plaintiffs are having trouble selling the home as interested parties, once notified of the letters, no longer view the property as a safe home."

The first of three letters arrived on June 5, 2014, three days after the closing, and quickly revealed "'The Watcher's mentally disturbed fixation and claim to possession and/or ownership of the home," according to the complaint.

All told, the letters are "the epitome of extreme and outrageous conduct so severe in degree as to go beyond all possible bounds of decency and to be regarded as atrocious and utterly intolerable in a civilized society," the complaint states.

Telling the new buyers that the property "has been the subject of my family for decades," The Watcher allegedly claimed to have been "put in charge of watching and waiting for its second coming."

"Why are you here? I will find out," the letter continues, as quoted in the complaint.

The plaintiffs say The Watcher also wrote that "I asked the [previous owners] to bring me young blood," and said that "once I know their names, I will call to them and draw them too [sic] me."

Two more letters, dated June 18 and July 18, "were in the same vein as the first letter," the complaint states.

"I am pleased to know your names now and the name of the young blood you have brought to me," one allegedly said. "Who has the bedrooms facing the street? I'll know as soon as you move in."

The Watcher also said, according to the complaint, "it will help me to know who is in which bedroom, then I can plan better."

Adding to the ominous words is the implication that The Watcher has been stalking the new tenants, according to the complaint.

"All of the windows and doors ... allow me to watch you and track you as you move through the house," The Watcher allegedly wrote.

After remarking that the plaintiffs had made the home "so fancy," The Watcher said "it cries for the past and what used to be in the time when I roamed its halls," the complaint states.

The plaintiffs say that they "have been consumed daily by stress, anxiety, and fear regarding what The Watcher will do."

Since the previous owners were selling in the high-end market, they "should have known that 'peace of mind' and 'security' were and are of paramount importance to plaintiffs," the complaint states.

Nevertheless, the sellers allegedly concealed that they received a letter from The Watcher over a week before the closing, on May 26, in which The Watcher "noted there would be a new family moving into the home and who claimed a right of possession and/or ownership to the home."

The sellers were "so desperate to sell the million dollar home, [they] knowingly and willfully failed to disclose to [them] this disturbing letter," knowing "the materiality of such disclosure and the very high likelihood if not absolute certainty that such disclosure would defeat the transaction," according to the complaint.

Fulfillment of their duty to divulge this information would have kept the plaintiffs from finding themselves "mired in their present nightmare," the complaint states.

"Here, the suppression of the truth when it clearly should have been disclosed is equivalent to the expression of falsehood," the plaintiffs add.

Compounding The Watcher's effect on the plaintiffs ability to market the home for resale is a "significant reduction in the market price of the home [and] sizable expenses and costs incurred in carrying a mortgage, taxes and insurance on the home from the time of closing," according to the complaint.

Westfield is a New York City bedroom community of just over 30,000 people. Neighborhood Scout, a city data site, ranked the town as the 24th safest city to live in the United States last year.

The complaint names the sellers as defendants, as well as Chicago Title Insurance Company and A Absolute Escrow Settlement Company. Neither returned a request for comment.

The plaintiffs seek damages for fraud and breach of contract, claiming that they "are entitled to a refund of the entire purchase price [of the home] with interest, while also being entitled to retain fee title to the home."

They are represented by Lee Levitt of Parsippany, N.J. - The Courthouse News

This situation was also detailed in the Washington Post - ‘I am the Watcher': Stalker’s chilling letters force fearful family from home. What would you do? Lon

How to Stop a Stalker

Stalking and Domestic Violence

Domestic Tyranny: The Making of American Social Policy against Family Violence from Colonial Times to the Present

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