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mercredi, février 24, 2016

'The Guardian of the Morgue'

My friend and working colleague D. Cook contacted me several days ago about an anomaly that appeared on one of her photographs. The anomaly is quite amazing. The following information was provided by D. Cook, who is a Paranormal Photographer and very competent in Remote Perception:

Date: Saturday February 13th February 2016
Time: 10:42PM
Location: Liverpool College of Technical and Further Education (TAFE) Liverpool, NSW, Australia
Associated: APPI – Australian Paranormal Phenomenon Investigators Tour
Camera Used: Canon 5DMkII

During a recent APPI Ghost Tour which was held at Liverpool College of Technical and Further Education (TAFE) in NSW Australia, I captured an image of an anomaly on the stairs leading down to the Basement of BLOCK B. I was unaware of the photo at the time until I reviewed the captures I had taken the following day.

As a Paranormal Photographer, I am keenly aware that not all things which seem out of the ordinary are paranormal or unexplainable. If something catches my eye in any photo I take, it needs scrutinizing technically and professionally, it needs more than one opinion, it needs to be researched, and it needs to be verifiable – at the very minimum accompanied with its RAW data file. There are plenty of photographs which have gone from the Possible Paranormal File into the Happy Snaps folder.

Two tours were being held that night as it was the APPI’s 5th Birthday Celebrations they had organized a sleepover investigation, and a 2 hour tour of the buildings. I had booked for the short tour and was looking forward to seeing the location as I had not been there before.

I am usually very well prepared before I go on an investigation - mentally, psychically & technically. The night I went on this tour the temperature was above average – even for a humid Summer, it was stifling. Before I had even left home I noticed time seemed to be flying past, and I thought I would be late. I did make it on time, and had a little left over to speak to a few associates before the tours began, but a sense of slight frustration, anxiety and impatience was starting to creep over me – and I took notice of the change.

When this happens, I need to gather my focus when I am photographing – otherwise I only compound my own problems and things start to unravel – like not being able to find lens caps or leaving something behind. This night, it manifested as an uncooperative camera. But I kept going, a little disappointed in myself and my ability, but still enjoying the evening, even if I was trailing behind the group for the most part.

The tour was about half way through and I had taken a number of photographs, mostly of the lovely Georgian Architecture, stairwells, hallways and corridors. We were then led outside of the building and an introduction was given about the underground basement of Block B before going inside to investigate. A short stairwell led down to join a long corridor either side where there were a series of rooms. It was now used more so for storage and so there was a decent amount of clutter in the space, but it had once been a Morgue for the Hospital, and an autopsy and teaching room. Most members of the tour group were already inside, some decided to stay outside.

Trailing behind everyone intentionally , I had time to stand on the top of the stair and look down into the basement. Before me, was the short decent of the stairs. I could hear everyone along the corridor, though they were out of sight; one woman was talking to a person at the base of the stairs. Not wanting to ask her to move, I raised my camera to my eye and pressed the button. Nothing. Then from behind me there was a voice at my shoulder – it was some of the tour guests - I was blocking the way for others to get down the stairs. I stood my ground and with feet planted, kept very still and made one last attempt. I heard the camera engage and take the shot. I turned and smiled to the people, apologized, and walked down the stairs to the corridor. It was the one and only photo I took in that location and I did not think any more of it. Now in hindsight, it was better than I could ever have imagined.

When I returned home after the tour, I did not look at the photographs, but instead went to sleep. The next morning as I looked through the 70 images, this particular photograph caught my attention abruptly. I could definitely see something on the stair which I didn’t remember being there at the time I pressed the shutter button. I was intrigued. Looking at the screen I noticed there was a distinct clarity and presence within this particular image. In the viewing program on a small monitor I wondered if it was just the way the light had bounced down the lens and onto the sensor and maybe captured the back wall of the tunnel. I had not used a tripod or a flash that night, and was relying on the light from a lamppost from outside of the building to take any photos. Once I had zoomed in though, and the image was larger and clearer, it was obvious that there was something anomalous in the stairwell – and not only that, it had a distinctive form, shape, density and proportion – and furthermore, it was recognisable.

The photograph I took I named; ‘The Guardian of the Morgue’. It represents the entity/anomaly (as I see it being) in its stance with its accompanying attitude on the stairs.

After putting the photograph up on my Facebook page for comment, I can also see that there are many variable responses as to what it is and what it might be. I am open to all opinions and suggestions from others, from professional to amateur, and until I can further consolidate within myself the purpose of such a capture, I am happy just to keep the psychic and investigative information I receive documented until I feel that I have unravelled the nature and truth held within the picture.

My gratitude, thanks, & much appreciation goes to Author & Fortean Researcher Lon Stickler for his interest, verification and opinion on the photograph.

Be well.
Photographer D. Cook

THE HISTORY of the Site

1790 - The site was used as a tent hospital prior to the birth of the established township.
1810 - Liverpool was founded as a township.
1813 – Liverpool Hospital was established. This comprised of a brick building housing 30 patients and a resident surgeon. It mostly services convicts and soldiers.
1820 – Plans were on the drawing board to improve and enlarge and upgrade the hospital.
1822 – Work on a design for a new hospital was underway using convict labour skills.
1825 - The 3 room colonial Georgian Building that is known as Block B was erected during this time. It housed 12 patients. Medicinal care included treatments consisting of blood-letting by cupping or leeching, entices for the stomach and purgatives. Instruments for operations were carried in the surgeon's pocket or top hat and most medical interventions were emergencies such as epidemics, accidents and snake bites.
1830 – The new Hospital building was completed.
1836 - The hospital was transferred to the control of the military and used as a military hospital and barracks.
1848 – The military vacated the site and the hospital closed due to a decrease in population size.
1851 – The Hospital reopened under the auspice of the Benevolent Society as an Asylum to provide shelter to aged, infirm and destitute men. They were an extraordinarily diverse assortment of characters from all parts of the world and every rank, religion and occupation. There were ex-soldiers, seamen, miners, explorers, authors, businessmen and professional men. The majority were ordinary honest men, forced into hardship because of sickness, drink, destitution, old age, loneliness or lack of family support.
1918 - The Asylum became a State Hospital and Asylum
1920s - The Hospital & Asylum underwent a period of considerable improvement, expansion and development.
1929 - Recorded the worst year of the Depression for the Asylum, with 2,567 admissions.
1933 - Major works were undertaken to the hospital, including a modern operating theatre, outpatients department, women's ward, medical superintendent's residence and a morgue.
1958 – The State Health Department vacated the site in 1958.
1960 - The buildings were then renovated for use as a TAFE College and classes were first held
1961 – Officially opened as a College at the site on 10 July.

The Paranormal Caught On Film

Paranormal Investigations: The Proper Procedures and Protocols of Investigation for the Beginner to the Pro

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