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mardi, février 02, 2016

The Abductee Who Fought Back

By Chris Holly - By now many of you are aware I have been writing about a group of people I refer to as 'Real Time Abductees'. By real time I am referring to lost time abduction cases that take place when the people being abducted are fully awake. The real time abductions take place while they are going about their daily life when without permission they are taken against their will.

I do not interview or write about abductions that take place in a sleep state or while in a trance or encounters that involve telepathic communications. My main interest concerns the real time abduction cases.

The abductee I will be writing about in this article is a woman I call the angry abductee as she is the one who has shown the most furry and raw anger at her predicament. The other abductees are also frustrated and full of rage however this woman is the most vocal and open about her anger.

This abductee is now in her late 50's. She is a typical woman of her age with a family and life similar to many women of her generation. To meet this woman you would not notice anything different about her- not at first glance.

She appears normal in most every way. She has learned how to blend in to a crowd.

She has long blond curly hair that never seems to find a comb , loves her jeans and tee shirts and walks around lost in her own daily routine like everyone else. She is thin and athletic who loves riding horses and swimming all of which keeps her in good shape.

You may notice that in public no matter how hot it may be she will be wearing jeans or long pants . If the heat is extreme you will find her in gauze pants or long flowing sundresses but never shorts. Only those close to her have seen her as she exists. Shorts and swimsuits are reserved for the privacy of her home only.

The reason for her choice of fashion is due to the abnormal skin condition on her legs from the knee down. She long ago learned to forgo the stare of strangers at her odd appearance. She is careful of the sun as well as she can only tolerate it for about 20 minutes at a time before burning or feeling pain all over her skin. Like the other abductees' she suffers from the sunlight and is blinded by it. She cannot be outside without dark sunglasses. She has tinted windows in her vehicles and lives on a heavily shaded property filled with huge trees and large shade umbrella's.

This woman has learned to adapt her life to fit her conditions. Her house is securely hidden from her neighbors. Her pool is tucked beneath heavy shade trees and her deck is covered. She manages to live a normal life despite her special needs. She is surrounded by family and friends and does not live alone.

This woman is grateful she has the ability to provide this life and is fully aware others are not as lucky. She lives in a secluded area with lots of land around her home. She keeps to herself living her life with her family and a selected handful of friends. She is friendly and happy and hides her secrets well. She is careful who she spends time with which limits her relationships.

This woman has endured strange events since she was three years old. She has diluted memories from her childhood but can recall being returned down from a long funnel of neon green light as early as age three.

She has had lost time events all of her life . She remembers little of her childhood events other than strange rays of light or suddenly feeling light headed with little recall of what took place until she would find hours had passed and she was late to dinner without a reason why or a explanation of where she had been.

She recalls often feeling confused on what took place during her day as a child.

Her family considered the events a willful child who simply did not want to stop what she was doing and would often return home late for dinner. When she could not explain cuts and bruises on her body she would be punished for not telling the truth about where she had been. She had a difficult childhood.

She remembers complaining about dreadful pains in her legs as a child. The pain would be so severe she would lay on the floor and cry. Her parents gave her an aspirin and a hot bath and thought little of it.

Her encounters changed at age 12 when she and a group of teens had a clear sighting of a UFO that flew over the town where she lived on Long Island. The year was 1969 and the UFO sighting was seen by others as well as the group of teens who lived in her town.

This sighting was also a abduction case as the group of teens who reported the event had a time loss of three hours that they could not explain.

This woman continued having strange encounters with odd bright colored orbs and strange lost time events her entire life. She considers her life one filled with strangeness she cannot explain.

The events continued until her late 40's. At that point she became determined to stop the events and went about changing her life style making it difficult for her to be taken by her abductors.

She avoids the type of situation that makes abduction encounters possible as well as demanding that her abductors leave her alone. She would become loud and act wild and absolutely insane if she sensed an event was about to begin , She would scream and throw things to draw as much attention to her as possible. She found this crazed behavior seemed to stop or startle her abductors which would give her time to escape or run towards a safe spot of lights and people which would end the abduction attempt.

She recalls one event in the late 80's where she was alone in a wooded area. She was on her way to join a group of friends for an outside party located on a friends farm land and needed to cross a open field to the picnic area where they were waiting for her. As she was going about her business lugging a basket full of food as she headed across the open land towards the picnic area. Suddenly she could feel the strange dizzy sensation coming over her that she knew well and became furious. She threw her belongings on the ground and started to scream out to the field and woods around her

"Enough, enough - You cannot take me, I do not want to be hurt - you have no right to take me, no more- no more."

She became angry and kept yelling in a rage "no no no ".She threw her fists in to the air cursing and screaming in a wild outburst.

To her amazement her rage seemed to stop this abduction. It was the last time she had a lost time abduction experience attempt - however not the last of other strange events that continue in her life.

This woman has spent her life trying to avoid the kidnapping interference of others in her life. The strangeness has not stopped only changed in form. Now and then she finds strange objects placed in her pocket book, home, car and yard. She learned long ago to be aware of the things around her and if she or a family member come across odd objects in their environment that do not belong to anyone in the home they quickly remove them, destroy or bury them.

Once they offered an object to the authorities to investigate and were treated with insult and such ridicule that they simply bury most items far away where they can do no harm or be handled by anyone.

The abductee and her family remain confused on who it is or what is trying to tag her or her household with these items over the years. They fear at times they may have more than one paranormal problem at hand involving the unknown.

This abductee shares the ability to absorb knowledge quickly and has a large appetite for learning and reading which is a common trait with the real time abductees.

She also suffers from numerous health problems that cannot be explained.

She too has surgery scarring and has been told she has damage to her internal organs yet has never had an operation. She too has exhibited the body of a woman who has had numerous pregnancies yet only has had one child.

She has had an eye color change from a gray to a very vivid bright blue as well as other odd physical oddities she is not able to explain.

Like the other abductees all attempts she and her family have made for help or understanding in the medical community have failed leaving her to deal with her problems on her own or without mentioning her lifelong lost time events if she does need medical help with an injury that is the result of a lost time abduction event.

Most of the encounters she has endured have all started with her remembering when they begin, and when they end with little recall of the lost time in-between.

As far as what took place during her time being taken she has only limited flashes of recall. She does know she is given insight or messages during her lost time events. She tries to understand what it is that she needs to do with the information. She does share it with whoever will listen but has found little interest from the public including those in the paranormal community.

Although she has limited memory of her abductions she knows that those taking her had a human form but seemed to be wrapped in very tight skin like protective suits that were a white blue gray in color.

She knows that they memory wiped her as she also has many events that occurred around the time of her abductions that were going on in her life wiped away as well.

If she had visited her grandmother the day before a incident she would not be able to recall the visit.

After one particular lost time event she endured at age18 she seemed to have lost memory of most of her 15th year of life as well. She can clearly remember her life up until hitting the 15 year mark. After that there is a large gap of memory to what took place in her life until about the end of her 15th year. This has been a ongoing problem following most of her lost time events.

This abductee feels very strongly about the direction that has been taken with the subjects concerning the UFO alien agenda.

She is disgusted with the 'free- for- all' that surrounds the abduction issue and refuses to join in with those who combine the fantasy crowd of fools and frauds with those having real lost time encounters.

She feels angry at the large number of people who spend their time making up ridiculous claims about events that may fill a lonely gap in their life while doing great harm to those who are enduring difficult kidnappings, being harmed and in turn have no place to go to for help because of the fools and frauds who have made this subject a huge joke.

Of all the abductee lost time event people I have talked to this woman is by far the most angry at society and the treatment she has endured due to ignorance, fear and denial concerning this serious subject.

This woman thinks we are completely off base on most of our thinking about the alien UFO subject. She hopes by telling what she and the others have gone through a new spark may ignite in the public to grasp what is real from the fantasy bringing a new light to this subject that is presently lost in darkness .

Her hope is that someday we can replace giggles for answers. She has hope one day those who have had to go it alone and suffer in silence will find compassion and help in place of disrespect and denial concerning what they have had to endure.

This woman feels those who have taken her in the past and who have interfered in her life are alien however she believes they work hand in hand with some fraction of the human race. She feels her government betrayed her and has always known what was going on and why.

I found this abductee to be strong and determined to continue to keep her abduction experiences at arms length . She is one of the lucky ones as she has a secure base of those who believe and help her around her which makes her ability to protect against this easier as compared to those who may have no allies to help defend them.

I found the experience of interviewing her to be more than I anticipated and hope what she shared with us will help to bring some logic and reality to this subject.

Be careful out there and always pay attention to your surroundings.

♥ Copyright © 2016 Chris Holly's Endless Journey with the Unknown

The Alien Abduction Files: The Most Startling Cases of Human Alien Contact Ever Reported


Mojave Incident: Inspired by a Chilling Story of Alien Abduction

Alien Implants: Evidence of UFO Abductions and Encounters

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