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jeudi, février 11, 2016

Daily 2 Cents: 'She wasn't a bag lady...' -- 'America's Prophet' Didn't Predict Indictment -- Queensland Town Invaded by Moths

'She wasn't a bag lady...'

Kimberly in Nevada called in to tell of something that happened to her when she was in college:

“I had an experience when I was going to college, I was working part time, going to college part time. I toured people around a health-club. One day this bag lady comes in and everybody wanted me to get rid of her and it was kind of really before bag lady was a term but you knew this was not the kind of person that was going to plunk down several hundred dollars for a membership.

Long story short, I didn't throw her out of the club, I took her with me. And not only did I take her with me on the tour but as the conversation unfolded, I don't know but this woman had something - there was something we needed to talk about, so I ended up leaving my position, going to a coffee shop. Left my job to go get coffee and I thought I was gone for like 10 minutes. When I came back to the club, everybody was freaked out, it was night-time. They called the cops, my mother and, you know, this person said they were from a different dimension, they told me things that have come true in my life but it wasn't like... They were just there because your soul had gone through something and basically they were there to hug you, that's what she said. She wasn't a bag lady.

The weirdest thing was, when I came back to the club, all this hoopla was going on. Before I did anything, I walked back out the front door to get a hold of her and she was gone in a matter of minutes. Like where did she go? At the beginning, at 19 years old, I was just so caught up in how everybody thought I was dead or kidnapped. My mom's there and freaked out. She took me into the bathroom because she thought I had been attacked and we needed to talk to the police and, you know, and they told me that they called the police. I said, 'Mom, I was only gone 10 minutes.' And she said, 'Kimberly, like 8 hours you've been gone.'”

Source: Clyde Lewis Ground Zero Radio – May 12, 2015

Transcribed by Jamie Brian


'America's Prophet' Didn't Predict Indictment

A Hermosa Beach couple was indicted Monday on charges they allegedly filed false federal income tax returns seeking millions of dollars in refunds, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said.

Sean David Morton, 58, and his wife, Melissa Ann Morton, 50, were arrested Sunday in San Pedro when they disembarked from a “Conspira-Sea Cruise” to the Mexican Riviera aboard the Ruby Princess, authorities said.

A 56-count federal grand jury indictment alleges Sean Morton filed a false income tax return in 2010 that requested a refund of $2.8 million and another in 2012 that sought nearly $1.6 million, prosecutors said.

The Mortons are each charged with one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States and two counts of making false claims to the United States. They also are charged with submitting false documents to the Internal Revenue Service, the California Franchise Tax Board, banks, mortgage and student loan companies, and county tax collectors, as a means to pay off debt.

If convicted, Sean Morton could face up to 650 years in federal prison. His wife faces up to 625 years in prison.

NOTE: Sean David Morton is a radio host / author...self-described psychic and alleged remote viewer who has referred to himself as "America's Prophet." Lon


Queensland Town Invaded by Moths

Thousands of moths have invaded Winton in western Queensland, Australia, feasting on fresh grass that sprouted from recent rainfall.

Winton resident Frank Standfast was on his way to work early on Wednesday morning when he discovered the swarm under a light post in front of the hardware store. Mr Standfast said he had never seen anything like it. "I've never seen it that thick, but it was obviously under a pretty bright street light," he said.

"We presume because there's actually some green grass here. It hasn't rained here for a week or two, but now we've got some grass we seem to have a heap of moths." He said council workers spent hours trying to clean them up. Mr Standfast said the town's baker, whose shop is across the road from the hardware store, said the swarm looked like a "cloud".

"[The baker] comes to work at like two o'clock in the morning and he didn't know what it was when he come to work," he said. "In the light it was just like a cloud - he thought it was like a haze or something, he reckons. It was when they were all still flying because it was dark." - Moth 'cloud' covers Winton streets in western Queensland


Amazon Software Adds 'Zombie Invasion' Clause

The Internet giant has added a rather unusual clause to the small print of one its latest products.

In a peculiar move that hopefully doesn't mean that Amazon knows something that we don't, the company has decided that adding an exemption clause to cover the possibility of a zombie apocalypse is a necessary step during the release of its new game engine software.

The terms and conditions document, which all users are expected to agree to before using the product, features a statement indicating that it is not permissible to use the software to build "life-critical or safety-critical systems" unless the world has been taken over by flesh-eating zombies:

"This restriction will not apply in the event of the occurrence (certified by the United States Centers for Disease Control or successor body) of a widespread viral infection transmitted via bites or contact with bodily fluids that causes human corpses to reanimate and seek to consume living human flesh, blood, brain or nerve tissue and is likely to result in the fall of organized civilization."

Let's hope that nobody will ever need to put this particular loophole to the test. Read more at Only a zombie apocalypse will free you from Amazon’s Ts and Cs



The Invisible World of Iceland: Elves, Ghosts and Monsters Live On in a Liminal Landscape

David Weatherly - Beyond Belief TV With George Noory - David will be our guest on Arcane Radio - Monday 2/15

Argentina: Seeing is Believing - Family Photographs an Alleged UFO at La Rinconada

Should we wipe mosquitoes off the face of the Earth?

Titanic II to set sail in 2018 for people who aren’t superstitious at all

Phantoms & Monsters: Mysterious Encounters - my most recent eBook. Lon

Phantoms & Monsters: Bizarre Encounters

Phantoms & Monsters: Cryptid Encounters

Phantoms & Monsters: Strange Encounters