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samedi, février 13, 2016

Daily 2 Cents: The Alien Grabbed My Dog -- 'Nike Phenomenon' Resurfaces -- The Tall 'Grey' Was Brown

The Alien Grabbed My Dog

Paula Bradley from the Blue Mountains in Australia wrote to tell of a strange encounter she had with what she believed to be an alien grey:

“I want to share an experience I had a few years ago. I woke up late one night to lights flashing outside my window which was strange as my room was on the second story at the back of my house. The thing I remember thinking at the time was that it was eerily quiet. My fan and my computer were not on which was weird to say the least. It was just dead quiet and still as if time had stopped. I looked around my room and looked out my window which I could see from my bed for the source of the light. In the corner of my room I saw a figure, maybe four foot tall. I could see the outline and only a bit of detail. It looked like a grey alien with something in his arms. He was holding my chihuahua who slept with me almost every night. I was so shocked to see this, I stretched out my hand toward him and yelled her name: Coffee! Right after I said this, I was pushed back onto the bed by an invisible force and blacked out. I really don't think this was a dream because I remembered it vividly a couple of years later.”

Source: Darkness Radio - November 25, 2015

Transcribed by Jamie Brian


The Tall 'Grey' Was Brown

Arcadia, CA - 5/10/2008: I have seen these guys before but this time something went very wrong. I was not supposed to wake up but I did. There were 3 of them. When I woke I could see the taller one gasp and put his hand to his mouth. The smaller one ran very fast to my side of the bed. I could turn my head but not move my body. His little mouth was shaped in an "O" and arms out to his side. There was another at my bedside but I did not see his face as I turned my head all I saw was a dim light and I went out.

I woke up in a pool of water as if my water had broke (I have given birth before and knew what was going on.) I got up threw my pj bottoms in the shower wiped down and put clean ones on. I was a bit groggy. Got a towel and laid in on the bed, the sheets were wet. I had to get up the next day and go to work and just got back in bed. Our two dogs that sleep with us did not wake up not even when I got up to go to the bathroom nor did [ItemMoved/CMS/nd] (my husband).

The next morning the bed was dry. No evidence of any water. No mark, nothing. My pj bottoms were still wet when I check them. I just got dressed and went to work. My co-worker asked if I was all right as I was not my perkie self. I told her I had a bad night then told her what had happened. She wanted me to talk to someone at Cal Tech but I refused. I did not and DO NOT want people poking me or looking into my bedroom. I don't want to chase them away nor do I want any government official start to follow me around or abduct me because I "know too much" I am not happy that this is viewable by the public as I am more afraid of them than I am of the brown guys. And Yes they are brownish in color. I believe it has something to do with their height. The smaller one was grayish and the taller one was brown. I asked to see them again and they did. - MUFON CMS


Woman Says She Was Attacked By 'Ghosts'

There just has to be a lot more to a bizarre story out of Maplewood. Mental illness, serious drug use, or some other cause of hallucinations could very possibly have left someone seriously if not gravely injured.

For now, all we've got to go on is a crime alert originating out of the St. Paul suburb that's home to the 3M headquarters and, according to one woman, at least two ghosts.

The alert, which a user posted to imgur late last night, tells the story of a woman who was "unresponsive" and behind a locked door when her family found her. She was holding a large kitchen knife, and was covered in blood. Her body had no visible wound that could have accounted for that much blood loss.

Medics were called, and the woman eventually came back to consciousness. It was then that she told her version of the events that had led to her discovery in that state.

"She claimed that she was attacked by two 'ghosts,'" the crime alert says, "and stabbed one of them in the chest before she went unconscious."

Aside from the blood that covered the woman's face, neck, and hands, there was a trail that led all over the house — but did not extend outside it.

Of course, the Maplewood Police Department is not Ghostbusters, so they are treating the mysterious incident like a potentially serious crime. That would mean a live, human stabbing victim somewhere out there, who managed to escape the woman's home alive, though without leaving a blood trail.

The alert hopes to bring someone out the woodwork who saw something Tuesday — "Thank you for checking!" comes the rather cheerful sign-off — and might help clear up what really happened there. One might think that in a fairly small, peaceful suburb, the sight of a person staggering around bleeding might have caught someone's attention.

Or that this victim would have contacted police, or sought medical attention for their wounds. As of Friday morning, there is only one witness, and she's claiming that whoever she stabbed was already dead. - Woman Says She Was Attacked By 'Ghosts'


'Nike phenomenon' resurfaces in B.C. with discovery of foot in shoe

If you die in coastal waters and are not discovered and you are wearing a running shoe — especially one with with gas injected into the shoe soles — then one or both of your feet could end up as the newest case of the "Nike Phenomenon."

That's what happened to someone's foot Sunday on a Vancouver Island shoreline. The Canadian Press reported that a hiker exploring Botanical Beach near Port Renfrew "came across a running shoe containing a human foot in a sock." The B.C. Coroners Service is investigating but so far foul play is not suspected.

So far, since 2007, 13 feet have washed ashore in British Columbia. Others have washed ashore elsewhere in the Northwest and across the globe.

For instance, reported in 2008 that a right foot in a sock was found in New Zealand, a right foot in a high-top runner in the Ottawa River in Ottawa, two feet on Chesil Beach in southern England, two in Spain, one in California and another in Merseyside in the U.K.

In a story I wrote about the phenomenon in 2011, Curtis Ebbesmeyer, world renown oceanographer and beachcomber extraordinaire, told me:

"I think you could probably trace it to the Nike phenomenon. Nike was the one that really brought in the air soles. Certainly in the '90s, Nike was a major producer of shoes with gas injected soles. Once you start doing that then you have at least part of the phenomenon."

Coroners have explained that hundreds of people are likely missing in coastal waters and over time their bodies will decompose and disarticulate and what will float will float. Of the more than a dozen feet found in shoes, non of them have been associated with murder and certainly not mechanical dismemberment.

Of the 12 previous incidents, coroners report that 10 feet have been identified as belonging to seven people.

The is the 13th foot is currently under investigation. Regional Coroner Matt Brown told CKNW radio that DNA tests will be used to try and identify who the foot belongs to.

"The shoe itself we believe was manufactured in late 2012 early 2013 so what we are looking for most likely is somebody who went missing between March of 2013 and December of 2015." - 'Nike phenomenon' resurfaces in B.C. with discovery of foot in shoe



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Powwowing Among the Pennsylvania Dutch: A Traditional Medical Practice in the Modern World (Pennsylvania German History and Culture) - Very good basic information on Pow-wow.

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