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lundi, janvier 04, 2016

More 'Phantom Planes'

I received another account in reference to 'phantom planes':

Interesting stories about phantom planes. When I lived in Taos (4/2006 to 8/2011) I photographed many planes chemtrailing, as I did before when I lived in Culpepper. I photographed MANY SWA 737s spraying in both locations. There is another chemtrail experience I will relate in a day or two.

During nearly cloudless days, I often heard a jet noise that was very loud, as if it were passing overhead. I generally had my Canon SLR with a 300 or 500mm telephoto lens with me in the yard, or else I had a pair or binoculars with me. I would estimate this happened 15-20 times, if not more. In all these occasions, no jetliner, military plane, chemtrail or contrail was visible anywhere in a clear sky, or in a sky with a very few clouds! I heard the plane passing overhead, but could never locate it with binoculars or a telephoto lens. Nor with my two eyes. Was the military conduction tests of invisibility technology? That would be my best guess.

On an occasion I cannot date - but it was a midsummer twilight on Hanover Avenue in Richmond, Virginia - I sat on a second floor balcony with my then and present bandmate, Bo. It was late twilight, but there was still a little twilight left in the sky. Another friend was cooking dinner in the back. We both saw a single-engine, Cessna-type plane, the kind with the wing above the fuselage, pass overhead, from south to north, at maybe 600 feet elevation. Hanover Avenue is trafficless and quiet in the evening. There was no traffic noise at all. I would guess there was none within 2-3 blocks, at least. It was totally silent outside. And this plane passed overhead with no engine noise whatsoever! We both looked at each other in astonishment! I asked him a couple years ago if he remembered it, and he did.

There is no airport in that direction. There was an airfield on northside that had been closed for many years then. I flew in an out of it in a friend's single-engine plane some years before, maybe in 1967. Richmond International (RIC), then Byrd Field, is 12-15 to the east-southeast of that location. WB

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