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jeudi, janvier 14, 2016

Daily 2 Cents: Rare 'Frostquake' Jolts Wisconsin -- Human-Like Entity in the Craft Window -- The Science Behind Bigfoot

Rare 'Frostquake' Jolts Wisconsin

A weather event that a National Weather Service meteorologist says "[sounds] like someone drove into your house" likely took place in southern Wisconsin on Tuesday night, and it wasn't a tornado, lightning strike, or earthquake. Instead, it was what's called a "frostquake," the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports, a rare happening in the Badger State that takes place when water that seeps into the ground freezes and expands, fracturing the ground around it.

Although no damage has been called in from the so-called cryoseism, that didn't stop the extreme-weather occurrence from frightening locals. "[Loud] boom and house rumbling at 8:30 here outside of Beaver Dam WI. Crazy. Kids were scared," one resident tweeted. One other possibility for those who heard noises: "[Booms] could have been from Air Force planes on exercise per media," tweeted NWS Milwaukee. - Rare 'Frostquake' Probably Jolted Wisconsin


Using Witchcraft to Thwart Computer Viruses

When nasty viruses infect the computers of folks up in Northern California, Reverend Joey Talley is on it.

The Wiccan witch—who is also an ordained minister through the State of California—not only offers services for people struggling with romantic heartache, depression, and other ailments, she also exorcises viruses from computers.

“No problem is too small, too big, or too weird” is Talley’s motto. Sure, she can do a love spell, but she’d rather face off with ghosts and demons.

To excise such entities out of a machine, she uses a variety of techniques—she might place stones on top of the computer, clear the dark energy by setting an intention with her mind, or cleanse the area around the computer by burning sage. The time it takes to clear these viruses depends on the nefariousness of the entity, she says: sometimes it takes just an hour, other times it can take up to four.

I spoke with Talley to learn more about how she’s used Wiccan witchcraft to build a client base of professionals who want alternative tech support in and around Silicon Valley, and how she silences her critics. Read more at We Talked to a Witch Who Casts Viruses Out of Computers With Magic


The Science Behind Bigfoot

No matter what you call it, stories have been handed down for decades about the mysterious creature spotted in places all over the world.

"There were so many people from so many walks of life that were having these encounters. Many were not extraordinary encounters, just quick visuals of a large hairy thing walking around where it shouldn't have been," said Brian Brown.

Quick sightings turned into an easy passion for Brown and the dozens of others who make up the 'North American Wood Ape Conservancy. '

"I thought it was bogus. I thought it was all a big phony story that had been made up," said Daryl Colyer.

Colyer served in the United States Air Force and made a promise to his friends when he was out.

"There's no way that this thing can be real -so some of my buddies and I were talking about it one time, we had some down time, I made a vow to them, my air force buddies that I was going to look into this for real," said Colyer.

Colyer said he remained skeptical until he had his own sighting.

"Ahead of me- 40 50 yards I see this figure, that jumps across the trail. It's upright, it's jumping like a long jumper across the trail, it lands across on the opposite side of the trail. It hits the limb, makes the limb move, takes a little skip hop and disappears into the woods," said Colyer.

Alton Higgins was a wildlife biologist for more than 40 years. Collecting scat and researching animal species was his professional job for the state of Arizona.

"I can at least say that there's a biological basis behind the phenomenon. It's not hundreds of years and thousands of people that are having the same hallucination. There's something biological about the thing," said Higgins. "Some point, in science when people report things, hopefully someone at some point takes the initiative to look into it."

That's exactly what Higgins and 62 others did.

Over the course of 4 years, 12,000 hours of observation, the NAWAC published the 'Ouachita Project Monograph.'

The 229 page report details consistent unusual patterns, noises, and findings the NAWAC has found over the last four years.

To collect information, researchers spent most of the summer months camped out a week at a time in the Ouachita Mountains. Teams are typically 2-6 members and a different shift will come the next week.

One of the main findings in the report was 49 different sightings of 'Big Foot' or what they call the 'Wood Ape.'

"I guess the analogy is that I had suddenly been just yanked into this different room of reality now," said Colyer.

One thing researchers found happening consistently- wood knocks.

Researchers would often hit a tree with a bat and hear a response somewhere off in the woods.

"Some of these places we go are pretty remote. I've been camping in south east Oklahoma for weeks and have not seen literally another person," said Higgins.

There are several records of rocks being thrown in the study. The NAWAC photographed rocks being found in unusual places, recorded 'rock rain' hitting their cabin, and had several instances where rocks were thrown at researchers.

"People ask us that all the time, well why don't you have any pictures. Well it's not for a lack of trying," said Colyer.

In the beginning, Colyer said the group focused all of its resources on capturing a photo of big foot. However, no matter how fancy the camera or how often they tried, it never happened.

"They associate these cameras with humans so they stay away from them. We just don't know. There's a lot of things we don't know at this point, and that's why we continue to do this," said Colyer.

Researchers also found 'nut cracking' stations. They found sports where a smaller rock was sitting on top of a larger rock and between the two were smashed hickory nuts.

"Some kind of an animal that has a hand that can pick up a rock and small nuts," said Higgins.

One new technology that they are using is a tracker. Within the last year or so, researchers have been hanging trackers 7 feet off the ground with string. The trackers look like something found in the woods and are covered in rat glue in hopes that they would stick onto big foot while it ran past.

Recently, one of the trackers was picked up and activated.

"The known apes are notorious for pulling off tags because they've been tagged by biologists because they've got hands they've got brains. There's a tag in my hair, I'll just pull it out and throw it away," said Colyer.

Brown and the others said, they don't present the scientific report as proof-but it is a start.

"As compelling as we believe it to be, we don't present that as proof. We don't believe it's enough to establish this as a real animal," said Brown.

However, all believe they are a couple of steps away from saying 'I told you so.' - The science behind Bigfoot

The full study - OuachitaProjectMonograph Version1.1 03112015


Human-Like Entity in the Craft Window

2013-06-04 - 1:55AM: I do rodeo in the summer for fun I was in a town of less than 100 Bickelton Washington in the late afternoon clouds appeared to morph and out of a transparent haze small spheres became to immerse they followed the car I was in for several minutes later that night they began rapidly zipping around the sky and changing color and shape they than formed a triangle and started to ascend witnessed by 11 people one being Air Force this whole group of people left the sceen my and my friend drove 2 hours back to Yakima to return the next day but on the way their lights started flashing our phones died and I became unconscious my friend claims to have seen a human like entity in a window from the triangle flying just behind us certain events that took place that night is to much to talk about it happened in 2013 we agreed to never talk about it but I need to closure we want to remain Anonymous to the public but would love to show a MUFON representative exactly where this event took place for several hours - MUFON CMS


Hey folks...your review / feedback at Amazon is appreciated - Phantoms & Monsters: Mysterious Encounters



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