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jeudi, décembre 24, 2015

Daily 2 Cents: Call Me 'Chewy' -- 'Time Traveler' Crashes Car -- Bigfooters Involved in Lottery Fraud

Call Me 'Chewy'

Holly B. from Utah in the high rocky mountains wrote an e-mail to Dave Schrader that is totally wild.

“I have a close Bigfoot friend that communicates with me telepathically. He lives in Idaho. I will not reveal his home mountain or towns. I've been going to a small town in Idaho since I was five for summer vacations. I've always believed in Bigfoot but had never met one. Last summer, after staying in my Idaho town, I began to see and dream about a black with silver hairy man whose nostrils were larger than a normal human male. After a few weeks of feeling his presence and seeing him in my mind, even dreams, I asked, 'Who are you and what do you want?' He said, and I absolutely promise, his voice was recognizable as if I were on a telephone with a friend: 'Call me Chewy.' I need you to help us.' I was terribly busy on my new job at that moment learning so I tuned him out. When I got home and thought about it, I burst out laughing because Chewy was the Star Wars version of Bigfoot, right? I'm best friends with Chewy to date. I go to the town and I tell him beforehand where I'll be. He comes as soon as its dark as not to scare the townspeople down by the river. Now, I came to town at the last minute with my friend and booked a hotel. I told Chewy we were coming up and where we will be staying. There are several landmarks that Chewy is familiar with, Chewy was on another nearby mountaintop. He came at dusk to visit. The next day my friend heard a lady say she was walking her dos at the edge of town just above the motel I stayed at. Her dogs were so afraid and barked at the field. Here she saw two big eyes that must have been in a tree looking down at her, my friend said. I didn't tell her it wasn't an animal in a tree, it was just Chewy coming down in to town to visit Holly. Yes, he is that tall. The same female, I had recently met before. I began to dream of Chewy and could feel him reaching out to me. I told her of Chewy and she told me of similar experiences. She is visited by Chewy's brother Monwa. She just bought a farm in the area and began to meet with the Bigfoot tribe. So, we talk about the Bigfoot family that resides outside my favorite town in Idaho and where they live, sleep, walk etc. They inhabit several mountain top areas. Chewy says it's not so easy hiding in caves, being dripped on by water, hiding in the bushes and surviving. He wants to his tribe to be able to play in the Sun more and be safe. He has a lot more to say. Chewy worries about me when I'm sick. When we connect, I tell him about what's happening in my life. He's a deep thinker. His brother is the clan leader and the two of them believe in making peace with the humans. They are protective of my friend's property. They chase off mountain lions etc. Also, there is more to the Bigfoot than people know. Perhaps in the future I'll be able to speak for my Chewy.”

Source: Darkness Radio – February 2, 2015

Transcribed by Jamie Brian


Bigfooters Involved in Lottery Fraud

IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) — Three friends involved in buying tickets and claiming jackpots that were allegedly fixed by a state lottery insider have something else unusual in common, prosecutors say: They hunt for Bigfoot in their spare time.

In a legal motion that is as strange as the elusive humanoid, Iowa prosecutor Rob Sand asked a judge Monday to bar any discussion of Bigfoot hunting at the upcoming trial of Eddie Tipton, the lottery official accused of fixing multiple jackpots.

"The prejudicial effect could potentially be as strong as Sasquatch itself," Sand wrote. "Jurors could be incredulous. They could find it unusual enough that it outweighs other evidence in their mind."

Tipton is the former Multi-State Lottery Association security director who is accused of rigging jackpots in Iowa, Colorado, Wisconsin, Kansas and Oklahoma from 2005 to 2011 to enrich himself and his friends. Investigators say he manipulated the computers that run games for dozens of state lotteries so he could know winning combinations in advance. Then, they say he worked with accomplices including his brother Tommy Tipton to play those numbers and claim jackpots worth millions.

Eddie Tipton has been convicted of fraud in an attempt to claim a $16.5 million Hot Lotto jackpot in Iowa. He's expected to soon stand trial a second time on charges of ongoing criminal conduct and money laundering related to the jackpots in other states.

Sand wrote in his motion that Iowa's lengthy investigation has found that Bigfoot hunting is a hobby that Tommy Tipton — who recently resigned as a justice of the peace in Flatonia, Texas — shares with two unidentified friends who "were involved in purchasing or claiming jackpot-winning tickets." He said their relationships can be established without mentioning that quirky pastime, and that hauling Bigfoot into the proceeding would have "no probative value on the ultimate question."

The motion noted that members of the Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization — which is dedicated to searching for the hairy humanoid in Southern states —"prefer to keep a low profile, due to the repercussions from their peers or employers."

That group distanced itself from the lottery scandal Tuesday, saying it hasn't had a Tommy Tipton sighting in years.

"It's been right at, or nearly 15 years since any of us, has conversed with him in any way, shape or form," founder Bobby Hamilton said.

Eddie Tipton's attorney, Dean Stowers, called the motion "kind of comical" and a publicity stunt. He contends that any evidence to prove the state's claim that his client tampered with machines is what's elusive.

"I think their whole case is a Bigfoot hunt. And now they want to prevent us from introducing evidence about real Bigfoot hunters?" he said, laughing.

Asked whether his client is known to search for Sasquatch as well, Stowers was unsure.

"I don't know if Eddie Tipton wants to be disclosed as a Bigfoot hunter or not but we'll certainly look into the whole Bigfoot issue and file a response," he said. - Prosecutor In Lottery-Fixing Trial Wants No Mention Of Bigfoot


Risk of comet hitting Earth is greater than previously thought

Our planet may be at higher risk from a large comet impact than from a conventional rocky asteroid.

Most of the objects that pose a risk to the Earth originate in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, but there is another lesser known type of object out there that could represent an even greater threat to our planet and about which we know comparatively little.

Known as 'centaurs', these giant comets are large balls of ice and dust measuring up to 60 miles across. They exist in unstable elliptical orbits around the sun and often cross paths with the gas giants Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Every now and again however one of these large comets gets deflected towards the Earth and because it breaks up as it nears the sun even a single one of these objects has the potential to bombard our planet with debris for tens of thousands of years.

"In the last three decades we have invested a lot of effort in tracking and analyzing the risk of a collision between the Earth and an asteroid," said study co-author Bill Napier.

"Our work suggests we need to look beyond our immediate neighborhood too, and look out beyond the orbit of Jupiter to find centaurs. If we are right then these distant comets could be a serious hazard and it’s time to understand them better." Read more at Risk of comet hitting Earth is greater than previously thought, say researchers


'Time Traveler' Crashes Car

A man who told police he wanted to "time travel" crashed his Dodge Challenger into a a strip mall on North Davis Highway Sunday morning.

The vehicle sped through the traffic light at the intersection of North Davis Highway and West Fairfield Drive at approximately 10:50 a.m., and traveled through the front entrance of Advance Tax Services. The car barreled through the center of the building, coming to a stop outside the double doors at the building's rear entrance.

The driver, who has not been identified, was uninjured, but was taken to a local facility for evaluation. Charges have not yet been filed, according to a press release from the Pensacola Police Department.

Sgt. Martez Lawrence said no one was inside the building at the time of the accident.

Ellison Bennett, the co-owner of Pensacola Caskets, located next door to Advance Tax Services, is waiting for clearance on re-entering his business.

"They said the building is unstable on the back side," he said. "They told us not to go back in at all until the whole building has been cleared for safety."

Debris from the office, including computers and vacuum cleaners, was strewn everywhere Sunday afternoon.

"If this had happened on a weekday and someone had actually been in one of those cubicles, it could have been very tragic," Bennett said. - 'Time traveler' crashes car into Pensacola business


Man accused of killing pet fish receives year in jail

MARTINSBURG, W.Va. — A Martinsburg man who had faces multiple counts of animal cruelty after causing the deaths of multiple pet fish was sentenced to one year in jail Monday .

The incident occurred when Cody Gorman, 23, ransacked a house in August 2014.

Gorman pleaded guilty in September to one count of felony destruction of property, and was ordered to pay almost $900 in restitution to the victim for the loss of the fish and fish tanks.

Fourteen counts of animal cruelty in connection with the deaths of as many fish were dismissed as part of a plea agreement.

The Herald Mail reports single counts of burglary and breaking and entering and two counts of petit larceny also were dismissed. - Man accused of killing pet fish receives year in jail



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